"If you disobey orders in battle, you will be killed immediately. I will not protect you. If you can live, go back and tell General Guo yourself." After Qin Sanlang finished speaking, he shouted towards the outside of the house: "Take Fantu, Xiaoyouzi and Chang Laoer into custody. Come in."

A group of soldiers immediately escorted Fan Tu, Xiaoyouzi, and Chang Laoer, who were all tied up, in. "Qin Baihu, we are here."

Qin Sanlang turned around, grabbed Xiaoyouzi, threw him in front of Zhong Yu, cut the clothes on Xiaoyouzi's waist, pointed to a scar on Xiaoyouzi's waist and said, "Do you know what this scar means?"

Zhong Yu's eyes were already bloodshot from the beating. It took him a while to see the scars on Xiaoyouzi's waist clearly, and then he said angrily: "How do I know?!"

An old scar, he still had to study it.

Qin Sanlang sneered: "You are so ignorant and ignorant, but you still dare to be arrogant. Your father and brother were right to bring you to He'an Mansion. If you go to the northwest battlefield, you will not survive a stick of incense."

Si'an almost laughed out loud because he couldn't live without a stick of incense. The master's words were too poisonous.

Zhong Yu, on the other hand, was so angry that his face turned green, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood surged into his mouth. He swallowed it back alive, and shouted, "Have you scolded me enough? What is the origin of this Xiaoyouzi?"

Qin Sanlang pointed to the scar on Xiaoyouzi's waist and said: "The black scimitar scar is the mark of the Rongshan Gang, a fierce bandit in the northwest. Anyone who joins the Rongshan Gang in the northwest must have a scimitar scar cut on their body, and they must Pour in black water and turn Scimitar Scar black.”

"Rongshan Gang? What is that? Mr. Qin, don't lie to me with your nonsense!" Zhong Yu didn't understand at all. He grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. The farthest places he has been to are the capital, Zhongzhou, and the northwest. He didn't know anything about the pimples.

Qin Sanlang laughed angrily, feeling like he was talking to an idiot.

But conquering Zhong Yu was the task given to him by General Guo. He had to ignore Zhong Yu and could only say: "The Rongshan Gang was formed by the children of the Da Rong people who raped the Da Chu women. These children were The Da Rong and Da Chu people crowded out and simply gathered together as bandits, specializing in robbing the northwest border people and caravans to make a living."

Qin Sanlang told Zhong Yu about the Rongshan Gang. Zhong Yu was confused after hearing this: "Are they still a bunch of bastards?"

"Uh huh!" Xiaoyouzi was very angry. What he hated most in his life was for others to call him a bastard. He glared at Zhong Yu angrily and wanted to tear him apart. But he was tied up and his mouth was gagged, so he couldn't get angry at all.

Qin Sanlang ignored Xiaoyouzi and only said to Zhong Yu: "Yes, they are a group of bastards who specialize in the business of killing people and stealing goods."

"But how did you know?" Zhong Yu asked, still unconvinced.

Qin Sanlang, a poor man who fled from the northwest, was better than him in every way. He even brought two servants with him to suppress bandits, as if the eldest young master was wandering into the mountains. It was totally unreasonable. He was obviously the eldest young master who came from a noble family.

"My family is from the northwest. My father and uncle are both soldiers. I followed the generals to fight against the Rongshan Gang, and I know the characteristics of the Rongshan Gang's gangsters." Qin Sanlang felt that Zhong Yu was a bit stupid and was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. In one breath, he told how he discovered that Xiaoyouzi was a gangster from the Rongshan Gang.

"He can play a whistle from the Rongshan Gang, and his body is too thin. It seems that he was injured in the northwest. He was rejected by the Rongshan Gang and kicked out. After there was no way to survive, he fled to the south."

"His body is exhausted. He cannot work alone. He can only use his past experiences to confuse his disciples and try to get him to become a big queen."

The Rongshan Gang preys on the weak, and every one of them is as tough as a tiger. They will only leave the gang members who are like tigers. If anyone is injured and can't do anything anymore, he will be driven away.

Fan Tu was shocked. This young man was right. He admired Xiaoyouzi very much after knowing that he was a gangster in the northwest. After hearing Xiaoyouzi's words, he wanted to do something big.

Otherwise, with his urinary temperament, he would not dare to enter the village and loot the business. He would just stay in the mountains and rob people and small merchants who pass by.

"After I discovered the difference between Xiaoyouzi, I asked you to lead people to guard the back mountain pass, but you were stupid and let Xiaoyouzi escape!" After Qin Sanlang finished speaking, he gave Zhong Yu a knife in the arm, leaving Next sentence: "This is a lesson for you, so take care of yourself."

Zhong Yu is not a hopeless person. After listening to Qin Sanlang's words, seeing the curved knife scar on Xiaoyouzi's waist, and what they learned about Fan Tu and the bandits, he already knew what Qin Sanlang said. it is true.

But he wanted to lose face, and he was very embarrassed on his face. He didn't want to admit defeat to Qin Sanlang just like that, so he stretched his arms and said nothing.

Qin Sanlang ignored him and only said: "Don't pretend to be dead. Get up and lead your people to clean up the village. We will set off back at the beginning of the afternoon. If you miss the time, all your men will be beaten with thirty military sticks." Including you.”

Thirty army sticks!

Zhong Yu jumped up in fright and glared at Qin Sanlang fiercely. This poor man was too cruel. He had already been beaten like this, and he wanted to hit him with thirty military sticks again. Was he trying to kill people?

Qin Sanlang ignored Zhong Yu, walked up to Fan Tu, Chang Laoer, and Xiaoyouzi, pulled out the knife, and with a few swishes, cut off the hamstrings of the three of them.

Fan Tu and the other three were so painful that their eyes were splitting, and they stared at Qin Sanlang angrily and unwillingly. This young man was so cruel that in order to prevent them from escaping, he even broke their hamstrings!

"Keep an eye on them." Qin Sanlang told the soldiers who were escorting Fan Tu and the other three. He stepped out of the room and looked at Si'an: "But my wife has sent something?"

After getting the appointment letter, Qin Sanlang always mentioned my wife when he mentioned Gu Jinli outside.

Si'an nodded: "Well, my boss has made some alcohol for you, which he said can be used to disinfect wounds. He has already brought it for you to use on the injured soldiers."

As he said that, he handed over the bamboo box packed in a cloth bag: "Grilled fish."

Qin Sanlang could already smell the smell of grilled fish. He happily took the bamboo box and opened it. When he saw two grilled fish that were browned, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled happily.

This smile was so bright and friendly that it made the soldiers who were doing the cleaning work in the stockade tremble with fear!

Oh my god, are they hallucinating? How could Qin Baihu smile so kindly and warmly? Just now he was beating Mr. Zhongqi like a king of hell.

But last night was even more terrifying, as the entire bandit village was killed to pieces.

The corpses of the bandits were still piled up behind the house. Qin Baihu also ordered them to behead their heads and take them back to count the number of people. The corpses were left and buried on the spot.

Look, look, look, such a terrifying person, he is smiling so brightly now... Either Qin Baihu is crazy or they are crazy.

Qin Sanlang ignored them and left with the bamboo box in his arms: "Where is the alcohol? Take me to see how to use it?"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of grilled fish and ate it with relish, but was reluctant to finish it in such a hurry. He only ate a piece of grilled fish and then stopped.

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