When County Magistrate Zheng heard about this, he hurriedly got up, rushed from the mansion to the Yamen, and interrogated He Daqian and his wife in person.

He Daqian knew that Fan Tu had been targeted and was about to be wiped out by the city's defenders, so he stopped being harsh and resorted to anything.

Back then, He Daqian was unable to make a living in the Gu family's workshop because he repeatedly tried to harm the Gu family. Seeing that the life in the village was getting better and better, he was very unconvinced. After two years of wasting time at home, he wanted to go out and make a living. After showing off, he will come back to settle the score with the Gu family.

But he was a bastard, illiterate, and didn't want to be a porter, so he could only find work in gambling houses, where he met Zeng Biao.

After Zeng Biao heard that he was from Dafeng Village, Tianfu County, he asked him to talk to him and asked him some general information about the Gu family.

After learning that the Gu family's money was piled up like a mountain, but only a few servants were looking after the family's home, their eyes were red with jealousy. They immediately went to the mountains to find Fan Tu and told him about the Gu family's affairs.

Fan Tu and his group actually don't have much ability. They can't compare with Gao Tong's water bandits. This is the first time they've done this kind of thing of entering a village and looting. They're afraid that if anything happens, He Daqian and Zeng Biao will take the lead first. People came to inspect the site and waited until it was confirmed that the heads of the government offices and military departments of Qin Gu Luotian's family were no longer at home before entering the village to commit evil.

"So they agreed to wait until Luo Wu and the boy from the Qin family went on business after the Dragon Boat Festival before starting the next night. At that time, Qin, Gu, Luotian and his family were just women, children and servants, and they wanted to do whatever harm they wanted. What a disaster."

After hearing this, County Magistrate Zheng was trembling with anger. He stood up and kicked He Daqian, and cursed: "What a beast. He has harmed the villagers as well. Do you still have any conscience?"

Jiang Qi sneered: "He and He Dacai are two brothers, and He Dacai is a beast. How good can he be as an elder brother?"

"The whole family is still a habitual offender, really..." County Magistrate Zheng was very angry, pointing at Village Chief He and said: "How did you become the village chief? Such a kid who is causing harm to the whole village dares to stay in the village, you Do you think you have a long life? You should have driven He Dacai’s brother and his family out of the village while he was being sentenced!”

Fortunately, it was discovered early. Otherwise, if there was a case of bandits entering the village and looting in Tianfu County, he, the county magistrate, would also be in trouble.

You must know that Gu Jinan is the head of the government, and his home was ransacked by bandits. If this happened, even Mr. Zheng in the capital would be laughed at.

Village Chief He wiped away his tears and knelt down to County Magistrate Zheng: "I know I was wrong. It was me who failed to manage the village. Please help me, the County Magistrate, to get rid of the bandits who want to enter the village and harm people." Caught... Our village has just had a better life, but we can't let it be ruined by those bandits."

"Just take good care of the children of the He family. You don't need to worry about this matter." Magistrate Zheng saw that Village Chief He was so old and felt pitiful. After scolding him, he said softly: "Get up. , stop kneeling."

I don’t want to be struck by lightning.

"Hey, I thanked the county magistrate." Village Chief He was crying and was helped up by He Dacang and He Jinsheng.

County Magistrate Zheng had no time to pay attention to Village Chief He, and immediately ordered the extermination of the bandits: "Jiang County Lieutenant, you took people to the city to capture Zeng Biao. You are so courageous that you dare to hide in the county town. It is simply unbelievable." Take the county government seriously."

"Luo Wu took the government officials back to the village and guarded the entrances to each village in Dafeng Village to prevent bandits from raiding the village."

"Where's Sanlang? Ask him to rush to the Fucheng garrison camp overnight to inform General Guo that bandits are coming to the village to loot. General Guo is asked to hurry up and wipe out the bandits in Hukang County."

Jiang Qi heard this and said, "Sanlang went to Niugou Town to kill wolves."

Magistrate Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had ordered Qin Sanlang to lead people to kill the wolves. He said with some annoyance: "I forgot about this."

But when he looked at the people present, he felt that they were not as good as Qin Sanlang.

If Qin Sanlang rushes to Fucheng to report the news, there will be nothing wrong. As long as he catches escort Zeng and a few bandits who have set foot on the spot, he can safely wait for people from Fucheng to wipe out the bandits.

But Qin Sanlang was not here...

"Sir, Qin Baihu wants to see you!" Xiao Tang Yamen ran in and reported to the county magistrate.

Magistrate Zheng was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Let him in quickly."

"Hey." Xiao Tang Yamen responded and ran out with a whoosh.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang strode in and said to Magistrate Zheng: "Sir, I have heard about the bandits. If you have any orders, please give them."

He arrived at the military station at dawn. He was very obedient and squinted for an hour. At half past midnight, he took the people to Niugou Town.

When they arrived, they didn't show politeness to the wolves. Instead, they used the skills they had learned in the northwest to find the mountain where the wolves' den was by looking for scents and tracks. It took them two hours to lure the adult wolves out, and a trap was set for them all. Went out.

Just as he was about to wait until nightfall when the cubs were hungry, Si'an came to tell him about He Daqian.

Qin Sanlang was valued by General Guo and knew that General Guo was watching a group of bandits. When he heard the name Zeng Biao, he knew that he was a third-in-command among the bandits. He was afraid that Gu Jinli was in danger, so he rushed back overnight and went straight to the village to meet him. Gu Jinli.

An hour ago, Gu Jinli was stunned when he saw him. After learning that he came back for a big deal, he smiled and said to him: "They are just a group of bandits with little fighting power. Feng Jin and the others can deal with them. You There’s no need to rush back.”

However, looking at her appearance, she was very happy to be back in time.

After Qin Sanlang saw that Gu Jinli was fine, he left Si'an and the others in ambush in the village and rushed to the county seat himself.

Magistrate Zheng was very happy: "You have come back at the right time. Go to the garrison camp in Fucheng and report the bandits to General Guo. After the bandits are settled, I will give you five dollars." It’s a holiday, I want you to make the engagement ceremony glorious.”

Then he looked at Luo Wu: "Same for you."

Everyone in the government office knew that the two of them were engaged to the daughter of the Gu family. Magistrate Zheng originally only wanted to give them two days off, but now he was very generous and gave them five days.

Qin Sanlang and Luo Wu were overjoyed. They clasped their fists at Magistrate Zheng and said, "Thank you for your humble position."

Magistrate Zheng waved his hand and told Qin Sanlang again about He Daqian and Zeng Biao, and told him: "He Daqian said, Zeng Biao and the others came with eight people, and three of them have been caught. Those three people I pretended to be a gangster and guarded the entrance to your village, but I was sent to the Yamen for being a frivolous girl from a good family."

The three gangsters that He Datian sent today were sent by Zeng Biao to check out the location. At that time, he thought they were just ordinary gangsters who wanted to kidnap girls and sell them. He didn't expect them to be bandits.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang immediately said: "Guard Zeng needs to arrest the person quickly, otherwise he will definitely run away if he smells something is wrong."

He added: "People should be sent to guard the Qingshui River to the east of the county immediately to prevent Zeng Biao and the others from escaping by swimming."

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