Mrs. Lu stepped forward, held her daughter's hand, took her into the house, and after letting her sit down, asked her again what she had just said: "Linglong, are you really willing to marry Gu Dexing? His family is not as well off as Gu Jin An Jiahao, he himself is not as promising as Gu Jinan. Even if he can be admitted to the scholar examination, whether he can be admitted to the judicial examination in the future is still one thing."

He also told her in detail about the situation of Gu Dexing's family and the Chen family.

"You have seen how his aunt is. She may not be that bad, but she is too fierce. If you marry her, you will have to deal with such a person for the next few decades. She is an elder. If she bullies you, you still have to deal with her. You have to endure it.”

Da Chu has no shortage of nieces-in-law who were abused by their uncles and mothers-in-law. Some nieces-in-law have been angry with their uncles and mothers-in-law all their lives, and their lives are miserable.

Xu Zhong laughed, nodded slightly, and answered Lu's previous question: "Mom, my daughter is really willing to marry Gu Dexing. He is a good candidate."

She blushed for a while, and after the heat on her face subsided, she continued: "I know my mother's worries, but my daughter has never thought about becoming an official wife. In the future, if she can become an official, she will do it. If she can't, there will be someone else. With a reputation as a scholar, you can live a good life in the county. And I heard that the Qin Gu Luotian family has strict family upbringing, and no children from those families go to the building to have fun, let alone go to the gambling house for entertainment. . As long as there are no such problems, it will not be a loss for the daughter to marry."

Many rich families in the county have been to houses and gambling houses, and some even lost their ancestral homes.

Then talking about Mrs. Chen: "Although Aunt Gu seems to be fierce and tough, she is a protector of shortcomings. When she scolded Sister Ling today, most of what she said was to defend Gu Dexing. For an aunt to be able to protect her nephew like this, I think He is not a bad person, and my daughter believes that Aunt Gu will not bully her daughter based on her seniority."

"Besides, my daughter is not a fool. If she really bullies her, she won't let her go and will find a way to deal with it. Don't worry, mother."

Xu Zhong was very sensible at a young age. He knew how to act based on his boss's expression. He was also a good person and never had conflicts with others. But she is not a soft persimmon. On the contrary, she can use her brain. If she really can't bear it anymore, she will find a way to save herself.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu looked at her daughter's face and saw that she didn't look reluctant. She was relieved, but she still asked: "You don't want to be an official's wife, but because of the Tong family's affairs?"

The Tong family is from Jiangnan. Twenty years ago, Mr. Xu took the eldest son of the Xu family to open a shop in Jiangnan and met Mr. Tong. Seeing that Mr. Tong was very talented, Mr. Xu helped Mr. Tong with the idea that the more support he could provide, the more he would have a way out, so that Mr. Tong could continue his studies. In the end, Mr. Tong was admitted to Jinshi and became an official.

The Tong family was grateful. They had said at that time that they wanted their son to marry Mr. Xu's granddaughter as their first wife. Xu Ling had not yet been born at that time. Mr. Xu was afraid that the Tong family would regret it, so he told Xu Zhong and even changed the tokens.

But in the end, the son of the Tong family married a lady from the official family. They got married three years ago, and now the son can walk.

Fortunately, the marriage between the two families was only agreed verbally, and they did not go to the Yamen to register and receive the letter of appointment. Otherwise, her good daughter would have the reputation of being annulled.

Mrs. Lu cried countless times because of this matter. She always felt that her daughter's life was miserable.

Mr. Xu was also very angry, but the Tong family was already an official. Although he was a minor official, the Xu family did not dare to go against the official. They could only hold back their anger and did not dare to cause trouble to the Tong family.

Mrs. Lu was afraid that Xu Zhong would be disturbed by this incident and no longer wanted to be an official wife.

After hearing this, Xu Zhong was stunned and laughed: "Mom, if you didn't talk about Tong's family, I would have almost forgotten about his family."

I almost forgot about this old incident.

Then he said: "The things about the Tong family are just words and cannot be taken seriously. Moreover, my daughter has never met the Tong family... In fact, it can be seen from the fact that the Tong family does not allow the Tong family to visit our house. The Tong family has never thought about fulfilling this marriage. They have treated our family coldly for many years. They just want grandpa to see the reality clearly so that he can exchange the token back."

In the end, grandpa also came to his senses and took the initiative to exchange the tokens, so that the two families did not break up. The Tong family felt that they owed the Xu family and took great care of the Xu family's business in Jiangnan.

Xu Zhongdao: "Mom, although my daughter is not smart, she knows that she shouldn't be sad for people she has never met. My daughter has never been sad because of the Tong family."

She always felt that it was impossible for her to marry into the Tong family. She never regarded the Tong family as her future husband's family. How could she be sad? On the contrary, I feel a little lucky. I feel lucky that I saw the true face of the Tong family before getting married. Otherwise, when she gets married, she will be tortured to death.

It was nothing new for officials to molest their daughter-in-law, who had died of illness and had a bad family background. She knew it.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu shed tears: "Linglong, my dear, I have suffered so much for you."

Xu Zhong took out a handkerchief to wipe Mrs. Lu's tears, and said with a smile: "Mom, don't cry. Gu Dexing's family is very good, let him be the one. Believe in your daughter, she will live a good life."

Then he said with a smile: "Maybe if Gu Dexing succeeds, my daughter can also become the wife of a Shangguan official and earn face for you."

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu cried even harder. Sometimes she really wished that Linglong could be as unruly as Ling Yatou, and stop being so sensible. If you are too sensible, you will always be wronged.

Mrs. Lu cried for a while, put away her tears and said, "Don't worry, Linglong, mother will definitely handle this matter properly and let Gu Dexing's family come to our house to propose marriage."

Although her family was the first to fall in love with Gu Dexing, Mrs. Lu didn't want her family to talk about marriage first. She had been managing the family's affairs for many years, so naturally she had some skills. With one or two tricks, she could get Gu Dexing's family to come to her door.

In short, her family cannot lose their restraint and let Linglong be underestimated by the Gu Dexing family.

After Lu made up her mind, she began to prepare a generous gift to go to Gu's family tomorrow to apologize. She prepared two gifts, one for Gu Jin'an's family and one for Chen's family. She had already made excuses for the one for Chen's family. He said that he was apologizing to the spiritual girl.

Mrs. Chen didn't know that because of her trouble today, she gave Gu Dexing a daughter-in-law.

She was scolding Xu Ling after finishing her meal in Luo's Escort Bureau: "I have never seen such a rude girl, scolding me in front of a room of elders, who am I? She was scolded by her. How can you remain silent? You scolded her until she fainted."

He even said proudly: "When I saw her fainting, I didn't know how happy I felt, but I felt so comfortable!"

After scolding Xu Ling, he began to worry about Gu Dexing's marriage: "We are already twenty-two years old. If we don't hurry up and say goodbye, we will really be gossiped about by shrews from all over the country."

Mrs. Chu said: "Why are you so anxious? Brother Xing is already a child. Do you believe that when he returns to the village this time, girls from all over the country will definitely come to your door. Are you still worried that he can't get a wife?"

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