When Cao Juren heard this voice, he was stunned and didn't recognize who it was for a while.

But Magistrate Shi heard it, and he was overjoyed and hurriedly went to pick him up: "Mr. Yan, why are you here? Master Lin, hurry up and take a seat."

Although Mr. Yan San is not the person with the highest official position in the Yan family, he has served as an official. He became an official and returned to his hometown for retirement eight years ago.

Cao Juren was shocked. He didn't expect that Old Mrs. Yan San would come here in person. Moreover, after hearing what Old Mrs. Yan San said about him, he would not stand on his side.

Although he is an old man, Mr. Yan San is not too young. He has also been an official and comes from a wealthy family. He does not need to be like Magistrate Shi, who has to be careful with him for the sake of official reputation. He can not leave him any face. .

Cao Juren was afraid, and so were Cao Juren's students. They could bully Gu Jinan, but they didn't dare to bully Mr. Yan San.

Seeing their cowardice, Old Master Yan San laughed angrily: "If you don't have the guts, you still help others to harm others. Can't you just enjoy your old age in peace?"

These words made Cao Juren's heart skip a beat, and he looked at Old Master Yan San in horror... Could it be that the Yan family already knew about Tong San's bribery of him?

Hey, Cao Juren really guessed it right.

During the government examination, Yan Xiaowu suddenly fell ill and lost his position as the head of the government. The Yan family sent people to keep an eye on Tong San and found out that Tong San had asked an old nobleman from Osmanthus Alley to do errands to send money to Cao Juren. Send news and bribe Cao Ju to do harm to others.

Old Master Yan San didn't talk nonsense to Cao Juren. He directly told what the Yan family found out: "I have brought the old noble man here. You will know after asking."

Magistrate Shi now pays great attention to the affairs of the Tong family. When he heard that Tong San sent someone to bribe Cao Juren, he immediately said: "Bring the old nobleman here."

Lao Guitou is an old man in his fifties. His parents worked as servants in the Tong family. Because of his meritorious service, the Tong family let his family go free after the death of his parents.

But in the eyes of the Tong family, he was still a domestic servant of the Tong family, who had to do whatever the Tong family asked them to do.

As soon as the old man arrived, he knelt down and cried: "Master Magistrate, I was forced to do this. If I don't do this, my family will not be able to survive in the city... The Tong family has so many nursing homes and escort agencies. Just send any escort to teach the kid a lesson, he won’t be able to resist.”

Magistrate Shi said: "Don't talk nonsense. Please explain clearly how Tong San bribed Cao Fangshan."

After hearing this, the old noble man did not dare to delay any longer. He told Tong San that he asked him to go to Cao Juren and threatened Cao Juren: "When Cao Juren was more than sixty years old, he had a pregnant belly." , the child was raised by Cao Juren in the countryside. Young Master Tong San first used this matter to threaten Cao Juren, saying that if he did not help harm the head of the case, he would let him go into the flowers at the end of his life and give birth to a child with a prostitute. Tell him and let him become the laughing stock of the city. But if it is done, I will give Cao Juren five thousand taels as a reward, and Cao Juren agreed."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. They didn't expect to hear such a piece of gossip.

The people who were watching the excitement were talking a lot, pointing at Cao Juren and jokingly said: "Hey, Cao Juren, you are very fierce. You are so old that you still ask a flower girl to have a child. This is an old man, even though he was born by a prostitute. Well, after all, he is still a precious little boy, so he must be taken home and raised well."

Some people disagreed and said: "Why raise him? My mother is a prostitute. I don't know if the child is biological. How can I ask Cao Juren to take him back and raise him? What if he doesn't look like him when he is raised? Wouldn’t Cao Juren be angry to death about a certain man in the city?”

Cao Juren was almost furious. He pointed at them and cursed tremblingly: "You, you, shut up, cough, cough, cough!" He was so angry that he coughed violently and almost rolled his eyes.

Magistrate Shi was afraid that Cao Juren would die in court, so he immediately clapped his hands and said: "Be quiet, be quiet, if anyone who has nothing to do with you dares to talk too much, I will be beaten with twenty big sticks!"

After hearing this, the people watching the excitement immediately shut up and continued watching the show.

Cao Juren was so angry that the doctor who was called in gave him a round of injections before he recovered.

Magistrate Shi said: "Cao Juren, because you are an old man, I will not embarrass you. I will treat you as if you were deceived by Tong San. I will apologize to the head of the case and pay a fine of one hundred taels of silver." Go home."

Kong Xuezheng nodded after hearing this and said in agreement: "Master Shi is indeed kind. You should cherish your blessings, Mr. Cao."

If this matter of someone being bribed to falsely accuse the head of the case in the court was really pursued, Cao Juren would be deprived of his reputation.

But Cao Juren was embarrassed. If he admitted his mistake and apologized like this, his reputation would be ruined for the rest of his life. He was not willing to apologize, but pointed at Gu Jinan and said: "Sir, Mr. Gu really doesn't see people alive or dead anymore. The Gu Jin'an family has a grudge against Mr. Gu. I very much suspect that Mr. Gu was killed by his family. Please investigate this case thoroughly, otherwise, otherwise..."

Old Mrs. Yan San smiled: "Otherwise, what are you going to do?"

Cao Juren was stunned for a moment when he was asked. Under the heavy blow, he shed tears and cried: "Otherwise, I will be killed in this court to rectify the world!"

Ah, you are the only one who is still on the right path? You just finished hurting people, so you have the face to say such things.

"You are stubborn." Mr. Yan San looked at Cao Juren and said, "Cao Fangshan, if you apologize now, you can still keep your reputation, but if you insist on tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Gu, you will say that he was killed by the Gu Jin'an family. If you die, we will not tolerate you anymore. When the truth comes out, we will definitely report it to the capital and deprive you of your honorary title. You have to think about how to do it."

After hearing this, Cao Juren's students all advised him: "Sir, now that things have come to this, let's apologize and leave immediately. If we continue to make trouble, it will only be more embarrassing! And the Yan family cannot offend. If we offend the Yan family, please let us return the favor." How do you live in Linhe Mansion?"

Cao Juren originally wanted to admit his mistake, but after hearing what the students said and seeing that the students disliked him for being embarrassed, his face became even more embarrassed. He knew that if he couldn't kill Gu Jinan today and found out Gu Jinan's crime, he would be completely finished.

Cao Juren's eyes were red with anger as he glared at Old Master Yan San and said, "Gu Jinan just plotted to kill Old Master Gu!"

"Ha." Old Master Yan San sneered and said to Yan Xiaowu: "Go and bring Master You, Doctor Li, and Team Leader Xue in."

"Yes." Yan Xiaowu immediately walked out of the courtroom, called the servants at home, and brought Master You and the three people who had been waiting in the carriage.

Old Mrs. Yan San pointed at Master You and said: "Mr. Gu is not dead. Now he is living in the Taoist temple in the mountains, living with Master You. How Master You met Mr. Gu and how he saved him, Doctor Li and Bantou Xue can both testify. .”

Then he explained: "I know this because I was told by an old friend. Master You and the others were also sent here by that old friend. That old friend's surname is Ouyang and he comes from the Ouyang family in the capital."

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