After Chen Yinhua made up her mind, she began to think about how to implement it.

However, she had to stop her family first, and she couldn't let them go to the Xu family for money so quickly, otherwise her tip would be of no value.

"Nai, have you discussed it? When do you plan to go to the Xu family to ask for money?" Chen Yinhua asked from the side.

Old Ruan said: "After we have discussed it, we will go immediately."

Chen Yinhua shook her head and said, "Nai, we can't go now. We still don't know where the Xu family's house is?"

Chen Zangjin smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about this. The young master of the Xu family has also been admitted as a scholar. He is meeting the prefect in the government office. As long as we wait outside the government office and follow them, we can know where the Xu family lives?" "

He is very good at tracking this matter.

After saying that, he said to Lao Ruan: "Mom, it's already afternoon now. It's been almost two hours since the Xu family went to the government office. We have to hurry over and follow them. Otherwise, if they leave, we won't be able to find the Xu family." A place to live.”

Old Ruan's plan is to follow the Xu family, go to the Xu family to cry out about Chen Yinhua's abandonment, and use this incident to get money from the Xu family.

Mrs. Chi nodded fiercely: "His father is right, mother, let's pack up quickly and wait at the gate of Fucheng Yamen."

Chen Yinhua sneered, looked at the old Ruan family, and said: "Mistress, this is the Fucheng Yamen. Our household registration has been lost, and we are dressed as beggars. If we go to the Fucheng Yamen and wait at the gate, the Yamen servants will definitely ask for help when they see us. They arrested us. When the time comes, we will be dragged to the mines, but we will be dead."

Old Ruan's heart trembled, and she said: "Yinhua reminds me that the Fucheng Yamen is a place that cannibalizes people. We can't all go and wait somewhere, otherwise something bad will happen."

Old Ruan thought for a while, pointed at Chen Zangjin and Chen Zanggu and said, "You two brothers go and wait outside the Yamen. When you see the Xu family's mule cart, follow it. After you find the Xu family's residence, come back and report the news."

Let the two brothers go together so they won't quarrel.

Sure enough, Chen Zanggu was satisfied after hearing this and said to Old Ruan: "Don't worry, mother, we will definitely handle this matter properly."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and smiled towards old Ruan: "Mom, our appearance is too eye-catching. Please give us some money, and we can buy two pairs of coarse linen clothes in the shop before it closes. Look. If we look like people from poor families, then the government officials will not make things difficult for us."

To put it bluntly, he wanted the ingot of silver that Chen Zangjin had brought back earlier.

Chen Zangjin got angry, pushed Chen Zanggu, and said: "Third brother, you are really greedy, that money is mine!"

Chen Zanggu said: "Brother, it's not that I want to take advantage of you, but we look like beggars so conspicuous that we have to change our clothes before we can go to the Fucheng Yamen Gate to do errands."

He added: "The government officials have been very strict in arresting people recently. If they catch us, our whole family will be sold."

"Okay, okay, here is half a tael of broken silver. You can use it to buy two pairs of coarse linen clothes." Old Ruan took out the half a tael of silver that he had hidden and handed it to Chen Zangjin: "Boss, that ingot of silver of yours is mine." I will put it away first, and you can take the third child to work with peace of mind."

"Hey, my son knows." Chen Zangjin was finally happy and took the money happily.

Old Ruan urged impatiently: "Let's go quickly, don't wait any longer, the sun will set if we delay any longer."

Chen Zangjin smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother. I heard from those who were watching the excitement that the magistrate has hosted a banquet, and the Xu family will have a banquet at the government office. I guess they won't go back until dark."

After saying this, he called Chen Zanggu and the two brothers left.

Both Chi and Shan were shrewd. When they saw this, they called their sons and asked them to follow them. They said, "Let the two younger ones follow. If anything happens, they can also be errand runners." Come back and send us a message."

Mrs. Ruan knew what they were planning, so she snorted coldly but said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence. She called Chen Yinhua and explained in detail what she should do when she arrived at Xu's house.

Chen Yinhua listened patiently and said after listening: "Don't worry, grandma, this is related to our family's livelihood, and my granddaughter will definitely do a good job."

Then she turned to look at the sky and said, "Mistress, my granddaughter found a rabbit nest deep in the woods a few days ago. While it was still early, my granddaughter went to smoke out the rabbit nest and catch the rabbits inside, so that we wouldn't After getting the money and leaving, the fat rabbit meat became cheaper for others."

After hearing this, Chen Yinhua's younger brother Chen Shengxi almost drooled and said, "Sister, I will smoke the rabbit nest with you."

"Okay." Chen Yinhua nodded in agreement, then looked at Old Ruan and said, "Mistress, my granddaughter will be gone for half an hour at most, and she will be home before her uncle and uncle come back. You don't have to worry."

After hearing this, Old Ruan agreed: "Well, you have always done things safely, I trust you."

Although Mrs. Ruan treats her daughter badly, she treats her granddaughter well, because her granddaughter belongs to her son and daughter-in-law. She is a smart person and knows how to have a good relationship with her son and daughter-in-law, so that she can have a good life when she is old. .

After hearing this, Chen Yinhua was very happy. She took the fire coupons and cloth bags and left.

Chen Jinhua stopped her and said, "Sister Yinhua, sister, please go with you."

Chen Jinhua may not have eaten meat for a long time, and she was so greedy that she was afraid that after Chen Yinhua and her brother caught a rabbit, they would roast one and eat it first. She didn't want them to eat it alone.

Chen Yinhua smiled, pointed at the things she wanted to bring back, and said, "Sister Jinhua's needlework is good. Why don't you go take a look at the sachets I want to bring back, and divide them up so that you can sell them for money."

Chen Jinhua wanted to eat meat, but she knew that if she divided the sachets, she could hide one or two and sell the hidden sachets for money, so she hesitated.

In the end, Chen Jinhua stayed, but pushed Shan's other son out: "Let Xiaoliu go with you and help you."

Chen Yinhua glanced at Chen Xiaoliu and agreed: "Okay, Xiaoliu will come with us."

Chen Xiaoliu was very happy and kept nodding his head. It was good this time. There was rabbit meat to eat.

However, this is just an excuse, and the rabbit nest has long been empty.

Chen Yinhua took Chen Shengxi and Chen Xiaoliu deep into the woods, pointed to a forest and said, "I remember that the rabbit nest is here. Let's look for it. We will definitely find it."

"Ah? Sister Yinhua, it turns out you forgot where the rabbit's nest is." Chen Xiaoliu was very depressed and angry, and said dissatisfiedly: "How can we find it in such a big forest?"

Chen Yinhua smiled and said: "It's still early before dark, let's look hard and we will definitely find it."

Chen Sheng said happily: "Xiao Liu, let's look for it quickly. If we find it, we will roast one and eat it. Then I will give you two rabbit legs."

Give him both rabbit legs!

When Chen Xiaoliu heard this, he immediately got excited. He stopped complaining and started looking for the rabbit's nest.

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