A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1203 Showing to the Public

San'an went back and told Qin Sanlang the news, and his face felt better.

Huh, Zhou Lang is so cheap. If he hadn't been able to get away now, he would have taught him a lesson in person.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

"Open the door quickly, we want to see the magistrate, we want to see the magistrate!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuu, Lord County Magistrate, you can't just ignore us. We really don't have that much money to pay taxes. Give us a way to survive!"

San'an was stunned when he heard these voices and asked: "Master, are all the folks here?"

When he left, no one came to beat drums and cry out for injustice.

Qin Sanlang nodded and ordered: "You go back to the village first, and you will follow Brother An during this period, and be sure to protect him."

As for Xiaoyu, he has asked You An to take people back to protect him. Even if the village is surrounded by villagers, Xiaoyu will be safe and sound.

And it is enough for him to have people like You Ping by his side.

San'an actually didn't want to leave and wanted to stay and help Qin Sanlang, but he knew how important Gu Jinan was. If something happened to him, the Gu family would be in ruins, so he cupped his fists and said, "Yes."

After saying that, the figure quickly disappeared.

At the gate of the county government, there were hundreds of villagers kneeling on their knees. I heard that more villagers were pouring into the county seat to ask for an explanation from the county magistrate.

Most of the villagers are old people and children. Some families even brought coffins and straw mats. Some people even put on mourning clothes and tied themselves with white cloth...

Luo Wu frowned. The villagers came to see the county magistrate with the hope of death.

He remembered the time in the northwest, when there was a drought and no grain was harvested. In the end, it was difficult to even drink water. The old people in the village and the old people from all over the country also took their children to the county seat to beg the county. Please help me sir.

He also followed his father, his third grandfather and his third grandmother. He couldn't walk before he reached the county seat. In front of him was a large crowd of people. Everyone was so hungry that they were all skin and bones. Many people fainted due to lack of water. Some elderly people and children even died of thirst on the way to the county seat.

However, the county magistrate did not see them. Instead, he ordered the city gate to be closed. They could not even enter the county seat.

But the third grandfather and the third grandmother did not give up. They said that the county magistrate wanted to have an official reputation. Seeing so many old people and children coming to ask for help, for the sake of reputation, they would also meet with them and give them a word of hope.

It's a pity that the magistrate of Gaoshui County, Long'an Prefecture in the northwest is a coward and has no courage to come out to meet the villagers.

Within a few days, they heard the news that the county magistrate had resigned and returned to his hometown with his family... They were so frightened that they resigned and ran away.

The people of Gaoshui County were desperate. Seeing that the county magistrate had all run away, everyone knew that staying would be a dead end, so they fled one after another.

Their village also started a long journey of escape under the leadership of Village Chief Gu.

With a bang, Qin Sanlang's palm pressed heavily on Luo Wu's shoulder and said: "Brother Luo Wu."

Luo Wu came to his senses after being photographed, wiped the sweat from his face, looked back at Qin Sanlang and said, "Don't worry, I won't be confused."

The first thing Sanlang did after coming to the county town was not to see Magistrate Zheng, but to come to him and talk to him.

Luo Wu remembered it and assured him that for the sake of his family, he would not be impulsive again.

At that time, Sanlang nodded and said: "Brother Luo Wu said this, I feel relieved... Remember, this is not your fault, it's just that you can't help yourself because of your position. Don't think this is a bad thing, You must know that if we don’t do this, someone else will always do it, and when others do it, they may be more brutal. If we do it, we can also protect the villagers."

This is something that can be flexible, and they can help the villagers while doing business.

"Qin Baihu, it's Qin Baihu!" When the villagers saw Qin Sanlang, they all gathered around him and cried, "Qin Baihu, you have to go and talk to the county magistrate, you can't leave us alone. Otherwise we will be dead!"

Qin Sanlang was different from Luo Wu. He was a member of the Baihu family and was already an official. Therefore, when the villagers saw him, they came to beg him as if they were Jiang County Lieutenant.

Qin Sanlang's face remained unchanged and he said to everyone: "Fellow fellow villagers, the county magistrate has been busy with tax matters and has no time to see you now. Why don't you go back first and wait a few days for the new bank to open and you can borrow money?" Pay the tax in silver.”

The news that a new bank was going to be opened in the county to lend money to farmers to pay taxes, after a day and night of fermentation, has almost spread to everyone.


"Bah! What kind of new bank, you don't want to eat our profits!" An old man stood up, spat in Qin Sanlang's direction, and said: "We are here today to ask the county magistrate to take back his life, but I’m not here to borrow money and pay taxes. You can’t imagine the tax of one tael of silver per person, but if you don’t pay it, we won’t pay it until we die!”

The old man is from Shishan Village, Xianggui Town. His family's life is not difficult. They are a wealthy family with 30 acres of dry land, 20 acres of paddy fields, and a grocery store.

The reason why I came to the Yamen to cause trouble was that I didn't want to pay taxes and make a fortune.

As soon as Old Man Shi said this, a group of people immediately stood up, pointed at Qin Sanlang and cursed: "Yes, we won't pay, why do you want us to pay so much tax? One tael of silver per person, you might as well give us directly killed!"

Bai Changfu, who lives in Baijia Village on the outskirts of the county, questioned: "Haha, what is the emperor's order? I think it is the county magistrate's own intention. With so much money, the county magistrate can take the opportunity to pay a lot." !”

Then he pointed at Qin Sanlang and the others and said: "And you, you lackeys of the county magistrate, will definitely get a share of the benefits!"

As soon as these people's words came out, the remaining hundreds of villagers were all shocked. They looked at Qin Sanlang and said, "Qin Baihu, are they true? It's true that the county magistrate wanted to make a fortune and deliberately charged such a high price." Taxes?”


These two words came to Qin Sanlang's mind, he glanced at the excited people, then looked away, pointed at Bai Changfu who just spoke, and the old man Shi who spoke first, and said: "Catch them two, tie them up Go to the stone pillar at the entrance of the Yamen and show it to the public!"


Old Man Shi and Bai Changfu were shocked. After they came to their senses, they pointed at Qin Sanlang and cursed: "Qin, why do you torture us?!"

Then he shouted to the villagers around him: "Folks, help me, this yamen lackey named Qin is going to lynch us. He wants to avenge his private revenge and silence us!"

But no matter how they shouted, Qin Sanlang remained motionless, staring at them with a cold face. When they shouted cheerfully, he gave them a sneer: "Ha."

It's really ridiculous, using such a little trick to stir up trouble? If they succeed, then he, a hundred households, won’t have to do anything.

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