A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1029 Picked up a wife

Gu Jinli smiled, poked his face, and said, "You praise me so much, I'm going to float."

Qin Sanlang took the hand she was poking at his face, held it in his hand, and whispered: "Don't be afraid if you drift away, I will stay with you, and I'm not lying, Xiaoyu is the best girl in the whole Dachu."

He had stayed in the capital, and also in the northwest frontier. He had seen girls who were known as talented women, and he had seen women who rode horses to kill enemies, but none of those girls combined were as good as Xiaoyu.

His Xiaoyu can make money, teach people, take care of the house, and is good-looking. She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and most importantly, she has him in her heart.

Every time he thought that Xiaoyu liked him as much as he liked her, his heart felt swollen, numb, and overjoyed. He even wanted to yell a few times to tell everyone that Xiaoyu liked him, and It wasn't just wishful thinking on his part.

Gu Jinli looked at his face that was approaching him and those bright and burning eyes, and his heart beat faster than expected.

Qin Sanlang was even more happy when he saw that she didn't dare to look at him. The numbness in his heart prompted him to move closer to her. When he was about to kiss her, he suddenly heard Mrs. Chen's voice: "Hurry up. Ah, you’re so slow to get something, why don’t you make me wait for you?”

The voice was a little far away, but it still made Qin Sanlang wake up. Although they were engaged, it was outside. He didn't want to harm her reputation, so he restrained himself in the end.

Seeing how he was holding back, Gu Jinli smiled unkindly and flirted with him: "Brother Qin, why did you run away? I thought you were going to..."

Before she finished her words, she only blinked at Qin Sanlang.

Under the light of the torch, her playful appearance made him feel itchy in his hands. He stretched out his hand to pinch her face and said, "I have to leave tonight."

He was in charge of the military office and had to arrange the affairs of the military office well. He couldn't always stay by her side.

Gu Jinli was stunned when he heard this, and felt a sense of reluctance in his heart, so he blurted out: "I'll see you off."

Qin Sanlang smiled. This was what he wanted, and he responded: "Okay."

Gu Jinli looked at his smile and felt like she had been deceived, but just be deceived. She also wanted to see him off and stay with him for a while longer.


Gu Jinli suddenly discovered a very serious problem. She seemed to be getting more and more attached to him...

Seeing her stunned, Qin Sanlang frowned, as if he could see through her mind, and said, "I want to stick to you more. This feeling is good. Don't resist it, just accept it."

Gu Jinli was stunned, looked at Qin Sanlang, and asked in surprise: "Can you read minds?"

How could he know what she thought?

Qin Sanlang smiled, looked at her, and said, "Because I understand you."

All in all, this is already the fifth year they have known each other. There are still many little secrets between the two of them. He also likes her, so naturally he can't help but visit her more.

The more you see and know, the more you will naturally understand. You can see her thoughts from her eyes and frown.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was convinced and smiled at him: "I like to stick to you."

Since you already like it, be bold and admit it.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang laughed happily.

When Mrs. Chen heard his laughter, she glanced over and asked, "Sanlang, what are you happy about? Did you find the money?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "No."

He was a hundred times happier than finding money, because he found a wife.

Gu Dagui came out carrying large and small bags of things and shouted to Chen: "Hurry up and help. I don't know how to help with the things I'm greedy for. I'm almost exhausted."

"Huh, you're useless, I just took some food from Futailou and it made you tired. Why don't you take it home and eat it?" Mrs. Chen cursed and went back to help Gu Dagui get something.

Not long after, the three grandparents, Gu Dashan, Cui, and Gu Jinxiu also came out. After everyone counted the number of people and found that no one was missing, they all got on the mule cart and headed for the city gate.

They didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of disturbing the people in the county town, who would come out to watch the fun, so they arrived at the city gate cautiously.

After Qin Sanlang showed his sign and showed his face to the soldiers guarding the city gate, they were able to leave the county and go to Qingfu Town.

The journey was relatively peaceful, no one suddenly appeared to stop the car, and we returned to Dafeng Village safely.

Village Chief He had been sending He Dacang, He Dayuan and a few people from the village to guard the village entrance. Seeing them coming back, He Dacang breathed a sigh of relief: "You are finally back."

If he doesn't come back, he will have to stay here until dawn.

His father said that Brother An was too important and he had to watch him return to the village.

Gu Jinan got out of the car personally and said to He Dacang and He Dayuan: "Uncle Dacang, uncle Oyuan, you have worked so hard, I really can't help it."

He Dacang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to say this, there are too many people during the day, it is right for you to come back at this time."

He Dayuan also said: "Didn't you see that during the day, those people were really a big crowd, and each of them brought their girls to wait. Their posture was really scary."

If Gu Jinan and the others came back during the day, if a girl came up to them and got physical, the girl's relatives would definitely cry and ask Gu Jinan to marry her.

He Dayuan felt terrible just thinking about it.

Gu Dashan also got out of the car and thanked He Dacang and He Dayuan. He also took out the food and wine provided by Fu Tai Lou and handed them to them: "Thank you for your hard work today. Here are Fu Tai Lou's lotus leaf roasted chicken and pine flower wine. You take it back and eat it.”

Qin Sanlang sent people to clear the road, knowing that He Dayuan and others were guarding the village entrance, so the quantities of lotus leaf roast chicken and pine flower wine were prepared according to their number, and everyone had it.

He Dayuan and the others were very happy after hearing this. They took the food and wine and said with a smile: "Master, you always think of us like this."

He Dayuan worked in Gu's workshop and named Gu Dashan as his boss.

Gu Dashan smiled and said: "This is not a workshop. We are brothers from the same village. Just call me Dashan."

"Hey." He Dayuan responded, and then called to the tribesmen guarding the village entrance: "Hurry up and move the fence to let the Gu family's mule cart pass."

"Hey, let's move it now." After hearing this, the He family who were guarding the village entrance quickly moved the fence.

He Dayuan added: "The village chief has told us that people from other villages will not be allowed in. Don't worry, no one with no eyes will come into the village and disturb the Tongsheng masters."

After hearing this, Gu Dashan and Gu Jinan thanked each other again, then got in the car and returned to the village.

It was already late at night when we returned to the village from the county seat, but Wang Yongfu still took two boys from the pharmaceutical workshop to guard the intersection at the end of the village. When he saw a mule cart approaching, he yelled and stopped. After seeing them, he let them go.

After all this, by the time Gu Jinli and the others got home, they were already exhausted.

Datuan Xiaotuan, Feng Lian, and Grandma Tao were very happy to see them back: "My boss, my little boss, you are finally back."

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