Qi Yi thought of the strategies he had written during the imperial examination and the heroic words at the Qionglin Banquet. He finally raised his head and looked at Emperor Jingyuan: "Your Majesty, I have been remonstrating with you, but have you listened to it?"

Emperor Jingyuan's face darkened, and he stared at Qi Yi with cold, frosty eyes: "Are you blaming me for not increasing taxes? If you don't increase taxes, where will you get the money to fight against the Rong? Do you want to get money by killing rich families and ransacking their homes? You are I have been remonstrated with death and told not to attack wealthy families at will, but what do you mean now?"

Qi Yi said: "Wei Chen did say these things, but Wei Chen also disapproved of your Majesty's increase in taxes. Da Chu has only been a country for three generations, and it has been at war with Da Rong all the year round. The drought in the northwest has not eased in the past few years, so it should implement benevolent policies , reduce taxes and allow the people to recuperate and recuperate; if we recruit more people from poor families, after twenty years, Chu will be rich, and more than half of the wealthy families will be replaced by children from poor families. At that time, your majesty will be able to wield his whip as a mighty army and serve the country greatly. hatred!"

"Twenty years? I can't wait that long. I want Dayong to die within five years!" Emperor Jingyuan had long disliked Dayong and asked him to wait twenty years before destroying Dayong. He couldn't do it.

Qi Yi: "Your Majesty, twenty years is already a short period of time. If you want to build a dynasty that will prosper for centuries, it will be impossible without thirty to fifty years of time to lay the foundation stone."

With a bang, Emperor Jingyuan snatched the tea cup from the side and smashed Qi Yi's head in. "Shut up, even you think my dynasty of a hundred generations is just a dream?!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Seeing this, the chief eunuch hurriedly led all the palace ladies and eunuchs to kneel down.

Your Majesty trusts Mr. Qi very much. If Mr. Qi is beaten to death, the Emperor will definitely regret it when he calms down. Then he will punish them as slaves for not stopping him.

Qi Yi did not kneel down, but stood up straight with blood on his head and looked at Emperor Jing Yuan, with a mocking smile on his lips.

According to the current situation of Dachu, let alone thirty or fifty years, it is estimated that it will take a hundred years to rest and fully stabilize. But will God give Dachu a hundred years?

Qi Yi was a very bloody civil servant. He originally wanted to say this, but he thought of A Shu... She and the children were still waiting for him at home. He could not lose his life in the palace.

If he died, Ah Shu would be a widow.

How can she survive in such a world with two children?

However, Qi Yi's mocking smile still angered Emperor Jing Yuan. Emperor Jing Yuan, who had hit him with a cup and felt a little guilty, became furious again and shouted: "Come here, drag Qi Yi down and give him twenty lashes! "

There was a loud noise, and a group of Yu Lin soldiers rushed in like lightning, dragged Qi Yi out, and executed him outside the Mingwei Hall.

This is the military whip used by the Yulin Army. One whip can make people's skin and flesh split open.

Fortunately, Captain Yu Lin, who was responsible for the punishment, knew that Qi Yi was a favorite of Emperor Jingyuan and did not dare to kill him. However, after twenty lashes, Qi Yi was still seriously injured and fell into coma.

Emperor Jingyuan felt better after watching Qi Yi finish the punishment... No matter who wanted him to let Da Rong go, he should die.

He can let go of aristocratic families, or even let go of Wei Guogong's line, but Dayong must die!

"Send him home." After Emperor Jingyuan said, he returned to the harem and went to Concubine Yi's residence.

Concubine Yi is none other than Miss Ran.

After Miss Ran's legs and feet were cured, she rested for a period of time. After knocking her stepmother down, her family arranged for her to enter the palace. Now it is the mother who can be named a concubine based on her son's wealth.

"I respectfully welcome your Majesty." Concubine Yi knelt down with her son in her arms and saluted Emperor Jingyuan.

Emperor Jingyuan saw her and personally helped her up: "My beloved concubine, no courtesy."

Then he scolded the people in the palace: "How do you servants serve me? You let Concubine Yi take care of the eighth prince!"

The people in Yifei's palace quickly knelt down to apologize.

But Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, please calm down. It's not their fault. It's my concubine who wants to imitate the common people's family and feed Dun'er herself."

There was a pleasant and comfortable smile on Concubine Yi's face, which made Emperor Jingyuan feel very comfortable when he saw her. He hugged her and said, "Concubine Ai is the only one in this palace who has a pure heart, unlike those group of temptresses who were all sent by their father and brothers. Watch over me!"

Yifei was startled. What else had happened to stimulate her?

However, Concubine Yi was already very experienced in this. She looked up at Emperor Jingyuan and said, "Your Majesty, as you said, my concubine's palace is your home. Now that you are back home, let's not talk about those troublesome things. "

Then he smiled and said: "I made a pot of corn porridge, fried a dish of mulberry leaves, and made some plain pancakes. It's just right to eat now that it's hot today. You can help me hold Dun'er, and I'll go and give it to you." How about bringing the food over?"

"Of course it's good." This was not the first time that Emperor Jingyuan hugged the eighth prince. He naturally took over the hug and let Concubine Yi do her work.

When the eunuchs and maids in the palace saw her, they all thought to themselves: Gao, she is really tall. Concubine Yi is not a great beauty in the palace, and her background is not the best among the ladies in the palace, but she has amazing tricks. She is non-competitive and makes both the Emperor and the Queen Mother like her. She also gets along with His Majesty like an ordinary couple, allowing His Majesty to directly treat her palace as home, and even takes the initiative to help take care of the Eighth Prince.

If Concubine Yi is given another ten years, I guess she can climb to the position of queen.

The people in Concubine Yi's palace are like mirrors and serve them more attentively. If Concubine Yi becomes the queen and the eighth prince becomes the prince, they will have a bright future.

Emperor Jingyuan spent the night comfortably in the Yifei Palace, but the adults in Zhili wanted to die.

They originally thought that if a large number of elderly people committed suicide, the emperor would definitely take back their lives, or if it didn't work, they would reduce taxes.

Unexpectedly, taxes were collected without any reduction, and several of the adults in charge of Zhili were also fined and demoted, and were suppressed and beaten twenty times with a cane by the adults who came to deliver the decree.

After the fight was over, the master who delivered the order said: "The emperor said that the Great Rong bloodbathed the Longshan Mansion. Such blood feud must be avenged. The taxes must be collected as soon as possible. If the time for sending troops is delayed, the masters will kill the entire clan. "

As soon as these words came out, the adults in Zhili no longer cared about anything else and used more brutal methods to collect taxes. More people died in Zhili.

Dou Shaodong's family had spies in the capital, and the news about Zhili soon spread to Xinqianzhuang.

When Gu Jinan and others heard about it, they were shocked. He Jinsheng and Gu Dexing were so frightened that they almost fainted.

Dou Shaodong's family no longer had the leisure to laugh at them. When he received the news, he was scared to death. The emperor was so awesome. He was indeed experienced in the military camp. His methods were rough and left no room for anything.

"Is there any news about Master Qi?" After Gu Jinan calmed down, he asked about Qi Yi's situation: "Master Qi is kind to my family. He is an upright person. He has to deal with the situation calmly and is doing things in front of the emperor. I'm worried. Something will happen to him."

Emperor Jingyuan is a lunatic with a violent temper. If Mr. Qi cannot help but tell the truth, he will probably suffer a lot.

Dou Shaodong's family: "Master Qi, he was beaten by the emperor, but he did not die. He is still alive. Now he is recovering at home."

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