Brother Cheng's face turned dark when he heard this: "If you are among the top three in the general examination, it will be no problem for you, but it will be difficult to achieve such merit that the emperor can issue a marriage decree."

It may be impossible to achieve such great achievements in a lifetime, so wouldn’t the eldest brother have to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?

Gu Jinli: "So this is something we can't help with, and according to my eldest brother's temper, he doesn't want us to help either."

The eldest brother originally wanted to secretly like the third girl, but he was already very upset when they guessed his thoughts. If they dared to do anything again, the eldest brother would definitely be furious.

"However, as the eldest brother's younger brothers and sisters, we cannot do nothing. We should help him."

Brother Cheng was overjoyed and asked, "How can I help? Second sister, please tell me."

Gu Jinli looked at the cake in his hand and said, "Of course we'll start from a small start. Let's get along with the third sister first. Once we get on well with the third sister, the eldest brother and the third sister will naturally have more opportunities to interact."

She stood up and said, "Let's go to the kitchen to make pastries. You can deliver them to Third Sister tomorrow. Just say that we ate the pastries she made and thought they were great. We will also make some pastries for her to try."

"Is this what the second sister said about starting from a small place? I understand. I'm going to help the second sister." Brother Cheng rolled up his sleeves and followed Gu Jinli to the kitchen to work for an hour. When the sky was completely dark, the two of them held a few Plate the finished cakes and return to the yard.

The lights had been lit in the yard, and Gu Jinxiu was waiting for them. When he saw them coming back, he said, "Is this the pastry for the third girl?"

Brother Cheng was surprised: "Sister, do you know?"

The corners of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched, "Brother, please stop hiding your thoughts. Your sister, your sister, and your brother all know about it."

Gu Jinxiu nodded: "It's hard for me not to know that you are making such a big fuss."

Moreover, she and An Ge'er were twins. She knew An Ge'er's temper best. She would notice whenever there was any abnormality. She was happy and sad at the same time. It was hard for An Ge'er to like a girl, but 80% of the time he liked it. Can't get married.

"I heard that the third girl is practicing martial arts. This girl always hurts her hands while holding swords. I made a pair of palm protectors for her. You can send them to her along with the cakes." Gu Jinxiu took out a pair of palm protectors and handed them to her. To Brother Cheng: "It's better to have two pairs of palm guards to replace them. After a while, I will make the other pair, and you can give them to the third girl."

Sister, you have a trick up your sleeve. Okay, okay, give me embroidery a few more times, and the relationship will continue.

Brother Cheng smiled, took the palm protector in the silk bag and said, "Don't worry, eldest sister, I will definitely deliver the palm protector."

Gu Jinli took out a few nice-looking boxes and packed boxes of pastries he had made, one for the third girl and one for Mr. Ouyang.

As for the fifth girl, who is that? I don’t know, so I won’t give it away. Nowadays, ingredients are expensive and her family is poor, so she has to save money.

"Okay, you can take it to Ouyang's house to the third girl when you go to school tomorrow." After Gu Jinli packed up the things, he added four more bottles of new wine and handed them to Brother Cheng.

Then he explained: "I know you feel sorry for your elder brother and want to help him, but you must remember that the third girl has her own ideas. We can't do anything too obvious to cause trouble to the third girl just because we feel sorry for our elder brother. Do something. It’s just a small matter, everything else depends on the fate of the eldest brother and the third sister.”

In short, they can feel sorry for the elder brother and help the elder brother, but they cannot force the third girl, nor can they help too much and cause trouble to the third girl.

Brother Cheng nodded heavily: "Yeah, I know that I won't do anything arrogant."

The eldest brother said that things in the world are not what they can get if they want them. It is their own business to like them, and they cannot force others to like them too.

After Brother Cheng finished speaking, he left with the big and small bags in his arms.

Now that it's dark, the big group and the small group can no longer enter the back house. He is the only one who can get things by himself, but he doesn't feel tired and is very happy. He hopes that these things can help his elder brother.

The next morning, Brother Cheng got up early and went to class very actively. As soon as he arrived at Ouyang's house, he brought the gift to Mr. Ouyang: "Sir, the cakes made by the third sister yesterday were very delicious. My family is very happy." I liked it, and the second sister felt that she couldn’t eat the third sister’s food for free, so she made some cakes and asked me to deliver them to the third sister, and the husband also had a share.”

Mr. Ouyang was very happy to hear that he also had a share. After accepting his share, he asked the maid to send the other share to Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming was a little surprised when he received the gift from the Gu sisters: "The Gu sisters were too polite and actually returned the gift."

Don't brag, they sisters have ulterior motives!

Ouyang Ming picked up the silk ribbon containing the palm protector, opened it and saw the palm protector, and was surprised again: "I only know that Miss Gu is excellent at embroidery, but I didn't expect that she would have such thoughts?"

What is embroidered on the palm of the hand is a picture of victory with flags flying. One army is defeated, while the other army is victorious with flags waving. Coupled with the goshawks circling in the sky and the beating drums, it makes people feel like they are on the battlefield, and the whole person's blood boils.

"Miss Gu, a girl who has never seen a battlefield, can actually embroider such a masterpiece. Her embroidery skills are really at the level of an embroiderer." Ouyang Ming likes things related to the battlefield, and this embroidery is a gift. It got to her heart.

Coupled with the new wine given by Miss Gu, one sip made her feel like she was the victorious general.

Ouyang Ming originally didn't want to return gifts to the Gu family, lest she come back and go back, which would never end, but because of this embroidery and wine, she did return gifts to the Gu family again.

This came and went, but only twice in five days.

On the fifth day, when Gu Jinan came back from delivering the deed, he saw Ouyang Ming's message for Gu Jinli and Gu Jinxiu at home.

He was shocked. What did Xiaoyu and the others do? How do you get the third girl to personally post a message inviting you to be a guest?

Aristocratic families have their own rules and generally do not interact with farm girls. Therefore, even if his family has good relations with Mr. Ouyang, the three girls have been here for a while, but the Ouyang family has not said that they will be invited to be guests.

Gu Jinan was afraid that Gu Jinli and the others would do something trespassing while he was away, so he called them in for "interrogation".

Gu Jinli told the story about how they gave gifts to the third girl and the third girl gave them gifts in return: "Brother, we really didn't do anything. No one else knows your thoughts except us. It's all fate."

Because of your size, you renewed your relationship with the third girl and became friends by giving her gifts. How dare you say this kind of artificial fate?

However, Gu Jinan was happy and moved. He didn't say anything to scold him. He just said after silence, "Thank you."

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this, so just pretend, I'm afraid your heart will blossom.

Gu Jinan was really overjoyed. Even though he was running around, staying up all night, and almost dying of exhaustion, he was in high spirits now. After the meal, he brought two cabbages for his fiancé and his son-in-law, and he was very happy. I was so happy that I went to the county seat again.

As soon as I arrived at Xinqianzhuang, I heard some shocking news.

Zhili, Zhongzhou, Jianghuai, and even Jiangnan are all in trouble because of taxes.

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