After Dou Shaodong's family shocked the man, he pointed at the villagers present and said: "And you all, please listen clearly to me, please line up to enter the bank honestly. Whoever dares to make a fuss or fight will end up like just now." Just like that idiot."

Qin Sanlang also came out and shouted to the villagers: "I have been ordered to maintain order in the bank. Everyone must understand the rules, be in order, and enter the bank with bamboo cards and household registration. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be arrested and severely sentenced." !”

One of their sponsors killed chickens to scare monkeys, and a military officer used punishment to suppress them, which frightened the villagers and also frightened those who lurked in the crowd, looking for opportunities to cause trouble.

Dou Shaodong's family was very happy to see that they were being honest. Oh, it would have been better if they had been so obedient earlier. He had to kill a chicken with a knife to be honest, so why bother.

"Those with bamboo cards No. 1, show your bamboo cards and household registration to enter the bank!" After Dou Shaodong's family shouted, the bank began to officially open: "Shopkeeper Dou, you have been in charge of the bank, I leave it to you, don't make any mistakes, otherwise You and I both have to die!"

"Yes, don't worry, young master, I understand." Shopkeeper Dou's group of people were transferred directly from the Qianzhuang of Hushan Mansion by Dou Shaodong's family. They traveled day and night and took three days of horse riding to arrive. After a night's rest, they began to understand the new situation. The matter of borrowing money from the bank was quickly handled.

"Shopkeeper, I belong to the No. 1 bamboo brand, and I belong to the Zhang family in Liuye Lane in the west of the city. This is my household registration." Zhang Gui is smarter. When others were still kneeling at the yamen gate begging the county magistrate to come forward to resolve the tax issue, Zhang Gui He slept at the door of the new bank with his bedding, and naturally got the No. 1 bamboo card.

"Mr. Yu, check the household registration; Wenzi, prepare the deed, and remember to tell him clearly about the interest; Ah Wu, prepare the money." Shopkeeper Dou made arrangements quickly.

In the future, borrowing money will follow this order: first verify household registration, then sign the contract, and then give money.

"Come in, Bamboo Card No. 2!" The Dou family's servants stood at the door of the bank, shouting one by one.

At the beginning, the speed was a bit slow, which made Dou Shaodong's family so anxious that his back was soaked with sweat.

But half an hour later, the speed picked up, and three waves of people were able to get in at once. Dou Shaodong's family finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were running from the front bunk to the backyard, fearing that something would happen.

Fortunately, no one dared to do evil in broad daylight.

Magistrate Zheng also paced back and forth anxiously in the yamen, asking from time to time: "Master, is there nothing wrong with Doou Bank?"

"No, sir, don't worry." Mr. Zheng said secretly, "Sir, how many times have you asked me this question? I'm so tired of answering that nothing happened." "Qin Baihu has killed water bandits, and the Dou family has followed The Ouyang family's shadow guard is here, even if there are gangsters who want to come to the bank to steal money, they will be beaten away, so just put your heart in your stomach."

County Magistrate Zheng wiped the sweat from his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to worry, it's that I don't dare to worry. Nowadays, the yamen of various prefectures and the aristocratic families from all over the country are staring at our Tianfu County. Dou Shaodong's family has done something good." That’s all, if you can’t do it, even I, the county magistrate, will be punished!”

As the county magistrate, he had the responsibility to allow such a new bank to exist in the county. Therefore, he was so afraid that he did not even dare to go to the new bank. He was afraid that Dou Shaodong's family would fail and involve him, which would harm the Zheng family. .

Master Zheng was also very scared, but he comforted Magistrate Zheng: "Sir, compared to being dismissed from office and beheaded because of failure to collect taxes, things are going well for the new bank. With Mr. Ouyang taking care of it, we don't have to be too afraid."

Magistrate Zheng was not relieved after hearing this, and kept walking back and forth, fearing that some government servants would report that the bank was out of money, that the villagers were in trouble, or that the bank had been robbed or burned.

But God has closed the curtain. Magistrate Zheng had been worried all day, and he didn't hear any news about the banker's troubles in the evening, so he finally felt relieved.

However, Magistrate Zheng was relieved too early. Daytime was nothing, the real danger was at night.

Qin Sanlang asked Dou Shaodong's family to come out as soon as Youshi arrived, and said to the villagers who were still waiting outside the bank gate: "Everyone after No. 1500 will leave with Dou Zhi. This Shaodong's family has prepared a place for you. Although there is no A bed is a place to stay. Don't yell and refuse to leave. Whoever dares to make a fuss and refuse to leave will not be able to borrow money!"

Dou Shaodong's family was holding their lifeline, so that the villagers did not dare to cause trouble.

Dou Zhi said: "Now we can only apply for the 833rd family. Even if you stay up late and line up here tonight, it won't be your turn tonight. Why don't you follow me to the other courtyard to rest? There are two big Eat the bread."

"Two large pancakes? You still have to worry about the food. Are they white flour pancakes?" The villagers had been waiting all day and brought only one meal of dry food. They were already dizzy with hunger.

Dou Zhi: "No, it's the Gu family's golden bean cake, which sells better than the white flour cake. It's a famous delicacy in Tianfu County, and rich households are rushing to buy it."

The young master has spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver recently. It is a heart-breaking job, and people have dug it up. They are reluctant to give it to the villagers to eat white flour pancakes in vain.

But Dou Zhi can talk. When he said this, the villagers were happy and nodded in agreement: "Okay, okay, we will go with you, but we are very hungry."

"Leave quickly." Dou Shaodong was so angry. Why did he just lend money to the farmers and still take care of their food? He is a profiteer. To do such a thing is a disgrace to the ancestors of the Dou family!

But the young marquis said that there might be a night attack tonight, and he couldn't let too many villagers wait here, and most of them would be taken away.

As for why not all the people were driven away, it was because the bank had already said that it would borrow money from the villagers overnight. Once it stopped, those who attacked at night would definitely smell it and would not dare to attack.

The young Marquis said that those who do not want to see the opening of the new bank will definitely make trouble. Instead of waiting impatiently, it is better to lure the enemy and solve it at once.

The Dou Shaodong family naturally agreed and thought: The young Marquis is indeed a smart and capable man, I admire him!

There was a loud roar, and the villagers stood up one after another and followed Dou Zhi and a group of Dou family servants away.

As night falls, the front shop is still handling loan matters for the villagers in an orderly manner, while the back yard of the bank is business as usual, but secretly a lot of extra people are deployed.

You Ping and others, the Ouyang family's shadow guards, the Dou family's shadow guards, and the men raised by Dou Shaodong's family were all hiding in the dark.

But until midnight, no one came to attack at night. It was not until nearly dawn that a group of rockets carrying pine oil came from a distance.

Whoosh whoosh!

The rockets landed all over the bank, some on the ground, and some on the wooden buildings. For a moment, the doors, pillars, and windows were all set alight by the rockets containing pine oil.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, everyone, come and put out the fire!" People in the bank shouted loudly, and also beat gongs to notify everyone to come and put out the fire.

The people who attacked outside at night thought that there was chaos inside the bank, so they wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the bank and burn the contracts for borrowing money from the villagers.

The money in the bank cannot be moved away in a short time, but as long as the loan contract is burned, the Dou family and the Ouyang family will lose everything!

Haha, don’t you want to do good deeds? We’ll help you do it!

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