A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1229 Will you avoid him?

But when I thought about it again, I felt that I was overthinking it. If Gu Jinan had such a strategy, he would not be a petty person, and he would not be able to take revenge on her because of that misunderstanding.

But she did hurt Gu Jinan...

Mr. Ouyang nodded: "Well, that boy is a protector. As long as his family members are bullied, he will pay back the bullies in multiples. This behavior itself is a manifestation of holding grudges."

Ouyang Ming frowned slightly when he heard this and asked, "Grandpa, do you think this is bad?"

Mr. Ouyang said: "The world thinks that if a family member is bullied, as long as the other person admits his mistake, he should be forgiven. If he takes revenge and goes back like he did, he will indeed be criticized. But who doesn't feel bad when they are bullied? In other words, It’s your grandfather and I, too, and I want to give it back.”

Ouyang Ming smiled: "Grandpa thinks Gu Xiucai did the right thing."

Mr. Ouyang did not shy away and nodded: "Yes, in my opinion, as long as you don't intentionally harm others, and your family members are bullied and take revenge, there is nothing wrong at all."

He has traveled all over the world in his life and has seen many things. He is not one of those pedantic people who only attend cultural gatherings to gain fame.

While the grandfather and grandson were talking, there was a light knock on the door frame. Asong stood outside the door and said, "The second old master, Gu Xiucai, Qin Baihu, and He Tongsheng have returned and are waiting outside the courtyard."

Asong said, looking at Aunt Han who was also in the room.

In the past, they all called Mr. Ouyang, but Grandma Han and Grandma Li were strict about rules. After hearing this, they reprimanded them, saying that the great-grandson of the eldest grandma in the capital had grown up, and the family had already moved up a generation. Although they are away from home all year round, their names have to be changed, so as not to call them this way when they return to the capital, confusing their seniority and making people laugh.

"Brother An and the others are back, please invite them in." Mr. Ouyang was very happy, while Aunt Han was secretly annoyed. The second old man traveled all the year round, and this rule is getting worse and worse. The third girl is still here, why? Can you let the outsider in?

But now it was too late to leave, so Aunt Han could only say: "Third Miss, please follow me into the back room to take shelter."

Ouyang Ming knew that she had been helping Gu Jinan and the others to build a new bank in the past few days. Aunt Han was already very unhappy. She didn't want to irritate her anymore, so she smiled and said: "Okay."

She took Aunt Han and the eldest maid Shanru into the back room to escape.

After they entered, Asong went to bring Gu Jinan and the others in.

"Sir." Gu Jinan and the others saluted Mr. Ouyang.

Mr. Ouyang said: "Without courtesy, I have heard about what you did last night. It was very good."

Just hearing it made his blood boil. He really wanted to follow them to guard the bank and fight off the bad guys.

Then he asked: "Where is the deed?"

"It's on the student." Gu Jinan took out a bag of deeds from his body and handed them to Mr. Ouyang.

"Okay, just have the deed here." Mr. Ouyang took the deed, read it over, and asked, "The Dou family asked you to come back with the deed, but I need my help to keep it."

The bank has been targeted. It is no longer safe to leave the deed in the hands of the bank or Dou Shaodong's family. It is safer to leave it in his hands.

Gu Jin'an said: "That's what Dou Shaodong's family really means, but the student wants to beg you, sir, to hand over these deeds to the student for safekeeping."

"Brother An!" He Jinsheng was shocked when he heard this. This is very dangerous. Will those bad guys come into the village last night if they know about it?

Qin Sanlang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gu Jinan.

Gu Jinan explained: "Dou Shaodong's family and Ouyang's family have been targeted by those gangsters. It is not safe to hold these deeds. There is a high chance that they will be stolen. It is better to leave them on me. Those gangsters will not think that my family is holding these deeds." I just thought that these deeds were hidden by Mr. Dou or Dou Shaodong’s family in another place, so that everyone would be safer."

Mr. Ouyang nodded: "This method is indeed good, just do what you said."

Gu Jinan is a prudent person, so he is relieved that the deed is with him.

Qin Sanlang smiled, this method was indeed good and full of selfishness: "In addition to these deeds, Dou Shaodong's family also sent a group of Meng family dead men who were captured alive to Mr. Ouyang, but An Geer felt that Mr. Ouyang's family had The female family members are here, but they are afraid that the bad guys will come and scare Mr. Ouyang's granddaughter, so they have asked me to hide those people in another place."

Gu Jinan was shocked when he heard this. Sanlang said this deliberately because he was angry that he had brought the deed home and put Xiaoyu in danger.

Gu Jinan has been practicing martial arts in the past few years, and Sanlang has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Their ears and noses are more sensitive than ordinary people. They have already smelled a scent and knew that there must be a girl in the study, and the only one who would come to the study was the third girl.

She must have heard it, and if she thought about it deeply, she would definitely understand his affection for her.

Gu Jinan was helpless, but he couldn't be angry with Sanlang. After all, Sanlang also cared about Xiaoyu and was angry with him for bringing dangerous things home.

In the back room, Ouyang Ming was startled. Is Gu Xiucai worried about him?

Mr. Ouyang thought of his two granddaughters and was very grateful to Gu Jinan for everything he did. He said, "Let me give you a team of shadow guards. They can hide in the village and protect your family. There can't be any risks." Let your family take care of it all.”

Gu Jinan shook his head: "No, doing this without three hundred taels of silver will only attract bad people."

After hearing this, Mr. Ouyang felt that Gu Jinan was right, so he gave up.

Gu Jinan didn't stay long and left after finishing the matter.

Mr. Ouyang knew that they had not slept all night last night, so he did not keep them longer and asked Asong to send them out.

After Gu Jinan left the study yard, he looked back at the yard... If Miss Ouyang guessed what Sanlang was thinking after hearing what he said, would she avoid him?

After all, there was nothing wrong with their relationship. It was just that he secretly liked her. Once his feelings were discovered, any normal lady would take the initiative to avoid him and never see him again.

Gu Jinan felt very sad.

However, his worries were in vain. Although Ouyang Ming was smart, she was not a fairy. How could she guess that Gu Jinan liked him with just one sentence?

She is not that thick-skinned yet and thinks she is so beautiful that everyone likes her.

Ouyang Ming just felt even more guilty, feeling that he had beaten Gu Jinan. He was also worried about the safety of Ouyang's family. He was really an upright and kind-hearted young man.

For such a good young man, a gift must be prepared to formally apologize.

So she told Mr. Ouyang what she thought.

Mr. Ouyang laughed and said, "Are you still thinking about beating him? It's okay to give him a formal gift to apologize. After all, Brother An has helped us a lot this time, but I don't know what he likes?"

The second girl of the Gu family likes money, and she wants it as long as it's silver, gold, or anything else that can be exchanged for money.

But he really doesn’t know what Gu Jinan likes... classics and ancient books? Calligraphy and painting instruments? A farm house? Gold and silver jewelry?

They all seem to like it a little bit, but they don't like it very much, and it doesn't taste good either. I always feel full when I eat.

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