A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1244 Irritated Dou Ke

In the county government office, Su Tong knew that they were waiting anxiously. When he saw Dou Shaodong's family arriving, he immediately stood up to greet them: "Dou Shaodong's family is here, let us wait easily."

Then he looked at Gu Jinan: "Gu Jishou, you have worked hard. When the magistrate learned what you have done, he was very pleased. If only all the scholars in the world could be like you, you would be in peace."

Gu Jinan respectfully saluted Su Tongzhi, lowered his head and said, "Students are just helping the bank settle accounts. They don't dare to take credit. The biggest contributors are Dou Shaodong's family. And this can be done thanks to everyone in the prefecture and county." Adults. If it weren’t for the adults’ help, the students would have been killed long ago.”

Dou Shaodong's face twitched when he heard this, Gu Jinan, are you possessed by a ghost? Is this you? Where has your cold arrogance gone? I bet you are also very good at pretending.

Su Tongzhi was also very good at pretending. After hearing this, he smiled and said, "Hey, we are just protecting you, and we haven't done anything. Chief Gu is too humble."

Dou Shaodong’s family: “…”

It’s good to know that you haven’t done anything, so show some respect and don’t make any excessive demands, otherwise I will blow it up for you!

Gu Jinan knew very well why Su Tongzhi praised him, so he said to Dou Shaodong's family without Su Tongzhi's wink: "Brother Dou, Mr. Su has worked hard all the way. Let's go into the house quickly and see if there is anything we can do for Mr. Su."

The word "service" was used well, and Su Tongzhi was very happy.

Dou Shaodong's family was very angry and glared at Gu Jinan, but they knew that this trip was inevitable. In order to get the maximum benefit, Dou Shaodong's family acted miserably as soon as they entered the house, and then stabbed Su Tongzhi: "Master Su knows that we My money is almost running out, are you here to give us money?"

Su Tongzhi was confused: "No, no money?"

I came to you to ask for money, not to give you money!

Dou Shaodong's family nodded: "Well, it's pretty much used. Farmers from several nearby counties came to borrow money, and soldiers from the Fucheng garrison camp also came to lend money and send it back to their families. The money from the bank was given out in waves. , is about to bottom out.”

Su Tongzhi didn't have the experience of the ancient prefect. He saw Dou Shaodong's family moving out to serve as soldiers. Before coming, he also learned that Mr. Liu Qi of Hushan Prefecture had seduced the soldiers and defected with nearly a hundred soldiers. He did not dare to pretend anymore and begged: " Dou Shaodong's family, our He'an Mansion cannot be in chaos, if there is chaos, everyone will be ruined... Don't worry about the money, the prefect has already sent a message to the merchants in the city, and they will cough up a sum of money."

Dou Shaodong's family said: "Are there only merchants? What about those aristocratic families and local prominent families? These people are the rich and powerful owners who can turn the money bank into a bad one."

He added: "They have sent people to give me money today, saying they want to invest in the bank, but their demands are too excessive, and I have not agreed. They will not give up. When they see that their plan fails, they will definitely open a bank of their own. When the time comes, They will definitely increase interest rates and lend money to farmers on a large scale. When the farmers cannot repay the money, they will take away the farmers' properties to pay off the debts and acquire large tracts of land."

Dou Shaodong's family looked at Su Tongzhi and sneered: "Mr. Su knows very well that if the land falls into their hands, the Yamen will receive less grain tax. If the people sell themselves again, they won't even be able to collect the poll tax. By then. When the time comes, Da Chu will become poorer and poorer, then..." Da Chu is not far from being finished.

Dou Shaodong didn't finish his words, but he bared his teeth and smiled at Su Tongzhi, making Su Tongzhi break into a cold sweat.

"I will report this matter to your lord, I think you will be able to suppress them." Su Tongzhi said weakly.

"Stop dreaming, are they afraid of a prefect?" Dou Shaodong's family said rudely, and after speaking, they patted their foreheads irritably.

Damn it, he just said not to open a bank or help any kind of gang. If he can't pay the taxes, he will be beheaded. Now he is in a difficult position. He must finish the work even if he is exhausted.

When Su Tongzhi saw this, he was also a little scared. He heard that Dou Shaodong's family had not had a good night's sleep since they started preparing for the new bank.

Su Tongzhi was afraid that the young Dou Shaodong family would not be able to bear the pressure and go crazy, so he quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, Dou Shaodong family, they..."

With a clang, Dou Shaodong's family kicked over the chair next to them, stood up and said: "Mom, if you want to come, come quickly. Is this Shaodong's family still afraid of you?!"

Then he looked at Su Tongzhi, who was too frightened to speak, and said, "Master Su, please wait for us for a long time. Before dark, we will follow you to Fucheng and kill those bastards!"

After saying this, he called to Gu Jinan and walked away.

Su Tongzhi hurriedly grabbed Gu Jin'an and said fearfully: "Gu Gu, is he under too much pressure at Dou Shaodong's house and going crazy?"

He doesn't look like a normal person.

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sir, Dou Shaodong's family is fine. He just didn't get enough sleep and his temper is a bit grumpy."

Is this a bit grumpy? Looking at him like that, he wanted to kill someone with a knife.

"Gu Jin'an, are you leaving? Do you want to keep the eggs to hatch? You're not a hen!" When Dou Shaodong's family saw that Gu Jin'an didn't follow, they turned around and shouted in this direction, which scared Su Tongzhi.

Crazy, being driven crazy like this, pitiful.

"Here we come." Gu Jinan cupped his hands towards Su Tongzhi and Magistrate Zheng, who was hiding silently, and left quickly.

After Gu Jinan and Dou Shaodong's family returned to Dou Ou Bank, they immediately summoned everyone to make arrangements for the next few days.

"The farmers in Tianfu County and the three nearby counties have already borrowed money. We will leave 30% of the money from the bank and take the remaining money to Luchang County. If the money is still on the way, please do not enter He'an Mansion. Directly Take a detour to Baigu County, Hushan Prefecture."

Dou Shaodong's family handed two letters to Shopkeeper Dou: "Take the shadow guard and half of the clerks to Baigu County. After arriving in Baigu County, go to see the Baigu County Magistrate and tell him about opening a new bank. Let's If we need the barrier of Baigu County, we must quickly open a bank there to prevent the money from being shared by people in other prefectures."

When I go to Fucheng this time, other prefects from Jianghuai will definitely be there too.

Then he said to Dou Zhi: "You are familiar with the affairs of the bank. Stay and watch the bank. If anything goes wrong at the bank, just jump into the well and commit suicide."

"Yes." Dou Zhi responded. With her ability, plus Dou Ying and others like the shadow guards, people from the county government, and people from the military department, if they want to protect the bank, it will not be a big problem.

After Dou Shaodong's family made arrangements, he asked again: "Is Old Man Ouyang here?"

Gu Jinan: "Mr. Ouyang still has to arrange things at home, and it will take two hours at the earliest to arrive."

The ancient prefect could not suppress the aristocratic and distinguished families. Only Mr. Ouyang could suppress them.

With a bang, Dou Shaodong's family kicked the stool again: "You are too slow. We have already discussed this matter, so the old man can't move faster!"

Dou Zhi silently held up the stool. The young master has become more and more irritable recently. How about she find some beauties for him to relieve his anger?

But considering that my young master has been in bed for almost half a month and is so weak that he can't even walk, it's better not to find a beauty for him yet, lest he die in bed if he gets excited.

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