"Yes." Erqing took the mask, soaked it, and gave the mask to Xiao Ji and Ye Jingzi. After everyone put on the mask, they continued to work.

The four of them stayed busy in the pharmacy for an hour. When the whole workshop was filled with the aroma of wine, Gu Jinli said: "Xiaoji cease fire."

Xiaoji immediately took out the firewood from the stove and buried it in the ashes.

"Little boss? Can we start the pot?" Erqing asked, already holding a knife in his hand, ready to tear the rice paste.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, tear off the rice puree and start the pot."

When Erqing heard this, he quickly used a knife to pry open the hard rice mud, tore off the pried rice mud with one hand, and threw it into the wooden barrel aside.

Not long after, Erqing pried off all the rice mud that sealed the pot.

After Erqing pushed the pot away again, Gu Jinli took out a big spoon, scooped out a big spoonful of wine, put it in two bowls, took it to the basin next to it, and cooled the wine with cold water. Afterwards, he said to Erqing: "Drink."

After saying that, he picked up the bowl and took a sip of the wine. The spicy taste hit his forehead. Well, it's up there.

"Yes, it should be above 50 degrees." Gu Jinli was very satisfied with the degree of purification. As long as it reaches 50 degrees, alcohol can be distilled directly.

Erqing also picked up the bowl, drank a few sips of wine, and said in surprise: "My dear boss, this wine is really strong. It can already be used to disinfect wounds."

People in Dachu would use strong wine to disinfect wounds, but the strongest wine in Dachu was not as strong as the one purified by Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Not yet, at least alcohol above 80 degrees is needed to disinfect the wound, but this wine is very strong, Grandpa Qin should like it."

Brother Qin must also like it very much.

"Erqing, bring the wine jars. I'll make a few jars of wine and keep them."

One jar was given to Grandpa Qin, and the rest was given to Brother Qin, asking him to take it and drink it with the soldiers at the Sibing Station, the soldiers at the Fucheng garrison camp, General Guo and the deputy generals. Only when the friendship is good can her little brother Qin's life be easier.

"Hey." Erqing brought the wine jars that he had prepared long ago and followed Gu Jinli to make drinks together. He made five jars of wine before he stopped.

When they filled five jars of wine, there was no more wine in the pot.

Xiaoji was confused: "Little boss, are we making alcohol or refining wine? This is all gone. This is eight jars of wine."

After purification, the water in the wine will evaporate, so eight jars of turbid wine can only evaporate five jars of strong liquor.

"Third Grandma is right, making alcohol really costs food." Xiaoji said a little distressed.

Gu Jinli: "...just steam it again, there is plenty of time anyway."

It’s really a waste of wine.

Xiaoji had no choice but to continue to light the fire and start steaming the second pot of wine. It took another long hour before the second pot of wine was purified.

"My little boss, this servant has brought you drinks." Tong Dayu's voice sounded outside the courtyard door, and Ye Jingzi went to open the door for them.

Tong Dayu came in with the servants from the pharmaceutical workshop carrying buckets of filtered wine.

"Heavy rain, put it on the porch." Ye Jingzi pointed to the eaves and porch of the pharmacy and said to them.

"Eh." Tong Dayu led a few people under him to carry the barrels of wine to the eaves and put them side by side. Then he asked the pharmacy: "Little boss, do you need to filter the remaining wine?"

"Yes, filter them all out!" Gu Jinli replied.

After hearing this, Tong Dayu responded: "I understand."

"Xiaoyu, is the alcohol ready?" Ms. Cui and Tong Xiaoxue brought food to Gu Jinli and others. As soon as they entered the yard, they could smell the pungent aroma of wine.

Xiaoyu had said that alcohol was twice as strong as spirits, so when he smelled the pungent smell of alcohol all over the yard, he felt that Xiaoyu had already made the alcohol.

Mrs. Cui was very happy: "It would be great if it was made, so that your third grandma wouldn't say anything about you."

The third grandma couldn't see Xiaoyu wasting food like this, so she worried about it all morning at home.

"Mom, you're here. The alcohol hasn't been made yet. It's just been purified. The alcohol can't be made until this afternoon." Gu Jinli wore a cotton mask on his face, opened the door of the pharmacy, came out of the pharmacy, and took Mrs. Cui's hand. He took the food box and asked: "What delicious food have you made? Is there any meat?"

Ms. Cui smiled: "Yes, can the meal for you be without meat? It's a roujiamo, which is full of meat. You can pick it up and nibble it, and it won't delay you from making alcohol."

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Thank you, mother, she still loves me the most."

She carried the food box into the house, put it on the table, took out the food inside, picked up the meat buns and ate them.

Mrs. Cui poured a bowl of warm water and put it in front of her, then asked: "You can't start making alcohol until this afternoon. How long does it take? If it takes too long, let Jingzi, Erqing and Xiaoji be here." Yes, you have to go home, but you can't spend the night in a pharmaceutical workshop."

Gu Jinli smiled and nodded in agreement: "I understand, mother, I won't spend the night here. You are too careful."

Then he asked: "Mom, the engagement ceremony between eldest sister and Brother Luo Wu is almost ready. The day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow."

Mrs. Cui was happy when she mentioned this, and said with a smile: "Everything is ready, and the notices have been sent out. We have invited the Jiang family, the Shang family, the Yuan family, the Xu family, and the Zheng family."

Mrs. Cui has always felt sorry for Gu Jinxiu, her eldest daughter. Sister Xiu was the one who suffered the most in the family. She didn't have a wedding ceremony that year, so she worked hard to make Gu Jinxiu's engagement ceremony a success.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, that's good. Biao Zeng and the others have been arrested, and the village no longer needs to be sealed off. It's time to invite everyone to have fun."

Gu Jinli and Gu Jinan did not hide the fact that their family was targeted by bandits from the Cui couple. Gu Jinan, Village Chief He and the others told the Cui couple about the matter after they returned from the Yamen.

After Cui and Gu Dashan heard this, although they were scared, they were not intimidated. Instead, they wanted to help. However, Zeng Biao and his group were really useless. They were caught by Uncle Jiang Qi that night and were beaten. Half dead. Therefore, Mrs. Cui and Gu Dashan don't need to help at all. As long as they know about this, they can be more careful in the future.

However, Fan Tu and the others were still on the mountain. After Qin Sanlang rushed to the Fucheng garrison camp overnight to report the news to General Guo, he was appointed by General Guo as the vanguard of the bandit suppression and went to suppress the bandits with a hundred recruits. He is still in Hukang. The county did not come back.

Ms. Cui said worriedly: "Can Sanlang come back in time?"

But be sure nothing happens.

However, Mrs. Cui did not say these words, feeling that it was unlucky, so she suppressed them and did not say them out.

Gu Jinli saw her worry and said with a smile: "Don't worry, mother. Brother Qin is so powerful, and he has hundreds of people with him. How can he deal with dozens of bandits? And the strength of that group of bandits is really not that good." , can’t be compared with the gangsters, they just bully and bully the common people, and they become cowardly when facing soldiers.”

Then he said: "Brother Qin will definitely come back before May 19th."

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