At the right time in the afternoon, Mr. Qin and the Luo family came to the door on time. According to custom, both families prepared nine sweet gifts as a door-to-door gift.

The Nine Sweet Gifts are nine kinds of sweet gifts, including sugar, wine, cakes, glutinous rice, white rice, white flour, sweet dates, sweet fruits, and two pieces of broken silver soaked in sweet water.

It is a very common thing, but it has the meaning that a young couple can be sweet for a lifetime after getting married.

The third grandfather and grandma, Mrs. Cui of Gu Dashan, as well as Gu Jinan and Brother Cheng went out to greet them. They happily received the nine-sweet gift and invited Mr. Qin and Mr. Luo's father, Mrs. Chu, to sit in the living room.

Mr. Qin didn't waste any time. He took out the three days that Sanlang Qin had prepared and handed them to Gu Dashan: "Sanlang asked someone to look at them and said that these three days are auspicious. You two should take a look and choose one."

Once the date is set and the engagement ceremony is done, the boy can feel at ease.

Mrs. Chu also handed the day she had calculated to Cui and said with a smile: "This is a day that has been re-selected. Take a look, although it is a little anxious, the day is good."

Originally, the day that the Luo family was optimistic about was last year, but at that time, Luo Wu was plotted by Mr.

Mrs. Cui and Gu Dashan were afraid that their two daughters' marriages would change and did not dare to wait any longer. The couple quickly chose the date.

Just as Qin Sanlang guessed, the couple chose the ninth day of May and the nineteenth day of May. Gu Jinxiu and Luo Wu were older and had the engagement ceremony first, so they chose the ninth day of May.

It was May 19th for Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli.

Mr. Qin smiled, very satisfied. Sanlang knew Xiaoyu's birth date, which was calculated based on the two people's birth dates. May 19th was a more auspicious day for them.

"Okay, then it's settled. On May 19th, the Qin family will find an official matchmaker and come to the door with an engagement gift." Mr. Qin said with a smile, looking forward to Qin Sanlang's performance on the day of the engagement ceremony. That boy It will definitely make you laugh out loud with excitement.

Xiao Ji lay under the living room window and listened. After listening, he ran back and told Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli was stunned after hearing this: "Is it that simple?!"

Her mother and the third grandma had prepared for this for a long time in advance and had been nervous all day long. The result was that the man gave the woman a date for the engagement gift, and it was over after the woman chose the date. The only thing that had a sense of ceremony was that It’s the Nine Sweet Gifts.

Gu Jinxiu smiled and said, "This time it's just a matter of communication between the two families. It's very simple to set a date for the engagement ceremony. It will be more complicated when it comes to the engagement ceremony."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli leaned on the table and said, "That's right. If it's really complicated, my little brother Qin won't be here."

With how much Qin Sanlang valued her, he would stay with her specially if anything was complicated.

Although he said this, Gu Jinli was still a little bit sour because Luo Wu specifically stayed at home today.

However, she had no intention of blaming Qin Sanlang. She knew how he felt about her, and it was just instinct to be upset.

Gu Jinli turned to look at Gu Jinxiu and teased: "Sister, why are you not shy anymore? Brother Luo Wu is here and will definitely come to see you before leaving. Don't you have anything to say?"

After hearing this, Gu Jinxiu's face immediately turned red and she replied: "Brother Luo Wu and I have known each other since childhood, and we have already received the letter of appointment, so there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Gu Jinli looked at her face that was so red that it was almost bleeding, and said with his tongue: "Sister, you are so red that you are not convincing."

When Gu Jinxiu heard this, her face turned even redder, but she did not run away. She had been teased by Xiaoyu too much, and she would no longer be scared away.

"My dear boss, Sister Xiu, my boss's wife is here." Erqing came over to report.

Gu Jinxiu said hurriedly: "Xiaoyu, stand up quickly. Mother told us to wait at the door."

Gu Jinli was a little helpless: "Why do I feel like we are acting."

Although they are already so familiar, they still pretend to be meeting for the first time, so that Mrs. Chu takes a fancy to her.

Xiaoji said: "My dear boss, please get up quickly. This is a custom. My boss's wife said it, and you can't break it, otherwise it will be unlucky."

Gu Jinli had been bored all day and wanted to be finished watching quickly so he could move around freely. He stood up obediently and followed Gu Jinxiu, waiting at the door of the main room.

Not long after, the third grandmother, Mrs. Cui, and Mrs. Chu came over together.

Mrs. Cui also said in a serious manner: "This is my eldest daughter, Sister Xiu. Sister Xiu, please come and greet Auntie Luo."

Gu Jinxiu obediently bowed to Mrs. Chu, and then presented her embroidery work to Mrs. Chu as a greeting gift.

Mrs. Chu was very happy. After accepting the meeting gift, she smiled and said, "She is a good girl. When she enters the Luo family in the future, I will definitely treat her as my own daughter."

Gu Jinli almost laughed out loud. It was really like acting. He spoke as if he didn't know each other, but the two families were already very familiar with each other.

But she didn't dare to laugh out loud, as she would be scolded by Ms. Cui, so she could only hold back her laughter.

Then it was her turn.

Mrs. Chu came to see her on behalf of the elders of the Qin family. According to the rules, she praised her a few times and asked her for the embroidery she made. After that, the matter was over.

Mrs. Chu said: "Sanlang is not here. When he comes back next time, I will give him the purse you made."

Yes, Gu Jinli can make purses, and he even embroidered a little tiger with a round head on it, which looks so cute.

Humph, you always didn't believe that I could do needlework, but now you see, my suturing skills are first-rate, and I can sew out a little tiger with just a few stitches.


"Why is there the word Qin on this tiger's forehead?" Ms. Cui said angrily and funny: "This is the first official embroidery you gave Sanlang, how could you do such nonsense?"

Gu Jinli said: "Brother Qin's surname is Qin, so I embroidered the character Qin on him. It's pretty good."

It is not necessary to embroider the character "王", embroidering the character "Qin" is more friendly and novel.

And in her eyes, Brother Qin is like this cute little tiger. Although he is a beast king, he is so cute when he is facing her.

Mrs. Cui was convinced, knowing that Sanlang loved her and would not find fault. She thought she would be even happier when she saw the word "Qin", so she didn't say anything to her.

"Okay, if you want to go to the pharmaceutical workshop, you can go, but you have to be back within half an hour. Remember to invite Dr. Wu over and let's have dinner together."

Her family has always respected Dr. Wu and treated him as an elder. Dr. Wu also opened a pharmaceutical workshop in partnership with Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu and Sanlang's marriage was settled, so it was time to invite Dr. Wu over. meal.

"Hey, I got it, Mom, I will definitely be back within half an hour!" Gu Jinli was very happy, and immediately went back to his house to change into work clothes, and took Xiaoji and Erqing to the pharmaceutical workshop.

The pharmaceutical workshop was very busy.

Tong Dayu, Ye Jingzi, Ah Shi, Ophiopogon japonicus, Panax notoginseng, Ye Dakou, Xiao Liushu, Hong Gu, and Grandma Tao were all leading the people in the pharmaceutical workshop to make convenient medicines.

When he saw Gu Jinli coming, he didn't stop what he was doing. He just greeted her happily: "The little boss is here."

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