A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1135 Tong San is dead

The people gathered around talking about Tong's family were shocked: "Iron mine? Are you telling the truth? You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, you will be beheaded!"

What is iron ore? But the good things that are comparable to gold mines, the army, the carriages and horses, the baggage, the farmers' tools for farming, and the pots for cooking, which one does not require iron?

Among the four major mines in Dachu, iron ore ranks ahead of silver mines and is more valuable than silver or copper mines. After all, your silver and copper cannot be turned into weapons, but iron can.

The person who spoke before said: "My aunt's grandson-in-law is Huang Bantou. The news came from him. The prefect and General Zhang from the Fucheng garrison camp have already taken people to Yanshan. It is estimated that tomorrow night at the latest, Then the news will come back.”

"What? You mean the Tong family's iron mine is in Yanshan?" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the largest village in the Tong family was actually an iron mine.

When an old man heard this, he sighed: "It turns out that there are iron mines in Yanshan. No wonder Tong Changxing sold three shops when his family was in decline, and bought Yanshan after watching the abuse from his family."

When everyone heard this, they all asked him: "Uncle Lin, do you know about the Tong family's purchase of Yanshan?"

Lin Bo was a watchman and it was afternoon. He had just woken up and went for a walk. After hearing the big guys talking about the Tong family, he came over to listen. He nodded and said, "Well, when the Tong family bought When we were in Yanshan, many people laughed at the Tong family, saying that the Tong family was crazy. Why would they buy such a barren mountain where even weeds didn't grow much? There wasn't much land to grow, and the mountains were quarried, and the stones didn't grow well. , Not to mention rich people don’t want to build rockeries, even farmers don’t want to build houses.”

"But Tong Changxing said that he went to see the old gentleman and said that Yanshan's feng shui is good and matches his horoscope. If he buys Yanshan, the Tong family will not only become rich again, but they will also be rich for at least three generations!"

"Now that I think about it, Tong Changxing knew that there were iron mines in Yanshan a long time ago, so he sold the three remaining shops in his family and bought this Jinshan. He really became rich."


"The Tong family is not a wealthy family, nor is it a family of high-ranking officials. It is just an ordinary wealthy family. They cannot own iron mines in Dachu."

This iron ore is linked to weapons, and everything linked to weapons must be in the hands of the court. Even if iron ore is found in your land, as long as you dare to mine it, your nine tribes will die.

But Tong Changxing was born into a wealthy family and had a good life. When he was a teenager, the Tong family began to decline rapidly due to his father's incompetence. After experiencing the hard life, he was scared to death. When he was in his twenties and his family's life became more and more difficult, he became even more afraid. Once iron ore was discovered, he took the risk even though he knew that mining was against the laws of Dachu.

He thought, there are wealthy families and high-ranking officials who have copper mines. Why can't his family have an iron mine? As long as he is careful and secretive and digs out and sells out all the iron ore in Yanshan as soon as possible, the court will not know about it and his family will be fine.

But contrary to expectations, Mr. Tong became more and more courageous. From the beginning, he only dared to sell some pig iron quietly, but now he even dares to sell machetes. This is a typical case of seeking death.

When everyone heard what Uncle Lin said, they became frightened and asked: "Uncle Lin, the Tong family's matter is so big, someone from the imperial court will definitely come, and we people in Fucheng won't be affected, right?"

The common people just want to live an honest and stable life, and they are most afraid of people from the imperial court. If an imperial envoy comes from the imperial court, the entire city will be under martial law, and the government will conduct door-to-door searches, ordering them not to go out unless they have nothing to do. Even going out to work to support their families will be restricted, so they are very worried.

Lin Bo has lived for more than sixty years and has experienced everything. When he heard this, he could only sigh: "What can I do? Guys, please be honest during this time and prepare more food, oil and salt. It will be fine." Don’t go out too often, be honest, and avoid getting into trouble with the authorities.”

After everyone heard this, they lost all interest in listening to gossip. Someone hurriedly said: "Then I have to go to the village outside the city to collect some grain and take it home. In case the city gate is closed and we can't go out, we have to go to the grain shop to buy it." Expensive food to eat.”

"Da Cong is right, let's go out of the city to collect some food." Many people went out of the city in groups and wanted to go to the villages outside the city to collect food.

But they were still late. The city gate was closed. The soldiers guarding the city beat the notice board with wooden sticks and told the people who wanted to leave the city: "Attention, everyone, we are not allowed to go out in the city these days. If it matters. If a life-threatening matter requires leaving the city, go to the Fucheng Yamen to explain the situation."

"What? How many days will the city gate be closed? Why?" Someone was very unhappy and said to the gatekeeper: "Master, we are from the Neem Tree Village outside the city. We are farmers who come to the city to sell agricultural products. Now It’s already sold out, so I have to rush home to harvest the wheat. It’s already late June, and if we don’t harvest the wheat, it will be over.”

The general said: "This is an order issued by the Fucheng Yamen and the Fucheng Army Camp. We have nothing to do. You just need to stay in the city for a few days. Just a few days will be fine."

The Tong family's matter is that they were caught. There is no need for any investigation. As long as it is confirmed that there is indeed iron ore in Yanshan, the Tong family's charges can be confirmed. Therefore, it does not take five days to wait for the soldiers to arrest the Tong family in the city. After everyone is caught, everyone can leave the city.

"We need money to live in the city. How can people in the countryside have money to stay in an inn? Master Jun, please be kind and let us out secretly. We will definitely remember your great kindness."

The soldier guarding the city almost laughed angrily, pointed at his head and said, "Do you think I'm tired of living? I let you out quietly, and then my whole family was captured and beheaded?"

What kind of brain can you even say this? How dare you love my life for nothing?

Those people who were eager to leave the city blushed a little after hearing this, but they were not fools. If the city gate was closed and they were not allowed to go out, something big must have happened in the city. They did not want to be implicated. They wanted to leave as soon as possible and continued to beg the soldiers: "Master Jun, please open a small crack in the door and let us out."

The soldier guarding the city gate gave him a big look. He banged the wooden stick on the ground in his hand and drove the people who were rushing to the city gate into the city: "Back off, back off. If you dare to look for trouble, the sword will be cut off." The stick has no eyes!"

The big guy was driven back by a group of more than a dozen soldiers. After being driven away for more than ten meters, he put down the basket he was carrying and squatted on the spot, wanting to wait and see if the city gate would open?

But when they waited until dark, the soldiers still had no intention of opening the city gate, so they could only curse and return to the city to find a place to rest.

When the soldiers guarding the city saw that they were gone, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, you're gone now. It's such a waste of energy. I thought they were going to make bunks here for the night."

After complaining, he brought up another gossip about the Tong family: "Hey, have you heard about it? The third young master of the Tong family died last night. I heard that he couldn't stand the confiscation of the Tong family, and in despair, he hit the wall and died."

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