After hearing this, Mrs. Chen rushed over and kept fighting, and sneered: "What, you want to pretend to be injured by me again so that you can extort money? What a pity, this is my shop, in the deep courtyard, even if the neighbors hear it There is no movement at all, like in the countryside, you will climb over the wall to watch the excitement, you are in trouble this time!"

As he said this, he grabbed old Ruan's hair and wanted to beat her.

Is Old Ruan the one waiting to be beaten? He bit Chen's hand: "Oh, you old pious woman, shut up!"

Old Ruan was a person who would never let go once he made a move. Regardless of Chen's shouts, he simply bit off a piece of her hand with a hiss.

A piece of flesh was missing from Chen's wrist, and blood gurgled out like water, which almost scared Gu Dagui and Gu Dexing to death.

The two men came over in a hurry, one stopped old Ruan and the other dragged Chen back.

But after suffering such a big loss, Mrs. Chen was not willing to leave. When she saw little Ruan Shi came over to help, she grabbed little Ruan Shi with both hands and gave her a hard bite in the face.

"Ah!" Little Ruan's face was bitten, and she cried in pain. After several struggles, she escaped back, regretting that she should not have run to get involved.

Gu Dagui said while dragging Mrs. Chen: "Lianniang, a good man doesn't want to suffer the loss in front of him, so he should run away first."

Mrs. Chen took a bite of the little Ruan Shi, and felt relieved. She was dragged by Gu Dagui, and pointed at the little Ruan Shi and said: "You bitch, you are so careless. The old Qian woman came to plot against the Xu family, you must You were the one who instigated me, and this bite from you is just for profit, so wait for me, this grudge will definitely seek revenge on you again!"

Little Ruan covered her face and cried: "Ooooooo, third cousin, you misunderstood, I didn't..."

"Bah, you didn't? I believe you, you are the most evil person in the whole family!" Ms. Chen yelled at the little Mr. Ruan. She even wanted to hook up with the rich young master, but she ended up being innocent but it didn't work out. Everything about being able to marry Chen Laoer was told.

Xu Zhaoming and Gu Dexing were both stunned. Who would have thought that they could still hear such old gossip? I really want to go deaf immediately!

"Chen Shuihua, you are talking nonsense!" Little Ruan ignored the pain in her face and shouted: "I was innocent when I married your second brother. Don't spit on others, wuwuwu..."

"What the hell, you know whether you are innocent or not. Even if you don't have that, you must have been taken advantage of. Otherwise, with your heart, it would be strange for you to marry my second brother!"

Don't say that it was because old Ruan was nice to her and she didn't have to be angry with her mother-in-law when she married into the Chen family. But come on, if you can marry into a better family, let alone being upset, Xiao Ruan is willing to be a slave.

Little Ruan's shortcomings were exposed. She couldn't keep it off her face and didn't dare to say anything more. She just covered her face and hid behind Chen Yinhua and cried softly.

Chen Yinhua smiled and whispered to her: "I told you not to care about this matter and just stay here, but you didn't listen."

Now that I have been humiliated, I deserve it.

Little Ruan was so angry that she gritted her teeth and thought to herself: Little bitch, don't be complacent. Your marriage is in my hands. Do you still want to suppress me?

However, Chen Yinhua had already thought about her future... The head of the new household registration must be her younger brother Chen Shengxi, and she would let her third aunt make the final decision on her marriage. Little Ruan must be able to outdo her third aunt before deciding on her marriage.

"Brother Xing, Brother Xing, you have to help grandma." Old Ruan took advantage of Gu Dexing to stop her from biting Chen, so she grabbed him and cried: "Grandma did the same when she was a child. The person who gave you eggs to eat was your elder. Although he is not your grandma, you are a scholar and a scholar, so you should know how to support the elderly..."

"Old Qianpo, let him go!" Mrs. Chen was furious, glaring at her and saying, "What kind of grandma are you worthy of? Brother Xing's grandma is the eldest daughter of the village, and you can't even pour a chamber pot for her. Not worthy!"

Then he said to Gu Dagui: "What are you still holding on for? Hurry up and drag Brother Xing back!"

Gu Dagui has a headache. I am only one person. If I drag you with me, how can I have the hands to save Brother Xing?

Gu Dexing said: "Second Aunt, I'm fine."

That's what he said, but old Ruan was a shrewd person. When he saw him trying to break off her hand, he actually screamed and said, "Hey, my hand is broken. Xiucai Gong broke the old woman's hand." ”

Gu Dexing was stunned. If this word got out, he would probably be scolded.

"Grandma Chen, please don't talk nonsense, I didn't break your hand." Gu Dexing called Afeng and Aling, and asked the two of them to grab Lao Ruan from the left and the right, and he was able to escape.

But old Ruan was a piece of meat. When he saw Gu Dexing running away, he bit him to death and said, "Gu Xiucai broke off the old woman's hand. The old woman is going to go to the Yamen to accuse you of murdering the old man!"

Just as he was shouting happily, Mr. Xu said: "Someone, tie this woman up and gag her."

"Yes." After hearing this, the Xu Family Nursing Home rushed forward and tied up old Ruan in the blink of an eye, and then blocked his mouth with a linen ball. Suddenly, the whole house was finally quiet.

Old Ruan was shocked and looked at Mr. Xu in disbelief. She didn't expect that he would really dare to tie her up.

Mr. Xu looked at her shocked old face and sneered: "I am still a country squire, so I don't need to worry about kidnapping you, an old woman who has escaped from famine."

When Mrs. Chi and Mrs. Shan saw this, they were very frightened, but in order to save old Ruan, they had to bite the bullet and said: "Mr. Xu, my mother is a good citizen. Even if she breaks the law, she will have her own yamen to take care of her. You are the only one to take care of her." Squire, no matter how rich you are, you can't kidnap a good citizen. Release my mother quickly, or we will report her to the official!"

"Report to the official?" Mr. Xu smiled: "Sure, how about I be a good person and ask my servants to drive a mule cart to report to the official for you? But when the official comes, I don't know who will be arrested."

When Mrs. Chi and Mrs. Shan heard this, they shrank their necks in fear... Could it be that Mr. Xu already knew something?

Chen Xiaoliu was young, so he came to the shop to enjoy the blessings, but now he didn't enjoy the blessings, and most of his family members were tied up. He was so angry that he pointed at Mr. Xu and cursed: "You stinky old man, hurry up Let my grandma and my dad go, or I will report you to the police."

Then he said: "When the officials come, they will definitely arrest you. It is impossible to arrest my family! My cousin is a scholar!"

As he said this, he glanced at Gu Dexing with a look of pride.


Everyone present cursed in their hearts, is this Chen Xiaoliu blind? Didn't you see that Mrs. Chen didn't recognize Mr. Ruan at all?

Even the Chen family didn't recognize them as relatives, so they still wanted Gu Dexing to recognize them?

Mr. Xu smiled: "You are indeed young and ignorant. It's okay. After I sell you as a slave and get beaten a few times, you will become sensible."

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