A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1069 One is more ruthless than the other

Boss Niu, who had been married to her for many years, naturally understood what she meant. After pretending to hesitate for a while, he said: "Okay, then you can live at home for a while, but you have to pay for room and board."

"Don't worry, the food and lodging money will be yours." He Niu knew Boss Niu very well, so she felt relieved when he heard that he asked for food and lodging money.

I think after giving her room and board money, Boss Niu will not openly rob her family of money again, but I have to be wary of Boss Niu and his wife stealing money.

It has to be said that He Niu and Boss Niu are really brothers and sisters. Boss Niu is willing to stay with He Laosi's family because he is really eyeing the money and intends to steal the money from He Laosi's family.

However, He Laosi's family is not vegetarian. They moved into Niu Lao's house in the name of money and made various demands on Niu Laosi's house. Not only did they ask for a doctor to see a doctor, but they even ate meat.

It's just that Boss Niu and his family are not stupid and will not continue to condone them. They have agreed that if they can't get the money after three days, they will rob them.

But He Laosi's family was even more vicious than them, and they had already thought of a way to deal with it.

On the fourth day of May, Mrs. Lai and Boss Niu were going to give Mrs. Hua a holiday gift, and they were discussing the sale of Niu Qiaoer.

He Jinwa waited for Boss Niu to go out and deceived Niu Qiaoer with a piece of silver. When Niu Qiaoer came into the house to serve him food and drink medicine for the money, he hugged Niu Qiaoer and forcibly killed Niu Qiaoer.

Niu Qiaoer almost went crazy. She just wanted to make money. After getting the ingot of silver, she went to the county to sell herself and work as a maid in a wealthy family. Who knew that she was raped by He Jinwa.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you beast, I'm your cousin, how dare you do this to me? When my parents come back, I won't be able to spare you, you beast!" Niu Qiaoer covered himself with tattered clothes, crying and cursing, wishing he could He rushed over and tore He Jinwa apart.

He Jinwa took advantage, lying on the bed, looking at Niu Qiao'er and sneered: "What kind of good things are your parents? They are just two old beasts who sold their daughters to make a living. Compared with what they did, I, a little beast When bad things happen, they are nothing.”

Niu Qiaoer choked when he said it. His parents were indeed not good people, but: "My innocence has been ruined by you. If you are still making sarcastic remarks here, I will beat you to death!"

He Jinwa is a bitch, but when he heard this, he opened his arms shamelessly and said: "Come on, come on, will you die or me?"

As he said that, his eyes were still looking at Niu Qiaoer, which made Niu Qiaoer so angry that he almost lost his breath and burst into tears.

"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you?!" Niu Qiao'er was sent to the town by He Niu to buy meat. Who knew that when she got home, she heard Niu Qiao'er crying. She secretly thought something was wrong and hurriedly shouted and slapped her outside the house. Hold the door.

After hearing this, Mrs. He Niu immediately came out of the nearby room, grabbed Niu Qiao'er, and said with a smile: "Your sister is fine. She is waiting for your cousin to drink medicine. Your cousin has a bad temper, and your sister was scolded by him. I'm crying, don't go in, or you will be scolded by your cousin too."

He Laosi and his wife were in the room next door. Their family had discussed the matter today and asked He Jinwa to take care of Niu Qiaoer, so that Niu Qiaoer had to marry He Jinwa.

As long as Niu Qiaoer marries He Jinwa, her family can settle in Niufu Village and kill Boss Niu and his family.

Niu Qiao'er was not a fool. She was born in such a family. She grew up listening to dirty jokes. She immediately knew something was wrong. She threw away He Niu's hand and shouted into the room: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you being raped?" Is He Jinwa being bullied? Don’t be afraid, I will find someone to rescue you right now and beat He Jinwa’s family to death!”

When He Jinwa heard this, she smiled, got up and walked towards the door wearing only a pair of pants.

When Niu Qiaoer saw this, she was so frightened that she shouted: "Qiaoer, run!"

However, it was already too late. He Jinwa had already opened the door, grabbed Niu Qiao'er, slapped her twice, and cursed: "Smelly girl, what's your name? You still want to find someone to beat me. Believe it or not, I'll go first." Kill you?!"

After saying that, he slapped Niu Qiao'er twice again, sending Niu Qiao'er flying away. Her face was bruised and swollen, and blood came out of her mouth. There were two knocked out teeth in the blood.

Niu Qiaoer didn't cry. She turned around and glared at He Jinwa fiercely, then immediately got up and ran away.

"Qiao'er, where are you running? Come back to aunt quickly!" He Niushi shouted at Niu Qiao'er's back, and wanted to chase her, but was stopped by He Jinwa: "Mom, don't worry about her, she's just a little girl, she can What kind of flowers are you digging out?"

Mrs. Niu's family is a rundown settlement in Niufu Village. Even the village chief Niu doesn't want to see her family. Even if someone dies, no one will come to her house.

Boss Niu's two sons are heartless. They came to Lai's house half a month ago to wait for the Dragon Boat Festival. Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. They are even less likely to come back to support Niu Qiaoer.

He Niushi thought for a while and stopped chasing Niu Qiao'er.

"Mom, please go back to the house first. My son is still busy." After saying this, He Jinwa closed the door with a bang, and after entering the house, he took Niu Qiaoer to continue working.

"Beast, get out of here, if you dare to touch me again, I will die for you!"

"Death, you really want to die? Just saying that is useless?"

He Jinwa did not let Niu Qiaoer go, and bullied Niu Qiaoer again before Mr. Niu and his wife came back.

Niu Qiaoer couldn't stop crying and kept calling for help.

He Laosi and his wife just listened and did not go to save her. Instead, they were happy that their son got such a wife for nothing.

In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Niu went home happily, holding a piece of pork belly in their hands. As they walked, they said: "As the boss, you still have a way to find Mrs. Hua while my mother-in-law is away. The price is really higher than the previous two times." It has to be high.”

Mrs. Hua had met Qiaoer and thought that Qiaoer was good-looking, a yellow-flowered girl, and had a good birth date. She was born on the ninth day of the first lunar month, so she readily gave her a high price of twenty taels of silver and made an exception. I gave them a deposit of one tael of silver.

The meat in their hands was bought with a deposit.

"That's because our Qiao'er's birth date is a good one, and it occupies the nine characters, so he is blessed." After Boss Niu sold Niu Qiao'er at a good price, he felt very happy and told Mr. Lai: "You can go there later. Let’s make a pot of wine at the village chief’s house and let him see that our family’s life is no worse than his family’s!”

Lai smiled and said, "Okay, I'll get you some wine after the meat is stewed, so you can have a good drink."

Then he said: "Mrs. Hua said that all the old men in the city love girls with good fortunes. If our Qiaoer is taken by the rich man and taken into his house as a concubine, our family will be able to live a good life relying on Qiaoer." Living a life of good food and drink is no worse than marrying Mr. Gu."

The couple returned home with sweet dreams, but as soon as they got home they almost went crazy.

At home, Niu Qiaoer was still crying and cursing He Jinwa: "Beast, you beast, please give me my innocence, wuwuwu..."

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