A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1209 The county government got rich

Master Zheng looked very uncomfortable. If it weren't for Saburo's reminder, he would have shed tears together with them: "Okay, don't cry. Gao Huang, follow the Yamen back to your yard. During this time You mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will live together with your granddaughter."

In this way, it would be more convenient for Gao Huang to send his daughter-in-law to deliver messages to people outside and transfer the hidden money.

"Thank you so much, Master!" Mrs. Gao Huang, along with several of her daughters-in-law and granddaughters, knelt down to thank Master Zheng.

Master Zheng waved his hand, "Let's go quickly. Don't thank me. Remember to send a message to the people outside quickly. We are still waiting to steal the money you have hidden outside."

Captain Jiang didn't want to see Mrs. Gao Huang. He always felt that there was something evil in the old woman's heart, so he asked the government officials to drive them to the yard where Mrs. Gao Huang lived. After warning them a few words, he closed the courtyard door. A group of government servants were left behind and left.

However, in the end, these government officials were called away, and the reason given was: "They are just a group of women and children. There is nothing interesting to see. The county government office is surrounded by villagers. It is better to let the brothers follow Qin Baihu back to guard the county government office." .”

These words passed through the mother-in-law who delivered the food and fell into the ears of Gao Huang.

Mrs. Gao Huang was extremely happy. The King of Hell of Qin was about to leave, and most of the government officials were about to leave. There would be no one left to watch them, so she could wait for the opportunity.

Qin Sanlang really didn't stay long. He led his people to search the Gao family, and after counting all the belongings, he escorted Gao Sanxiong, the Gao family's children and grandchildren, and the Gao family's nursing home and gambling thugs back to the county government office.

Even Master Zheng left.

But Master Zheng was very worried and asked Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang, if we just leave like this, will Gao Huang and the others succeed in escaping with the money?"

Master Zheng had heard about the story of Zou Hai, a member of the Cheng family in Zou County, who used a fake household registration to escape, and he was afraid that Gao Huang would follow suit and run away.

Qin Sanlang said: "Don't worry, little Uncle Zheng, I have already arranged the manpower. Even if Gao Huang has men, the people I have arranged can catch them."

The Gao family is just a wealthy family in a rural town. The number of people they can support is limited, and they won't be more than the Zou family, so don't worry.

Master Zheng was frightened when he looked at the captured gambling thugs. There were more than 80 gambling thugs from the Gao family plus the nursing home.

This number is almost as many as the soldiers in the military station.

They were able to catch these people because Saburo was brave, and these thugs were worried about their families, otherwise there would have been a fierce battle.

Master Zheng was worried all the way back to the county town.

Magistrate Zheng had been waiting for them for a long time. When he heard that they were back, he personally welcomed them out even in the middle of the night. His first sentence was: "Where are the confiscated properties of the Gao family?"

Master Zheng handed the order to Magistrate Zheng and pointed to the two mule carriages behind him: "They are all here."

"Two mule carts? Is it all silver?" Magistrate Zheng frowned and asked expectantly. If it was two mule carts, it would be a lot of money.

Well, Master Zheng said awkwardly: "My lord, let's take a look at the list first."

Magistrate Zheng read it obediently. After reading it, he kicked Gao Sanxiong directly: "Tell me, where did you hide the money?!"

A man who makes money from side jobs only has 3,600 taels of silver in his home warehouse. Who is a liar?

Then he ordered: "Take off the linen ball from his mouth and let him speak."

The officer did as he was told.

After Gao Sanxiong could speak, he immediately cried: "Sir, my small family really only has so much wealth... two houses, one hundred acres of paddy fields, more than one hundred acres of dry land, a gambling house, a cloth shop, and three thousand An extra tael of silver is quite a lot in the countryside."

Then he chuckled and said, "I know that you are short of money and want some silver, but your family only has so much money, and you can't produce more money for you."

This vaguely implies that Magistrate Zheng deliberately ransacked his house for money.

"Bold, the crime you committed is well-proven, yet you dare to say such offensive words to me, and I will drag you into the Yamen and torture you!" Magistrate Zheng was very angry. Fortunately, it was midnight, and it was... I walked through the back door of the county government office. If it were daytime, what would happen if the villagers heard this?

Given the level of gossip among the people in Tianfu County, within three days his reputation for deliberately harming people and asking for money would spread to the capital.

"Sir, General Liu Qi of the Hushan Prefecture's garrison camp is Xiao's brother who died. Please send him a message. Otherwise, if Xiao dies like this, he will never give up!" Gao Sanxiong said with a smile in his mouth. When Xue Shui said this, his face, illuminated by the torch light, looked both ferocious and unbeatable.

With a bang, Qin Sanlang kicked him again very rudely and said: "This is another sentence, do you think it is useful?"

Qin Sanlang said to Magistrate Zheng: "Your Excellency, we can write to General Guo and ask General Guo to inform the generals guarding the city in Hushan Prefecture to conduct a thorough investigation of General Liu Qi. Those who can follow the sidelines are brothers who have died, and they should not be A good one."


Gao Sanxiong was shocked. He didn't expect Qin Sanlang to make this move.

To be honest, if Liu Zongqi can become the general banner from a street gangster, he is not a clean person. This investigation must be completed.

After hearing this, County Magistrate Zheng smiled when he saw Gao Sanxiong's shocked and frightened look: "Okay, just do as Sanlang said. I will immediately write to General Guo and ask him to contact the general of Hushan Prefecture. Thoroughly investigate General Liu Qi!"

Liu Zongqi was Gao Sanxiong's hope of being rescued. When he heard this, he was in despair. He couldn't breathe and fainted.

Magistrate Zheng didn't have time to make him faint, so he had someone drag him into the Yamen and throw a bucket of water on him to wake him up.

Then came the interrogation that took place all night long. Although Gao Sanxiong said nothing, Boss Gao was afraid of death. He was detained alone in the execution room and tortured. If he continued to be tortured, he was afraid that he would be beaten to death, so he quickly killed Gao Sanxiong. I have done many bad things in my life.

Magistrate Zheng was very happy. With Boss Gao's confession and the evidence submitted by San Lang, as long as he sent people to find the perpetrators, Gao Sanxiong could be convicted of the evil deeds he had done.


"Where's the money? The property I've found so far is not as much as what's in the yamen's account."

Among the confiscated properties of the Gao family, apart from the more than three thousand taels of silver, only one hundred acres of paddy field was relatively valuable. The house and shop were all in the town and could not be sold for much.

Qin Sanlang: "Sir, don't be anxious. In three days at most, we can get the large sum of money hidden by the Gao family."

And Qin Sanlang was right. After the news came out that Gao Sanxiong was convicted and Magistrate Zheng wrote to General Guo, asking General Guo to contact the guard of Hushan Prefecture to thoroughly investigate General Liu Qi, Gao Huang finally couldn't bear it anymore. , immediately asked the second daughter-in-law to contact her mother's family, and quickly moved the hidden gold.

Hong Xiaoqi, Jiang Xiaoqi, and You Ping had been keeping an eye on them. As soon as Gao Lao's second daughter-in-law's mother-in-law took action, they ran out and caught her!

Good guy, Gao Sanxiong's family is indeed a nest of snakes and rats. Except for Gao's eldest daughter-in-law's natal family who did not participate in this matter, the natal families of the other three daughters-in-law all helped the Gao family hide the gold.

"Haha, three jars of gold, the Yamen is getting rich this time." Jiang Xiaoqi looked at the gold in front of him, his eyes lit up, turned back to glare at Gao Lao's second daughter-in-law's family, and said angrily: "Gao Huang also said that the second daughter-in-law She was robbed, you helped the Gao family hide the gold, and you were so oriented towards the Gao family, could your daughter be robbed by the Gao family?"

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