The two wolf cubs had to be medicated separately, otherwise how would she know whether it was the alcohol or the gold medicine that was working?

Ergou couldn't understand what she was talking about, so he just let out a small whine and was taken back to the kitchen yard by Erqing along with the big dog.

Not long after, Brother Cheng and Gu Jinan came to pick up Gu Jinli. As soon as they entered the courtyard, Brother Cheng said, "Second sister, it's time to go home for dinner. My mother has told you several times that if you don't go back, she will be angry."

Then he asked: "Where are the big dogs and the two dogs? I want to see them."

He had seen those two wolf cubs before. They were fat, fierce, and very cute.

Gu Jinli said: "It's over in the big kitchen. It's too late now. You can look at it tomorrow."

Hearing this, Brother Cheng had no choice but to give up and asked: "Second sister, can we only give raw meat to the big dog and the second dog? Can't cooked meat be used?"

"No." Gu Jinli said: "Those who are used to guard homes and courtyards must retain their wild nature."

Eating cooked meat will eat away at the aggressiveness of wolves. It is best to give them live prey directly and let them hunt the live animals for food.

"Okay." Brother Cheng said again: "Second sister, can you give me one? I want to raise one!"

He is the youngest child in the family. He has no younger siblings, nor nephews or nieces, so he can only raise wolf cubs to satisfy the feeling of being a big brother.

Gu Jinli said: "Yes, but the wolf cub this time has other uses and I cannot raise it for you. I will give it to you when I find a new wolf cub next time."

Brother Cheng was a little disappointed, but still very happy.

"Little boss, the big dog and the two dogs have been put away. They have been fed meat and they are enjoying their food." Er Qing said.

Gu Jinli nodded and said to Er Qing and Ye Jingzi: "You two have to work harder tonight and distill the alcohol overnight. Be careful and watch the fire to avoid burning the alcohol."

Brother Qin had someone send her a message, saying that he would go into the mountains to suppress bandits in the next two days. Someone might be injured. The alcohol was ready and would be delivered to him tomorrow. It was estimated that it would be able to help him.

Er Qing and Ye Jingzi nodded: "Don't worry, little boss, we will do what you say."

The next day, Gu Jinli got up before dawn, brushed his teeth and washed his face, put on work clothes, grilled two more fish, and then ran to the pharmaceutical workshop.

As soon as he entered the pharmacy, he asked: "Erqing, Jingzi, how much alcohol has been released?"

Ye Jingzi had stayed up all night and was already very sleepy. He was lying on the table and taking a nap. Erqing was very awake. Hearing this, he said: "Six small pots came out, and there are two small pots here, which are dripping."

Erqing got up and brought the prepared alcohol from the next room to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Including yesterday's two small pots, there are already eight small pots, which is enough. You take the alcohol and the gold medicine I prepared yesterday and ask Si'an to send it to Hukang County to Brother Qin."

Then he handed the grilled fish in a bamboo box to Erqing: "Take this to Brother Qin too."

Erqing smiled, took everything, and went to the mountains to find Si'an.

There is a training ground built by Qin Sanlang and others deep in Dafeng Mountain. Si'an and the others usually stay in the mountain, training while protecting Qin Guluotian's family.

"Sister Erqing, you are here." Si'an is fourteen years old this year. She is a round-faced and lively youngster. She was very happy to see Erqing coming. She bit a piece of grass in her mouth and sucked the sweet water from the grass while running over. Said: "Are you here to deliver alcohol? Did the little boss make it?"

He sniffed again and said, "It smells so good, it's grilled fish. The little boss is so kind to his master."

He often asked them to bring food to his master, and he would know what the little boss cooked for his master just by smelling the taste.

Erqing nodded: "Yes, it's done. There's also Jinchuang Medicine. Take it to Hukang County for the master."

Then tell Si'an how to use alcohol, what effects it has and what you need to pay attention to.

"Don't worry, Sister Erqing. I've remembered it and will tell the master word for word." Si'an took the package, carried it on his back, took out a bamboo tip and blew on it. After chirping a few times, a horse came from He ran out from the depths of the mountain forest and stopped next to Si'an.

Si'an got on his horse, waved to Erqing, and galloped in the mountains. After a lap in the mountains, he came out of the mountains and ran towards Hukang County.

Hukang County is relatively close to Dafeng Village, just passing through Daxing Town. Si'an is also riding a horse, so we arrived at a mountain before noon.

This mountain is the one occupied by Fan Tu and the others. It is quite big, but the houses on the mountain are not that good. They are mud and thatched houses.

Qin Sanlang led his men to lie in wait in Hukang County for several days. Last night, they finally attacked the village and captured Fan Tu and a group of bandits in one night.

At this moment, a group of wounded soldiers were bandaging each other's wounds outside the stockade, and Zhang Xiaoqi from the Division of Soldiers was outside the stockade.

"Brother Zhong, where is my master?" Si'an dismounted with a smile, carrying his things and walking towards Zhang Xiaoqi.

Zhang Zhong is Qin Sanlang's confidant in the military department. As long as it is something that can make meritorious service, Qin Sanlang will usually take him with him.

Zhang Zhong had met Si'an and the others. He raised his hand and pointed to a thatched house and said, "You are angry inside, and your brother Ping is also there."

You Ping is an ordinary member of Ping An Xie Le Qing. He rarely appears in Dafeng Village. Most of the time he follows Qin Sanlang and helps him.

When Si'an heard this, he immediately asked in a low voice: "Did Mr. Zhong Qi make a mistake?"

Zhong Zongqi was from the Fucheng garrison camp. He was transferred from the Jiangnan Capital Command and Envoys Department. He was from a good family background and was a noble son. He was young and vigorous. He was very unhappy with General Guo for giving the position of vanguard of bandit suppression to Qin. Saburo.

In Zhong Zongqi's eyes, even though Qin Sanlang had the experience of exterminating water bandits, he was only a member of the county military station and had no qualifications to lead the city's defenders.

Therefore, during the operation last night, he ignored Qin Sanlang's instructions and stayed at the back mountain pass, allowing Fan Tu's military advisor Xiaoyouzi to escape.

When Qin Sanlang found out, he was furious. He personally led You Ping to pursue him until dawn, and captured Xiao Youzi from a cliff cave. He was now settling accounts with Mr. Zhong Qi in the house.

In fact, it was not Qin Sanlang who wanted to settle accounts with Zhong Zongqi, but Zhong Zongqi himself who wanted to die and insisted on coming to him to make things clear.

"Xiaoyouzi is just a skinny old man, what can he do? You can just send a few soldiers to catch him, but you have to let me wait for him at the back mountain pass with a general flag. You are not greedy for success and want to take advantage of him." If I step aside, what's the point of taking all the credit?" Zhong Zongqi pointed at Qin Sanlang and asked directly.

Zhong Zongqi's name is Zhong Yu. He comes from a Jiangnan family. He has never suffered any hardship since he was a child. Both his father and brother are officials in the government. He should be able to obtain fame and become an official like his father and brother.

But his brain was different from others since he was a child. He didn't like to study, he only liked to dance with swords and sticks, and he was determined to make a great career in the army.

His good background gave him the confidence to be arrogant, so he liked to walk sideways in the army, and he was not afraid that Qin Sanlang, known as the King of Hell in the Fucheng garrison camp, would ignore his orders and do things that disobeyed the general's orders. .

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