Do you think Qi's Cloth Village can just play around? There is a price to pay for causing trouble here.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Uncle, why don't you send someone to Qi Mansion to ask Mr. Qi to see if we are lying?"

Qin Sanlang directly took out two silver notes, put them on the table, tapped them with the knuckles of his index fingers, and said, "We have money, but we really don't need money to buy things at your Qi's shop."

The shopkeeper looked at the table and saw two thousand-tael banknotes. He was shocked. He looked at Qin Sanlang again. This young man had an air of nobility about him. He looked like a freeloader who didn't care, so he believed it. They shouted: "Fuzi, go to the old housekeeper in Qi Mansion and ask him to take you to see the second master. Ask the second master if there is such a thing?"

The shopkeeper didn't dare to go, for fear that the two of them would run away.

Fuzi had been helping here and knew what was going on. After saying yes, he immediately left for Qi Mansion.

Mr. Qi has been getting angry these days, fearing that Gu Jinli will sell off his goods if he gets angry. The spices are very popular, and now that they are famous, they are almost a must-have for every household.

His family has made a lot of money from this business. If the business goes bad, he will be killed.

It was also his fault that he was too cautious, fearing that Gu Dashan's unfilial piety would affect his own family, so he avoided the Gu family when the old Gu family made things difficult for them, and did not dare to associate with the Gu family.

But he also has difficulties. His eldest brother is a Beijing official, he is a scholar, and he has two sons studying. Reputation is the most important thing. If his reputation is affected by the Gu family, it will be bad.

Who knew that the Gu family was so powerful that they could survive in such a dead situation. Nowadays, although some people will criticize Gu Jinan, people in Fucheng mostly criticize the old Gu family.

The legend of the poisonous woman with the third surname was Old Mrs. Gu. He went to listen to it once and was very angry. If he met such a stepmother, let alone being unfilial, he could just chop her with a knife.

While he was in a state of distress, the old housekeeper suddenly brought a man in.

He was very upset when he saw it and said, "Old housekeeper, why did you bring the people from the shop to your home?"

The old housekeeper of the Qi Mansion said: "Second Master, this guy said that two customers came from Buzhuang and bought half of our shop without paying. He said that it was you who agreed to it, Second Master."

"I agree? Am I crazy?!" Mr. Qi was annoyed. Hearing this kind of attempt to take advantage of his own family, who wouldn't be angry? He immediately said angrily: "Hurry up and kick them out. If If you don’t leave, just call the officials to arrest them. Do you really think anyone can bully my Qi family?!”

Although the Qi family is not an aristocratic family, it is still considered a prominent family in He'an Mansion and cannot be bullied by anyone who wants to.

Fuzi was just a boy in a shop. He didn't see his boss once a year. He didn't dare to say anything at the moment. He just nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

But the old housekeeper frowned and asked, "How old are the two people who came to Buzhuang? Whose last names are they?"

Fuzi said: "Reporting to the old housekeeper, the two people did not report their names, but the girl said that the boss said that as long as her family comes to Qi's shop to buy things, it will be free of charge."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Both of them are very young, the man is in his early twenties at most, and the woman should be in her late teens."

Finally, he added: "The girl is very beautiful. She is a beauty. The man is handsome, but the evil spirit on his body is too strong, which makes people scared."

They also asked Qin Sanlang to take pictures of two silver notes to show that they had money but didn't want to give it to them.

After hearing this, the old housekeeper guessed who it was and said in surprise: "Second Master, it must be the girl of the Gu family. You don't have to worry, our business is saved."

If the girl from the Gu family is willing to accept this love, it means she forgives the Qi family.

Mr. Qi also thought of Gu Jinli and was so happy that he almost cried. He hurriedly said: "Hurry, prepare the car quickly, I want to go to Buzhuang!"

Mr. Qi was so excited that he immediately ordered someone to prepare a car and took the old housekeeper and Fuzi to Qi's Clothing Village.

After seeing Gu Jinli, he hurriedly said: "Gu girl, you are here, but you scared my uncle to death."

He couldn't sleep all night long because he was afraid that his spice business would go bankrupt.

He looked at Qin Sanlang again and said hello with a smile: "You are also here, a descendant of the Qin family. Do you have any materials to choose from? I remember that there is leather in the shop. How about someone bring it to you? This man is You have to wear leather to look impressive."

He heard that both the Qin family and the Gu family were interested. If nothing unexpected happened, the boy from the Qin family would be the future husband of the girl from the Gu family.

Mr. Qi looked at Sanlang Qin. Well, he was so evil that only a boy like this could handle the girl of the Gu family. If his two sons married the girl of the Gu family, they would be plotted to death by the girl of the Gu family.

Qin Sanlang was very cold. He just glanced at Mr. Qi and said nothing.

When Mr. Qi saw it, he immediately told the shopkeeper: "Are you blind? You didn't see the distinguished guest coming. Hurry up and get the best leather from our shop and let the distinguished guest choose!"

The shopkeeper was confused for a long time. She didn't expect that what Gu Jinli said was true. She really knew the shopkeeper and came to buy things for free.

That's right, they buy things for free, so a piece of high-quality leather costs three hundred taels at least. Do you really want to give it to them to choose? You will lose money to death!

The shopkeeper looked at Mr. Qi and gave him a bloodthirsty look.

Mr. Qi said angrily: "Why are you blinking? Go and get it quickly. Get the best leather. Get a few more. Don't pick at Sosou!"

The shopkeeper was shocked. He saw Mr. Qi every year. He knew that Mr. Qi was very stingy and only liked to receive gifts. He was always stingy in giving gifts, but this time he was too generous. It seemed that these two young people His identity is not simple.

"Hey, let's go and get it." The shopkeeper immediately took two of his assistants to pick out the leather. Not long after, he came over with six pieces of high-quality leather. He smiled and said to Gu Jinli, "Guest, you pick your choice." , see which one you like?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "No more picking, just wrap them all up."

Since it was delivered to her door by the Qi family, what else could she choose? Just take them all.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he almost vomited blood. You are so rude. He didn't dare to make the decision. He looked at Mr. Qi and asked him what he meant with his eyes.

Mr. Qi was also stunned. He was in terrible pain. Six pieces of high-quality leather were just gone. It was so cruel. It was indeed the style of a girl from the Gu family.

"What are you still waiting for? Wrap up the leather quickly and wrap it up properly." Mr. Qi endured the pain and ordered, then asked the waiter: "Why is there no tea or snacks? Hurry up and bring the good tea and snacks. .”

"Hey." Seeing that Mr. Qi was so nervous, the guys didn't dare to neglect him. They hurriedly served tea and snacks, which was a busy time.

Gu Jinli just sat and watched them busy.

Seeing that she had been silent, Mr. Qi was so frightened that he stepped forward and said, "Girl of the Gu family, I was too ignorant some time ago. I shouldn't be afraid to cut off all contact with your family just because of the old Gu family's affairs. I reflect on you." Once it’s over, it will definitely not happen again in the future, so just calm down, right?”

Gu Jinli was eating snacks and asked, "Am I stingy?"

Mr. Qi: "..."

Judging by your question, are you being stingy and not knowing what you are thinking?

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