A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1157: Old handle [Thank you for your monthly votes]

Mrs. Gan looked at the beggar and then left with her daughter.

After she sent her daughter home, she did not come over in a hurry. Instead, she sat at home for an hour and sent her family's rough lady to the city gate to secretly watch the beggar. She saw that the beggar had been waiting. A big girl in the same ragged clothes came and gave him a pie that he had eaten for a few bites.

"Eldest girl? Are you a member of the beggar's family?" Mrs. Gan asked, already feeling relieved.

The mother-in-law nodded and said: "Yes, the old slave was standing not far away and heard the girl call him daddy. She also said that she asked for the pie at the back door of the restaurant. It was very clean. There were three in total. I gave it to him. He took one, and took the remaining two back to his grandmother and younger brother to eat. The beggar scolded her, saying that the meat-filled pies were waiting for them here, so they should be given to him first and he would divide them up. "

Mrs. Gan was very happy and said: "So, that beggar has a family, and there are quite a few of them."

She has children and a mother, even if the beggar cheated her, she can still find his family to take revenge.

The old woman nodded: "Well, as I saw, the beggar does have a family."

Mrs. Gan stood up, combed her hair and said, "In that case, let's go see the beggar."

After Mrs. Gan inquired about the beggar, she took her mother-in-law to see the beggar. When she returned to the city gate again, it was already afternoon.

The beggar waited impatiently and was very angry, but he did not dare to get angry with Mrs. Gan. Instead, he nodded and bowed to Mrs. Gan: "Madam, you are finally here."

Mrs. Gan nodded and pointed to an empty space beside the city gate.

The beggar was very smart and walked over there immediately. Mrs. Gan's master and servant followed closely behind her. When she arrived at the place, Mrs. Gan said: "The woman you asked about earlier is indeed surnamed Chen. The man's name is Gu Dagui. She has two sons at home. , who fled from the northwest and now make their home in Tianfu County under the control of He'an Prefecture."

"Gu Dagui, her man's name is really Gu Dagui?!" The beggar was extremely excited, and his sallow face turned red due to not having enough to eat: "Oh my God, I finally found them. I didn't expect this shrew to be so good. I don’t care if I don’t die after escaping the famine, I’m still riding a mule cart.”

When Mrs. Gan heard what the beggar said, she knew that the relationship between the beggar and the Chen family was not good. She was very happy and said: "Not only did she get on the mule cart, she also became the shopkeeper. Now she runs a huge tofu workshop in the north of the city. , his head and hands are covered with gold jewelry, and his nephew has even been admitted as a scholar, so his life is really as good as heaven."

He was so arrogant that he even dared to play tricks on her. She couldn't swallow this unless Chen was taught a lesson.

"What? Madam is saying that Chen Shuihua is now the shopkeeper's wife, and her husband's nephew has been admitted as a scholar?!" Chen Zangjin was so shocked that his eyes bulged out. Unexpectedly, Chen Shuihua, that bitch, has really become rich and powerful, and has even become the aunt of the scholar. His family must quickly recognize such a noble relative.

Mrs. Gan nodded: "Exactly, the Chen family is indeed rich, and her family has a lot of gold and silver."

Mrs. Gan told her how rich the Chen family was, how much gold jewelry they had, and how promising her nephew was. She was so excited when she talked about Chen Zangjin that she almost fainted with excitement.

"Ms. Chen, are you really your biological sister?" After Mrs. Gan boasted about the wealth of the Chen family, she asked the beggar: "Since we are biological sisters, how did we get separated? Look at the tone of your words and your relationship with this girl. Not very good."

At first glance, it looks like they have a grudge, and they want to tear each other to pieces.

However, Mrs. Gan really wished that Chen's relationship with her natal family was not good, so that she could use the help of Chen's natal family to deal with Chen.

Chen Zangjin snorted coldly and said: "Chen Shuihua is indeed my biological sister, but that shrew is an unfilial daughter. Since she got married, her heart has been towards her husband's family and has ignored her mother's family. If I ask her for some silver flowers, she She just picked up a knife to kill people, she really doesn’t care about her mother’s family, she is a cruel and unfilial daughter!”

Chen Zangjin was still frightened when he thought about how Chen almost hacked him to death. He couldn't help but touch his arm. Damn it, there was a scar on it.

After hearing this, Mrs. Gan frowned and said, "Your whole family can't deal with a Chen family?"

This is too cowardly, so why should I look for you? The details were revealed in vain.

Chen Zangjin smiled apologetically and said, "Madam, don't be angry. What happened before was just a misunderstanding. Now our family is in trouble. Mr. Chen's husband's family has become rich, and our nephew is a scholar. He must have a reputation. I don't dare to use the knife to chop him again." From my mother’s family.”

Then he said: "Madam, please rest assured, as long as you are willing to help us, our family guarantees that we will help you teach Mr. Chen a lesson and vent your bad breath!"

Mrs. Gan frowned, looked at Chen Zangjin and said, "How do you want me to help?"

Needless to say? Of course it's money.

"My family fled from the northwest. They have been having a hard time in the past few years. Now they have settled down at Xiaoqingyun Temple and enjoy the food from the Taoist temple. But there are many people in the family, and there are men who cannot live in the temple... ..." Chen Zangjin glanced at Mrs. Gan, rubbed his hands and said, "Madam, I think you come from a wealthy family. Can you lend me a few taels of silver first so that our family can rent a yard to live in, and then buy some clean clothes to wear? Ask Chen Shuihua to recognize you."

He also promised: "As long as this family recognizes you, my mother will definitely use her status as an elder to help you give you a good beating and vent your anger!"

Mrs. Gan sneered and said, "A few taels of silver in exchange for Chen's beating? Then I might as well ask the bastards in the city to give him a beating. I still need you."

Chen Zangjin cursed in his heart, a beating is not enough? You, a woman with a vicious heart, will be struck by lightning sooner or later.

However, Chen Zangjin wanted to steal Mrs. Gan's money, so he hurriedly said: "If madam is not satisfied, then after we recognize Mrs. Chen, we will expose the scandal she has done in her hometown and make her lose face. What do you think?"

Mrs. Gan was overjoyed when she heard this: "Ms. Chen did something scandalous when she was in her hometown? What kind of scandal? But could it ruin her reputation?"

"Yes, yes." Chen Zangjin nodded hurriedly: "That scandal is related to her innocence. Madam's money will definitely be well spent."

After hearing this, Mrs. Gan went crazy with excitement: "Oh my God, did Mrs. Chen have sex with a man when she was in her hometown?"

Chen Zangjin nodded: "Of course it has happened, otherwise how could it be a big deal?"

Unfortunately, the man who had an affair with Mr. Chen was none other than Gu Dagui.

Chen Zangjin is worthy of being a member of the Chen family. When it comes to lying to get money, he is better than the Chen family. He tells what Lady Gan wants to hear.

Mrs. Gan thought she had the clue about Chen's age, so she immediately took out five taels of silver and gave it to Chen Zangjin: "Keep it, but you have to keep your word. If you don't ruin Chen's reputation within a month, I will go to the Yamen." I’m going to sue you and say that you stole my money!”

Chen Zangjin responded solemnly: "Madam, don't worry, I will definitely ruin the Chen family's reputation."

But what he was thinking in his heart was: Hey, you fool, Mrs. Chen is so rich now, if he can really recognize her, he will definitely treat her as a queen, and you would be stupid to offend Mrs. Chen!

Thank you for your monthly votes. I won’t write too much about the affairs of Chen’s natal family. Within twenty chapters, I will write about the man and woman preparing to get married in advance. The marriage between Gu Jinan and Miss Ouyang will not be settled so quickly. The two have contact first and develop a liking for each other. The engagement will take place after Sanlang and Xiaoyu go to the northwest. The main characters in this book are all one-on-one, and Gu Jinan, Gu Dexing, and Qi Kangming are all incapable of keeping concubines. Thank you for your support, appreciate it┭┮﹏┭┮

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