A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1146 Complete Solution

But it can't be taken away. His whole family relies on his father's reputation as a civil servant. If his reputation as a civil servant disappears, his family will not be able to survive in the city and they will have to go back to the countryside.

Moreover, if they were deprived of their honorary title, even if they returned to the countryside, they would still be laughed at by the people in their hometown.

Magistrate Shi sneered: "Cao Fangshan and Tong San framed the leader of the current Academy of Sciences, and being deprived of his credit is considered a light thing. You also know what happened to the Tong family. If they are investigated, even your family will be beheaded!"

What the Tong family committed was serious crimes of privately mining iron ore and selling weapons, which were enough to confiscate the nine clans, and the evidence that Tong San bribed Cao Juren was conclusive. So if the Cao family doesn't want the whole family to lose their heads, they should shut up, stop talking, and accept the punishment honestly.

After hearing this, the three Cao brothers turned pale with fright. They looked at Cao Juren and stared at him fiercely. If he hadn't been their biological father, they would have killed him.

"Thank you, Lord Magistrate, for being generous." The Cao family doesn't want fame or anything like that. Saving their lives is the most important thing.

The three brothers of the Cao family were dripping with cold sweat and assured Magistrate Shi: "Don't worry, Sir, we will definitely take good care of my father in the future to prevent him from going crazy again."

Magistrate Shi nodded and gave them a reassuring word: "Since Cao Juren is an old man, this matter will not affect the rest of you Cao family. After supporting your father, go and apologize to Gu Jinan, and then Take him back to recuperate. Let’s wait until the adults in the capital decide on the matter of fame.”

Da Chu felt that all elderly people were blessed and he was very tolerant towards them, so Magistrate Shi would not put Cao Juren in prison and only let the three Cao brothers take him home.

"Hey, yes, yes, thank you for your grace, Lord Magistrate!" The three Cao brothers almost cried with joy. They immediately came over to support Cao Juren and asked him to apologize to Gu Jinan.

But Cao Juren felt so embarrassed that he refused to apologize. Instead, he pointed at Gu Jinan and cursed: "Why should I apologize to such a vicious grandson who doesn't support his own grandfather? He should kneel down and apologize to heaven and earth. !”

Magistrate Shi is convinced, who are these people? When you get to this point, you can still refuse to admit your mistakes.

The three brothers of the Cao family have the desire to kill: "Dad, it has reached this point, can't you just apologize honestly?"

You were bribed by Tong San, and everyone knew about your false accusations. How can you still be so stubborn?

Gu Jinan smiled when he heard this, looked at Magistrate Shi, and said, "Student, thank you, Magistrate, for giving me justice. As for Cao Juren's apology, I don't need it. The student doesn't need it."

Students don't need it. These five words are full of disdain for Cao Juren.

After hearing this, Cao Juren became even more angry and shouted to the people around him: "Look at Gu Jinan's face, he is born to be such an arrogant person... His family not only has no filial piety, but also no respect at all. In the heart of an elder, such unfilial and unvirtuous people should be reviled by everyone!"

Mr. Yan San looked at Cao Juren, shook his head and said, "Cao Fangshan, you are really out of your mind. Since you always insist on the Gu Jin'an family not supporting Mr. Gu, we might as well come and listen." Listen to Mr. Ouyang Hu's article and discuss what filial piety is?"

Shang Xiucai's eyes lit up when he heard this. Could it be that this was the time when Mr. Ouyang Hu said it?

He was very excited and watched as Old Master Yan San took out a letter from the inner pocket of his sleeve, handed it to Yan Xiaowu, and said: "Xiaowu, please read this "What is Filial Piety" to everyone."

"Yes." Yan Xiaowu was very excited. He had always admired Mr. Ouyang Hu. Every time he published a new poem, he had to read it. But he never thought that one day he would be the first person to read Mr. Ouyang Hu. A person who can read a new work on the spot.

After Yan Xiaowu took the envelope, he bowed devoutly to the east, then tore open the envelope and began to read the article "What is Filial Piety" aloud.

This article was not long, only two pieces of paper. It took Yan Xiaowu less than a quarter of an hour to read it, but when he read the last few sentences, everyone who understood it fell silent.

"The heaven and the earth are divided into yin and yang, and people also have good and evil. The one who gives birth to a person has a father, and the person who gives birth to a person has a mother. The father's filial piety is the bone, and the mother's filial piety is the flesh and blood. Who is the one who gave birth to me? Who is the one who raised me? Who will endure the great difficulties for me and overcome them? Who is the one who is about to die? He is the one who gave me flesh and blood..."

The one who gave me flesh and blood is my mother.

Mr. Ouyang's article is very simple. It asks everyone, "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me." When people talk about filial piety, why do they only regard father's filial piety as the most respected one? Where did mother's filial piety go?

What Gu Dashan actually did was that after Mr. Gu made a mistake, he stopped being filial to him and chose to be filial to Fei.

But men in Dachu don't care about a dead woman. They only care about, why are you not filial to your biological father as a son? !

If you are only filial to your mother but not to your father, you are unfilial and you deserve to die.

Many people understand what Mr. Ouyang said in his article, and they also understand that it was not wrong for Gu Dashan to no longer be filial to Mr. Gu after he helped Mrs. Gu murder Fei.

But they just don't want to admit it, just because this kind of precedent has been set. What if they make a mistake one day and their son will only be filial to his biological mother and no longer be filial to their fathers?

But now that a well-known scholar like Mr. Ouyang has come forward to support the Gu Jinan family, many people no longer dare to find fault with this matter.

To put it bluntly, they bully the weak and avoid the strong. Someone with a higher reputation and status than them must come out and slap them a few times in order for them to be honest.

Kong Xuezheng's eyes filled with tears when he heard this, and he thought of his old mother... She had a dystocia, and it took her several days of pain to give birth to him. But his mother also died of a hemorrhage. He had not seen his mother since he was a child, but he remembered his mother's kindness. If his father helped his step-brother kill his wife, he would, like Gu Dashan, choose not to be filial to his father and sever ties with his biological father.

"Mr. Ouyang's "What is Filial Piety" is really a great article that awakens the world. I admire it and feel the same way." Kong Xuezheng asked Mr. Yan San: "Mr. Yan, can you give this article to me? I will take it with you. Return to the capital and ask the emperor to take a look."

Old Master Yan San said: "Of course you can. Xiao Wu, give Mr. Ouyang's article to Mr. Kong."

Ouyang Hu said that it would be best to bring this matter to the capital once and for all, so that when Gu Jinan goes to the capital to take the entrance examination, no one will bring it up again.

Otherwise, if you go back and forth on one thing too many times, even if Gu Jinan's family is right, others will think that his family is at fault if they hear it too much.

"Yes." Yan Xiaowu responded reluctantly, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry. When he handed the article to Kong Xuezheng, he looked at Kong Xuezheng with a pair of eyes, asking, "Can you please stop reading this?" The appearance of begging for the article to be taken away?

How could Kong Xuezheng not take it away? He had a smile on his face but showed no mercy. He grabbed the article and said, "Yan Xiucai, thank you very much."

After Yan Xiaowu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Students don't dare."

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