A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1060 I can’t believe it

Gu Jinli blushed upon hearing this: "You always know."

Old Doctor Wu hummed: "I'm not blind. Is the date set?"

Gu Jinli said: "The date for the wedding ceremony has been decided, May 19th. Remember to come and have a feast when you are old."

Old Doctor Wu did not refuse. In the past few years, he had treated Gu Jinli as his granddaughter. Seeing that she and Qin Sanlang finally got married, he was very happy and said: "For the sake of your hard work to get married, Pharmaceutical I will help you take care of the matters in the workshop."

Gu Jinli smiled and thanked him immediately: "Thank you, Grandpa Wu."

With Old Doctor Wu's words, she could make time to go to Songzizhuang to make a knife for Brother Qin.

Gu Jinli's family had a very sumptuous dinner today, and the three families and Dr. Wu ate happily.

While her family was having dinner, Mrs. Chen also took Gu Dagui and her two silly sons to Gu Dafu's house. They surrounded Gu Dexing and looked at him up and down several times.

Gu Dexing was shocked by her look and couldn't help but said: "Second Aunt, what are you looking at? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Mrs. Chen nodded seriously: "That's right, you have three words on your face, golden turtle son-in-law!"

After hearing this, Gu Dexing's face turned red. He pointed to the chairs at the dining table and said, "You and my second uncle sit down first. Brother Wang and Brother Fa will come with me to serve the dishes."

He guessed that since he was going to talk about his marriage again, he might as well run away first.

Seeing this, Ms. Chen said disgustedly: "What are you bringing? What good food can you two, father and son, have? Here, this is the braised meat I got at Sister Da Ya's house. It's free. You take it and cut it and bring it over." eat."

In order to discuss Gu Dexing's marriage, Mrs. Chen didn't cook at home. Thinking that the food at Gu Dexing's house would not be very good, she ran to Gu Daya's house and brought back a few plates of braised meat. The family of four came to Gu Dexing's house for dinner.

Gu Dexing took the basket and went to the kitchen to cut the braised meat.

After a while, Gu Dafu and I brought the braised meat, two home-fried vegetables, and multi-grain rice.

When Mrs. Chen saw this, she began to dislike it again: "Why didn't you cook white rice? From now on, you will be the uncle of a wealthy family. It will be so embarrassing to eat multigrain rice again."

"Ms. Chen, that's enough. You come here to eat for free and talk so much nonsense." Gu Dagui couldn't stand listening anymore. This woman was just talking nonsense. What happened to the multi-grain rice? When they were fleeing from famine in the past, they even ate leaves.

Mrs. Chen snorted coldly and said quibly: "What do you mean by freeloading? I brought a basket of braised meat, which is worth half a tael of silver."

Gu Dagui almost died laughing: "You still have the nerve to say that you went to Sister Da Ya's house to get that braised food, and it didn't cost you a single copper."

Gu Dafu shook his head when he heard this and quickly asked them to stop. He smiled and said, "Stop arguing and eat quickly. The children are all hungry."

As he said this, he took a chopstick of braised mutton to Brother Wang and said, "Eat it."

The child stared at the braised mutton eagerly and almost drooled.

"Thank you, uncle." Gu Dewang smiled and narrowed his eyes, biting into the braised mutton and grinding the multi-grain rice, feeling very satisfied.

Mrs. Chen and Gu Dagui also hurriedly picked up their chopsticks to eat. They thought the food was good. Ms. Chen ate happily. It was only after she was full and drunk that she remembered what happened to the Xu family and said to Gu Dafu who was clearing away the dishes: "Brother , the Xu family is the second room of the Xu family in the county town, you know, we just met yesterday. Then Xu Er and his wife have fallen in love with Brother Xing, and want to marry the eldest daughter of their second room to Brother Xing. Let Brother Xing do it I’m a rich man.”

Gu Dafu was stunned when he heard this. Before eating, he thought Chen was making fun of Brother An. He didn't expect it to be true, but: "Isn't it true that the Xu family is interested in Brother An? The girl he matches is not right. Isn't she Xu Tongsheng's biological sister? You two were quarreling yesterday..."

Mrs. Chen interrupted Gu Dafu: "Because of the quarrel with Xu Ling, the Xu family felt that the girl couldn't do anything, so they replaced her with a girl from the second room of the Xu family."

Then he turned to Gu Dexing and said: "That girl's name is Xu Zhong. Although her nickname is not nice, she has a nice nickname of Linglong. I saw her yesterday. She looks good. She is much prettier than Xu Ling and has a better temper. She is very good at doing things, and the most important thing is that Mr. Xu said that because she is the first granddaughter of the Xu family, he will give her an extra dowry so that she can marry in glory."

"Mr. Xu also said that in the future, when the family is divided, the second family member of the Xu family will receive 30% of the family property, which will not be much less than the first family member."

Mrs. Chen praised Xu Zhong and the second wife of the Xu family so much that Gu Dexing felt his heart go crazy. He looked at his second aunt and asked suspiciously: "Is what the second aunt said true?"

He couldn't believe that his second aunt could praise her for finding gold just by picking up a piece of pig iron.

Mrs. Chen got angry, stood up and said, "What do you mean? I still don't believe Second Aunt. Has Second Aunt lied to you?!"

I had deceived him. I had deceived him many times when I was a child. I even defrauded him of two of the books he used for school. He took them back to his natal family and showed them off to everyone in his natal village.

When the two books came back, they were extremely dirty, with children's snot on them... Well, Gu Dexing felt a little disgusted when he thought about it.

Mrs. Chen looked at Gu Dexing's frowning and disgusting look, and recalled the past, and laughed and said, "That was not in the past. My second aunt has never lied to you again since you grew up."

Gu Defa: "I deceived Brother Dexing twice last year, once..."

With a snap, Mrs. Chen slapped Gu Defa's head hard and said angrily: "Shut up, you stinky boy. If you don't speak, you will die."

Gu Dagui said: "Brother, this is true. Mrs. Chen didn't lie. Third Auntie and Sister Dashan both know that Mrs. Xu Er personally gave the hint when she came to apologize."

Then he pushed Mrs. Chen: "Hurry up and take out the silk flowers that Miss Xu gave you."

"Yes, yes, there are silk flowers as evidence." Mrs. Chen immediately took out the bag hanging on her waist, took out a box from it, opened the box, and showed the two silk flowers to Gu Dafu and Gu Dexing: "Look, it's Xu Bell...the silk flower made by Xu Linglong herself looks like a lotus, and the branches are wrapped with gold thread. To be able to give such a precious thing, it shows that she is serious about it."

After hearing this, Gu Dafu half-believed him, but he was also afraid that Mrs. Chen would get it wrong. After all, Mrs. Chen was a careless sibling who always did wrong things. It would be embarrassing if she had her own random thoughts and his family came to propose marriage. .

So he said: "Second brother and sister, please repeat what Mrs. Xu Er said again, speak slowly and carefully."

Chen's previous words were as if he were singing a big show. He didn't understand some details, and many of the hints about marriage were hidden in the details.

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen drank a bowl of water and repeated what Mrs. Xu said again, as well as what the third grandma, Mrs. Cui and Gu Jinli said.

After hearing this, Gu Dafu thought carefully for a moment and was overjoyed. He looked at Gu Dexing with red eyes and said, "My son, a good marriage is really coming to your door."

He asked impatiently: "What do you think? Are you interested in the eldest daughter of the Xu family? If you think it's good, we will start preparations tomorrow. After we have prepared the generous gifts, we will immediately ask your second aunt to bring the official media to propose marriage." .”

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