A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1072 Evil Retribution

Bai Orion was really distressed and quickly comforted him: "Qiao'er, don't cry. It's Brother Bai who's late. Don't worry, Brother Bai won't dislike you. After sending the beasts from the He family to the Yamen, Brother Bai will marry you." you."

"Marry your mother!" He Jinwa was angry and threw the stool at Bai Orion: "You old man still dares to have ideas about my wife, I will kill you!"

With a bang, Orion Bai turned around and kicked He Jinwa down. He sat on top of He Jinwa and beat him so hard that He Jinwa vomited blood.

"Okay, okay, stop now. If someone's life is caused, you are not worth it." Xiao Yang Yamen spoke up to stop Orion Bai.

Only then did Orion Bai stop and spit on the half-dead He Jinwa: "This matter is not over yet, just wait to be sentenced by the Yamen!"

Today Niu Qiaoer found him and said that when Qiaoer was raped by He Jinwa, he was so angry that he rushed towards Niufu Village with a knife. Niu Qiaoer stopped him and said: "The He family and my parents are all hobs." Meat, we can’t fight head-on with them, they are afraid of the government, we have to go to the government to report them and let the adults deal with them.”

Orion Bai had dealt with Boss Niu and knew that they were the most difficult couple. He wanted to rescue Qiaoer from the sea of ​​misery, so he could only rely on the power of the government. Otherwise, even if He Jinwa was taken care of, Boss Niu and his wife could not. Qiaoer will be sold to other men who can afford the price.

Orion Bai endured his heartache and took Niu Qiao'er to the county government to report to the county government, and that's how things happened now.

Seeing Orion Bai stop, He Niushi dared to rush over and hug He Jinwa: "Hey, mother Jinwa, nothing can happen to you."

Then he said to Xiao Yang Yamen: "Little Yang Yamen, we have met before. We are from the same village as Luo Pantou. Now my son has been beaten for no reason. For the sake of Luo Pantou, We need to catch this evil guy!"

Xiao Yang, the Yamen servant, was speechless. He pointed at He Niu and said, "Don't get too close to me. Do you think we don't know about your family's affairs? Come on, you've already been exiled from the clan and you're still trying to get close to us."

Xiao Yang, the yamen officer, was not polite to He Niushi. He grabbed her up, twisted her hands behind her back, and tied her up quickly.

He Niushi was shocked and said angrily: "Yang, why did you tie me up? I didn't break the law!"

"It's not illegal?" Xiao Yang Yamen laughed: "Niu Qiaoer said that you and your wife were at home when He Jinwa raped Niu Qiaoer. You heard the sound and gloated about it. Do you know what this is called? This is called an accomplice, you and your wife. Don’t think about running away this time, just wait until you are assigned to work in the iron mines.”


He Niushi was frightened and immediately cried: "Misunderstanding, Xiao Yang Yamen misunderstood, my Jin baby did not rape Qiaoer... Yes, they fell asleep, but that was not rape, it was Qiaoer's choice. The two of them have already Getting engaged is something that someone did because they couldn't help it. It's really not what Qiao'er said."

Then he hurriedly shouted to Niu Qiaoer: "Qiaoer, please speak quickly."

Niu Qiao'er pouted at her, knelt down in front of Xiao Yang and others, and cried: "Master Cha, please make the decision for the women of the people. The women of the people are unjust."

She pointed at He Niu and said: "She is my aunt. Because she was expelled from the He family and had nowhere to go, she could only come to my house to stay overnight. But her family was vicious and they were afraid that their household registration would not be settled, so they came up with the idea of ​​raping a common girl. , and then forced a village girl to marry He Jinwa, so that her family’s household registration could be transferred to our village, and she would live and eat in my house for the rest of her life..."

Niu Qiaoer told all the things, shedding tears as she talked, and she looked even more miserable. People could tell at a glance that what she said was true.

He Niushi was angry and cursed: "Niu Qiaoer, you bitch, you are obviously thinking about my family's money and hooking up with Jinba. You even agreed to the marriage and now you regret it. Just wait, I won't let you go." Pass you!"

Niu Qiaoer sneered in her heart and wouldn't let him go? Why don't you let go? Your whole family is about to be thrown into prison, how can you do anything to me?

He Jinwa didn't want to lose his wife, let alone go to jail, so he pointed to Boss Niu and said to Lai: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, our family's marriage has been agreed upon, and the bride price has also been agreed upon, cough cough cough... ...If I go to jail, you won’t get a penny, cough cough cough!”

He Jinwa was beaten badly by Bai Orion, and she would cough after talking for a while, which made Niu Qiaoer feel very comfortable.

You bastard deserves to be beaten. It's best to die violently tonight.

Boss Niu and his wife love money, and the He Niu family promised them that they would give them thirty-two taels of silver. With so much money, if the He Niu family were caught, where would they go to get money?

Mr. Niu and his wife hesitated, Lai came over and pulled Niu Qiaoer's sleeves and said: "Qiaoer..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said a word, Niu Qiaoer slapped him backhand and yelled: "You two are also accomplices. If you dare to say another word, I will have you arrested together."

Lai was stunned. She covered her aching face and looked at Niu Qiao'er, cursing: "Bitch girl, you are crazy. You dare to beat your mother."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to hit Niu Qiaoer, but Niu Qiaoer pushed him away and fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Boss Niu did not go to help Lai, but slapped Niu Qiao'er: "You bitch, you've rebelled against you, even your mother dares to beat you, will you beat me too later?" ?I’ll beat you to death first!”

When Xiao Yang saw this, he was not polite to him and hit him with his scabbard. With a bang, Boss Niu's palm was opened, causing him to throw away his hand in pain.

"Boss Niu and Mr. Lai, you are also suspected of helping He Jinwa rape Niu Qiaoer. Come back to the Yamen with us for trial." When Xiao Yang saw Boss Niu and his wife looking like this, he knew that it was impossible to reason with them and could only arrest them. Go to the Yamen and let the adults suppress their tempers, so that the Niu Qiaoer sisters can live a good life.

"What? We also want to go to the Yamen?" Lai was scared to death and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master Cha, our husband and wife are innocent. It was He Jinwa's family who did the evil things. Please let us go and don't hurt us." Arrest him and take him to the Yamen."

"Humph, it's too late. Get up now. If you dare to resist, it won't be us who will come to arrest you, but the military master of the Division of Soldiers!"

Because of the suppression of water bandits that year, the military commanders of the Sibing Station became famous. Everyone thought that they liked to kill people and were a hundred times more ferocious than the yamen servants. Therefore, as long as the name of the military commander of the Sibing Station was used, many rogues would The bastards didn’t dare to make any more noise.

When Mr. Niu and his wife heard this, they became honest and did not dare to resist anymore. Their hands were tied by the Yamen officer Xiao Yang and they were escorted to the county government together.

The village chief of Niufu Village got the news and came with several Niu family children. After asking about the situation, he said happily: "Oh, there is no good person in this Niu Fuzi family. They have been domineering in the village for many years and are ruining us The village has suffered, and he should have been arrested long ago.”

Even he, the village chief, is afraid of Mrs. Niu and his family.

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