After Gu Jinan was silent for a few moments, he said: "Your second sister still thinks that all the gold and silver mines in the world belong to her, but that is a dream. We must remember that things in this world are not what we can get if we want them. "

Brother Cheng was very sad after hearing this. He turned to look at Gu Jinan and said, "That is to say, even if my brother likes the third sister very much, no matter how hard he works, the third sister will not marry him?"

Gu Jinan gritted his teeth. You really know how to stab your brother in the heart. However, he had to nod: "Yes, that's normal."

He was just a farmer's son, but she was a noble daughter born into a family that had been in the family for generations. The family was in its heyday, so no matter how hard she married, it wouldn't be his turn.

Unless something happened to her.

Unless he has made extraordinary achievements.

But even if he is single, he doesn't want anything to happen to her, and by the time he can make a lasting contribution, she will probably have already married a noble son of a well-matched family under the arrangement of her elders, and will be her husband and son.

After hearing this, Brother Cheng looked at his eldest brother who was crying. He felt extremely sad. He hugged Gu Jinan and said, "Brother, don't cry. I will definitely make everything you wish come true."

Gu Jinan was originally sad, but he laughed when he heard this: "Who is crying? It's obviously you who is crying."

He joked again: "It's obviously me who doesn't want it, why are you crying? You really have no future."

Although he said mocking words, his heart was very warm. The little guy who was once as skinny as a kitten, and whose face turned pale when frightened at every turn, has grown up and knows how to comfort him.

"I don't know, I just feel sad and want to cry..." Brother Cheng still doesn't understand this kind of love between men and women, but he knows that if the eldest brother can't marry the third sister, it will be very painful. He doesn't want his eldest brother to suffer. .

Gu Jinan smiled and hugged Brother Cheng: "Don't be sad, brother is fine."

He patted Brother Cheng gently on the back and told him: "Remember, we are people who have escaped famine and survived through catastrophes. For us, as long as it is not a matter of life and death, we can get by. If To be so confused about something you don't want is really a pity for those who died on the way to escape."

Others couldn't survive even if they wanted to. Not only did they survive, they also had food to eat, a house to live in, and education to study. They were lucky enough, and they had to be content.

But...he is still very unwilling! !

Gu Jinan hugged Brother Cheng's arm tightly... He was only twenty, and it was when he was young and impulsive. Even though he knew that this was something as difficult as climbing into the sky, the stubbornness in his bones still wanted to try it. This flower from the palace in the sky!

Brother Cheng felt a little uncomfortable being restrained by Gu Jinan and cried even harder. The eldest brother must be very unwilling. How can he help the eldest brother?

Otherwise, he...

"Don't be stupid. Your random actions will only do you harm. Be obedient and go home from class as usual. You will be a big help to your elder brother." Gu Jinan let go of Brother Cheng, turned him around, and continued to give He twirled his hair and said, "It's been a mess lately. You should be careful when you go to and from school. Don't get caught by the gangsters. Otherwise, my eldest brother will have to find a way to save you, but he will be exhausted."

Cheng Geer said: "Brother, don't worry, I know boxing and kicking. Brother Sanlang also gave me daggers and bows and arrows, and sent people to protect us. Nothing will happen to us. Even if we encounter bad people, we will run away, and we will never caught."

The second sister said, fight if you can, run away if you can't, survive first and then take revenge.

"Well, I can listen to your second sister on this, if you can run away." Gu Jinan stopped what he was doing and said, "Okay, the sun is strong, let it dry for a while, and it will be dry later."

"Okay." Brother Cheng responded obediently. When he turned around, he saw that his eldest brother was already leaning on the tree trunk behind the stone bench, resting with his eyes closed.

Brother Cheng did not disturb him and sat obediently until his hair was completely dry.

Gu Jinan was not asleep, but he just didn't want to answer Brother Cheng's questions anymore, so he pretended to be asleep.

More than two-quarters of an hour later, Sawazi stood at the door of the courtyard and said, "Young Master, Second Young Master, it's time to eat."

Gu Jinan opened his eyes, picked up the hair tie on the stone table, tied Brother Cheng's hair skillfully, stood up and said, "Let's go."

Brother Cheng followed Gu Jinan, suddenly took his hand, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what does it feel like to like a girl?"

Gu Jinan was shocked. He looked down at his little brother, slapped him on the head and said, "How old are you? It's too early to ask this."

Brother Cheng rubbed his sore head and said, "I'm curious, so I asked."

Brother Luo Wu likes the eldest sister, Brother Sanlang likes the second sister, and the eldest brother likes the third sister. Looking at it, all the brothers and sisters in the family have someone they like. Let's see how they are sometimes happy and sometimes sad because of this. He I looked very confused and curious, so I wanted to ask what it feels like to like someone? Why are they happy or sad because of this?

"Besides, I'm not young anymore. I'll be nine years old in the twelfth lunar month."

Gu Jinan: "You're only nine years old. You don't need to know this yet. Ask me again when you are fifteen."

Your brother, I still don’t understand, so why don’t you ask, how do you want me to answer?

Then he said: "Stop talking nonsense and go eat quickly. I will leave after eating."

Gu Jinan didn't give Brother Cheng a chance to ask again, so he pulled him and walked away quickly.

In the dining room, Ms. Cui and Gu Jinxiu, together with Zhu Camellia and Tong Xiaoxue, laid out the food. They made a table of delicious dishes, mostly sweet and sour, which was Gu Jinan's favorite taste.

"Brother An, come and sit here quickly. You haven't eaten at home for several days. Today I cooked your favorite dishes. Eat more." Ms. Cui greeted her personally, seeing that she was less and less at home. My eldest son felt a little sad.

"Okay, I won't eat until I'm full today. I'll have a full meal." Gu Jinan looked at Ms. Cui, then at Gu Jinxiu, and said, "Mom, eldest sister, you have worked hard."

Mrs. Cui: "It's not hard work, it's just cooking. How hard can it be?"

In the past, I wanted to cook a good meal for them but there was no food. Now I have all the ingredients and I can cook it for them, but An Geer goes home less.

Gu Jinan saw Cui's sadness and comforted him: "Mom, when the work on the new bank is finished, my son will have time to stay at home."

"Really?" Mrs. Cui was very happy: "Then my mother will go to work in the workshop and prepare delicious food for you every time."

"Okay." Gu Jinan didn't say anything to ask Cui not to cook for him. If he had a good rest, he knew that only by letting Cui do these things would she be happy.

"Okay, stop talking, hurry up and eat, don't delay Brother An's schedule." The third grandma said, holding a chicken drumstick for Gu Jinan.

Gu Jinan didn't like eating chicken legs very much, but he still finished the chicken legs. He also ate all the vegetables that other family members gave him.

After finishing the meal, it was filled to the throat, and he was given a bowl of soup at the end. Only then did the third grandfather and the third grandmother, Cui Shi Gu Dashan, send him out with satisfaction.

Gu Dashan was still worried about the bad guys: "Brother An, those bad guys won't come again, right? Why don't you ask Brother Wu or Sanlang to take you to the Yamen after you finish your work at the bank? It's safer to spend the night in the Yamen than at the bank. "

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