Brother Cheng rushed all the way to the dining room, and because Gu Jinan was back, he would continue to work at the county bank tonight. The family was preparing dinner at home, and wanted to have a good meal with him before sending him to the county town.

So when Brother Cheng shouted these words, everyone in the family heard them.

The third grandma stuck her head out and asked: "Brother Cheng, what are you talking about? The third lady made delicious food for you? What delicious food?"

Brother Cheng was startled and obviously panicked, but he quickly calmed down and replied: "It's a pastry from the capital. It's only available in the capital. I said thank you for your help these days, brother."

"We haven't seen the pastries in Beijing yet. Come and show them to us." The third grandmother and the others didn't think much about it, they were just curious about what the pastries in Beijing looked like.

Gu Jinli came over with the big dog Ergou, raised his eyebrows and smiled at Brother Cheng, moved his hands, and took away two boxes of snacks from his arms politely: "Grandpa and grandma, let's try some snacks from the capital, shall we?" tasty?"

"Okay." The third grandma looked forward to it very much, staring at the two boxes of snacks with her eyes, and said: "The best snacks I have ever eaten in my life, except those made by you and brought by Mr. Qi, are those given by Futailou Yes, I’ve never seen dim sum in this capital city before.”

Gu Jinli smiled: "Then let's meet now and have a taste before eating."

After saying that, he looked back at Brother Cheng.

The little guy was about to cry, ah ah ah, this was the errand fee given to him by the third sister, and it was his snack. The second sister took them all away, leaving only the box of the eldest brother.

He immediately ran over, pursed his lips, and said aggrievedly: "I haven't eaten it yet."

Gu Jinli didn't believe it: "Haven't you tried it before? Why do you smell like cakes?"

Brother Cheng hurriedly explained: "That was what I ate with Brother Wang and the others in the car. I only ate one piece of each kind."

How could he possibly win over Brother Wang and the others when it came to grabbing food?

Moreover, the eldest brother felt that he was hungry when he was a child and always tended to be very full when eating. In order to correct his problem, he has been keeping an eye on him in the past few years and only allowed him to eat 90% full at each meal, including snacks. , no more than three pieces at a time.

If the snack is too big, you can only eat half a piece at a time.

He wanted to use these two boxes of snacks to satisfy his craving, but his second sister snatched them away.

Gu Jinli looked at Brother Cheng's appearance and smiled even deeper. "Kid, you will thank me later. If your sister hadn't taught you this lesson and took your pastry in advance, when your elder brother found out, he would have punished you." of.

The eldest brother is not allowed to let other people know that he likes the third girl. If you shout it out like this, it is lucky that the third grandma and the others do not suspect it. If they do, if they ask a few more questions, the eldest brother will be so angry that he will tear you down.

"Hey, these are the snacks from Beijing. They are so beautiful." The third grandma's eyes lit up when she looked at the two snacks in the box: "This green one is somewhat similar to the crystal cake made by Xiaoyu, and this one is The round cakes that look like moon dumplings are actually fried food. Why are they fried so round? Do you want to put a hoop on them first?"

Third Grandma asked, pointing at Xiao Tiansu. She only dared to point, but did not dare to touch.

Gu Jinli said: "It should be so. If you want to blow it up into such a round shape, you need a grinding tool."

Then he took two pastries to the third grandma and the third grandpa: "Try it, you two, these are the snacks from the capital, they are very valuable."

As he spoke, he took a few bowls on the table and divided the two kinds of pastries: "My parents', my eldest brother and my sister's, and mine."

She was holding it open on one side, with a small Tiansu in her mouth, which made Brother Cheng extremely anxious: "Second sister, where is mine? Why don't I have mine?"

You are too good at it!

Gu Jinli glanced at him and said, "My second sister, am I the kind of unfair person? Well, this is for you, take it, it's just enough for our family to share."

Da Chu is particular about the number of pastries, usually six or nine servings. The third girl ordered nine servings. There are eight people in his family, one for each person, and she reluctantly keeps the remaining one for herself. have eaten.


Brother Cheng looked at his second sister and said angrily: "Then why did the second sister eat an extra portion?"

Is it fair for you to call it that? It was obviously just to get an extra share by dividing things, but this was given to him by the third sister, woo woo woo.

Gu Jinli: "What, your second sister, are you angry if I eat an extra portion? Don't you want to share it with us and want to eat alone? Gu Jincheng, our love for you all these years has been in vain. We have worked so hard to raise you so big." , let you have meat to eat every day, and send you to study, but you are not even willing to give us a piece of cake..."


Brother Cheng: "I was wrong, second sister, I'm sorry!"

After hearing this, Gu Jinli nodded with satisfaction and finally let him go: "Well, that's right. I know our brother Cheng is not a gluttonous bad boy."

Then he said: "Didn't I say that Mr. Ouyang's family gave eldest brother a gift? Come on, let's get it to eldest brother."

Just watch some gossip.

"Well~" Brother Cheng was a little frustrated, but he still took away the cakes he and his eldest brother had, and said to the third grandpa and the third grandma: "Third grandpa and the third grandma, let's go find the eldest brother first and come out later. Have a meal."

The third grandpa and the third grandma liked to watch them having fun. After hearing this, they laughed and said, "Go, go, your mother and Sister Xiu are still busy in the kitchen. They still have some time to wait for dinner."

Brother Cheng nodded and ran away with Gu Jinli.

Da Tuan was already waiting by the side of the road holding gifts from the Ouyang family. When he saw them coming, he followed them to the courtyard where Gu Jinan brothers lived. Before they entered the courtyard, they saw Gu Jinan leaning at the door of the courtyard, looking at them.

"Brother!" Brother Cheng liked Gu Jinan the most. He was very happy to see him and rushed over: "Brother, you are finally back. My younger brother has brought you something good. It is a gift from the third sister."

With a bang, Brother Cheng's head hurt and he looked up at Gu Jinan: "Why did brother hit me?"

Gu Jinan: "What are you yelling about? Have you forgotten everything I told you before?"

His liking for the third girl is just his own sentimentality. The third girl now has no affection for him. If Brother Cheng is so loud that people discover his thoughts, it will affect the reputation of the third girl.

He may not be able to marry the third girl, but he must preserve the reputation of the third girl.

"If your second sister hadn't punished you, I would have punished you today." After taking a shower, Gu Jinan was going to the dining room to prepare for dinner, but before he entered the dining room, he heard Brother Cheng's voice outside. After listening to a few words, he returned to the yard and waited for them to come to him.

"Brother." Brother Cheng glanced at Gu Jinan and lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I was too happy and forgot my brother's instructions, and almost got into trouble. I won't do this again."

"Is it just because you are too happy? You still want to watch the gossip." Gu Jinan knew this younger brother too well. The little guy had imitated Xiaoyu, and he really liked to watch the excitement and gossip.

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