A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1038 What a big money behind it

Lu Shankui and Lu Huoya listened to their wives' words and dared to bring their relatives' girls to block Gu Jin'an. Now seeing that the matter was getting serious, they hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Chief, we know we were wrong. We won't do it next time." If you dare, please stop fighting."

"Shut up. You two have harmed the entire Lu family. You can't escape a beating and punishment. I'll have to bear it forever." After Lu Gensheng beat them, he asked the Lu family to guard them: "Start. Okay, don't let them talk nonsense anymore and disturb people's peace."

"Yes." Many people from the Lu family came. They were extremely afraid that the Gu family would anger the entire Lu family because of this matter, so everyone kept an eye on Lu Shankui and Lu Huoya to prevent them from causing trouble and making the Gu family even more angry.

Lu Gensheng came over to apologize to Gu Dashan, his wife, and Gu Jinan: "Da Shan, Brother An, Brother Ming, and Brother Xing, I can't apologize to you. I'm really sorry. I didn't take good care of my clan members and let them cause trouble." .”

He also promised: "Don't worry, the clan will punish them and send people to keep an eye on the two of them to prevent them from causing trouble again. The money will be compensated and the Gu family will never suffer any more. I just ask you not to blame them. All the Lu family."

The Lu family also grows aphid grass, and they have to rely on the Gu family to collect grass. Without this income, all the Lu family will have to live the same hard life as before.

Gu Jinan knew what Lu Gensheng was like. He was a very well-behaved old man with no bad intentions. When he saw him speaking, he said: "Don't worry, we won't anger the entire Lu family. The Lu family's aphids will still be harvested, but My family will not collect the aphids from Lu Shankui and Lu Huoya’s family this year. This is their punishment.”

The same goes for He Tianwa's family. Since they made a mistake, the pharmaceutical workshop will not recycle their aphids this year. They must remember this painful feeling, otherwise they will do it again in the future.

When Lu Shankui and Lu Huoya heard this, they almost cried out, but the Lu family stared at them and warned: "Shut up, if you dare to scream again, the clan will not spare you."

Lu Shankui and Lu Huoya were afraid and did not dare to cry and beg any more. They felt extremely regretful. If they had known this, they would not have allowed their relatives to scheme against Gu Jinan. Nowadays, people have not planned it and have lost all their money.

After hearing this, Lu Gensheng breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "They asked for this. The Lu family has no objection."

Lu Gensheng wanted to settle the matter quickly, so he directly took out ten taels of silver and handed it to Gu Jinan: "The compensation money will be given to both of them by the Lu family first. You can accept it."

Gu Jinan was not polite and accepted ten taels of silver from the Lu family.

Village Chief He's heart is bleeding. Damn it, Lu Gensheng, you are a bastard. How could you give me money so quickly? Five families in his He family were fined, and they received a total of twenty-five taels of silver.

But he knew that the money had to be given as soon as possible, so while cursing He Tianwa and his family, he took out twenty-five taels of silver and handed it to Gu Jinan: "Brother An, this belongs to the He family."

After Gu Jinan accepted it, he turned back and pointed at He Tianwa and the others and cursed: "Send the money to my house today. If you dare not give it, just wait. The old man will skin you!"

He Tianwa and the others are Nuonuo Ying.

But the matter was not over yet, Gu Jinan reminded: "Village chief, the fourth family of He Lao is not here."

Mrs. Niu is the mother-in-law of He Lao's fourth daughter-in-law. She is the one causing the most trouble. There is no way he will let He Lao's family go.

And Gu Jinan felt that this matter was not that simple.

After He Lao's fourth daughter-in-law was dragged to the He family ancestral hall and slapped twenty times for talking nonsense in the village, she had become a lot more honest in the past few years. How could she suddenly go crazy and let her parents make trouble?

Gu Jinan thought of He Daqian and his wife.

He Laosi and his wife are familiar with He Daqian and his wife, but He Daqian and his wife are more thoughtful. In the past few years, they have been looking for opportunities to deal with the Gu family. He Lao's fourth daughter-in-law would team up with her mother's family to scheme against him. She must have been instigated by He Daqian and his wife.

When Village Chief He heard Gu Jinan's words, he immediately shouted: "Where are Mr. He and his wife? Hurry and catch them!"

He Laosi and his wife were hiding in a small ditch deep in the grass. When they heard the words of the village chief, they were so frightened that they hurriedly tried to escape. But when He Lao was doing the corvée service in the fourth and third year, he lamely lost one leg. The ditch was difficult to get in and out of, and he fell back with a plop as soon as he climbed up a little.

"Stop!" Luo Wu had sharp eyes. After hearing the sound, he immediately galloped towards the ditch. In a few blinks, he came to the edge of the ditch. He whipped He Lao's fourth daughter-in-law who was trying to escape, and then jumped off the horse. He grabbed He Laosi and pulled him out of the ditch with a lift. He fell to the grass on the side with a bang.

Dasheng and the others hurried over, grabbed the hands of He Laosi and his wife, and escorted them to Village Chief He: "Be honest, or you will suffer."

He Laosi and his wife have been severely punished by the Gu family in recent years. After being arrested, they immediately admitted their mistakes and begged for mercy: "Brother An, the master of the case, we know we were wrong and we will never dare to do it again. You..."

"Shut up." Gu Jinan was too lazy to listen to their nonsense and pointed out a way for them: "Who gave you and your wife the idea? Speak up."

He Laosi and his wife were stunned and shouted: "The master of the case is the master of the case. You can guess this. It's really amazing."

Then, like pouring beans, he told everything about He Daqian's wife inciting He Niu to scheme against Gu Jinan without any hesitation.

Gu Jinan smiled. He Daqian and his wife thought they were smart, but they didn't know that they had chosen the wrong person. He Laosi and his wife were the most intimidated. As long as the matter was exposed, it was impossible to take care of He Daqian and his wife.

Seeing that they had been tricked so easily, Mrs. Niu was so angry that she cursed: "You two idiots, who told you to say it!"

If He Daqian and his wife were confessed, wouldn't it prove that the three of them were working together to plot against Gu Jinan? It would be foolish not to bring it upon yourself.

But He Laosi and his wife cried and shouted: "They were the ones who instigated us to do bad things. Why don't we do anything about it? Are we going to keep silent and let my family admit everything?"

Mrs. Niu was choked by the rebuke. After she came to her senses, she scolded her daughter and son-in-law: "You two useless things. I've been tired all night, but you are doing bad things. If I had known you were so useless, I would have killed you first." You can’t!”

Mrs. Niu glared at He Laosi and his wife with resentment in her eyes.

At that time, she wanted to sell He Niushi to the building, but He Laosi deceived He Niushi, causing the family to lose a fortune. She had been angry about this for decades.

Now that he has finally found a grandson-in-law who is as good as a golden egg, these two losers are doing bad things again. Mrs. Niu wants to chew them alive.

Seeing that Mrs. Niu was scolding her too harshly, Gu Jinan frowned and said, "Xiao Tuan, cover her mouth. She's too noisy."

"Hey." Xiao Tuan grabbed a handful of weeds on the roadside, formed a ball, and jumped in front of Mrs. Niu. When Mrs. Niu screamed and cursed, he blocked her mouth with a grass dumpling and ran back to her. Gu Jinan came back: "Brother An, it's done."

After saying that, he smiled at Brother An, his round and chubby face was a bit cute.

"Well, you did a good job." Gu Jinan praised and looked at Village Chief He: "Village Chief, I heard that He Daqian recently hooked up with a noble man, but what is the reputation of that noble man? Many people know... Our village is It’s getting better and better, but we can’t let one or two people harm us.”

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