Too much? Who went too far? !

The guys were very angry, but with Ouyang Hu's threat, they really didn't dare to open a new bank and take advantage of the farmers.

"You are all from a good background. Your family is rich and you make a lot of money. There is no need to ruin your family's reputation because of this business. You must know that this business is complicated. If you don't do it well, you will confiscate your family and exterminate your family." After Mr. Ouyang first let them know how powerful he was, he then He said softly.

"Seize the family and exterminate the clan? Old man Ouyang, don't be alarmist here!" Shen Si was very angry. He knew very well that if this thing was done, his family would be able to eat and drink on the pile of silver for five generations.

As a concubine of the Hou family, he received very little property. This was an opportunity for him to rise to the top in one step, and he couldn't give up.

"Scaremongering? Do you think it is impossible to steal money and property from the emperor?" Mr. Ouyang smiled, pointed at others present and asked: "You think so too? If so, you can Let's open a new bank together and use your rules to do this business. Just remember that your surname is not Shen and you are not relatives of the emperor. If the emperor kills you, will he not be lenient? "

Sure enough, everyone present fell silent.

They knew the emperor's temper. He would even kill his own son when he was ruthless. He also loved money. For money, he robbed the homes of many nobles and noble families. How could they not be afraid?

When Mr. Ouyang saw that they were silent, he looked at Shen Si and asked: "If you are not afraid, you can open a bank yourself to do this business. Rongenhou Mansion is a relative of the emperor, and there is a Chu Shen Yao who makes money." Okay, it’s not difficult to open a bank on your own.”

After hearing this, Shen Si was very angry, but he did not dare to say that he was not afraid of the emperor and wanted to steal money and property from the emperor.

Mr. Ouyang added: "What the letter says, I and Dou Shaodong's family can do it. After all, we did not open Dou Ou Bank to make money. We dedicate the bank to the emperor. We don't feel bad, as long as we can prevent you from using this kind of bank to make money." become."

Damn it!

Everyone present cursed in their hearts.

Mr. Ouyang ignored their dark faces and looked at Mr. Qi and said, "Continue reading."

Mr. Qi: "Return, still read?"

The first letter has completely shocked them, so there is no need to read the second letter. Do you want to let Qi Moucheng go?

Mr. Ouyang nodded: "Well, keep reading, and let them know that not all wealthy families and high-ranking officials are on their side."

Mr. Qi had no choice but to continue reading the letter.

Mr. Ming and Mr. Ouyang are old acquaintances, so most of the letters he wrote to Mr. Ouyang were trivial matters, recounting old friendships, etc., but there was one sentence at the end: "Brother Cong has agreed to what you asked me to do. I will wait until the Emperor When it comes to taking action against those people, Brother Cong will definitely try his best to investigate and show no mercy."

Just such a sentence made everyone present turn pale with fright.

Ming Cong, Ming Shaoqing’s name, who is Ming Shaoqing? That is a cruel person who wants to raid your house and behead your family even if there is no case. He is a knife in the emperor's hand, and no one is afraid of it.

At this moment, Ming Shaoqing was investigating the case of Tongjia using private mines to cast ironware in Linhe Mansion. He had killed a large number of people. What if he turned his head and slashed at them with the knife?

"Mr. Ouyang misunderstood. We have no intention of grabbing money or property from the emperor. We want to invest in Doou Bank, but we just want to do something for the farmers, not to make money." Master Shi was the first one. He opened his mouth, God, this is something that the historian can't afford, so he won't play anymore.

Mr. Ouyang smiled and said: "It's fine that I misunderstood. Then does the Shi family want to invest in the bank or open a new bank?"

When asked this question, Mr. Shi wished he could die directly.

He glanced at Gu Jinan... The Gu family was indeed his family's nemesis. Because he looked down on the Gu family, the second son asked his apprentice Miao Qianwen to bribe Lu Bai in order to rectify Gu Jinan. However, the rectification failed, and he was also hit by a puffer fish. Poisoned, paralyzed to this day.

Now he just wants to get some money for his family, but it doesn't work.

It seems that when he returns home, he will have to remind his family members to walk around anyone with the surname Gu in the future to avoid being caught by the Gu family.

When Mr. Ouyang saw that Mr. Shi was silent, he did not embarrass him too much. He just said: "There are some money in the world that cannot be earned. You should save your lives and earn other money."

After saying that, he took out two more letters and handed them to Shen Si.

Shen Si was so angry that he said in a bad tone: "What kind of letter is it? You can probably hide it on your body."

I can’t finish this letter? !

Mr. Ouyang said: "I know that people from the Ying family and the Zongzheng family are here, so I sent the letter to them. As for whether they listen or not, it is up to them. I will finish my words here."

Anyway, after what he said today spreads out, no one will dare to be their scapegoat anymore. If the Ying family and the Zongzheng family want to take advantage of the farmers' property, they have to use their own names and their own money to do it.

Shen Si didn't want to answer it, but he didn't dare not. After grabbing the letter angrily, he glanced at Gu Zhifu and sneered: "Master Gu, what a great trick, I remember it!"

He actually invited old man Ouyang here and killed them all, leaving no one behind.

The ancient magistrate was so unjust that he said with a mournful face: "Fourth Master, I just followed your instructions, but I didn't do anything extra."

Shen Si snorted coldly, ignored Gu Zhifu, and looked at Dou Shaodong's house: "Dou Ke, don't think that you can sit back and relax just by fawning over the Ouyang family. If you want to be the head of the Dou family, you will never even think about it in your life!"

After offending him and cutting off his financial resources, he will definitely file a lawsuit with his father when he returns, asking his father to help Dou Er and Dou San seize the Dou family, and let Dou Ke get out of the Dou family penniless.

"Shen Si, when someone calls you Fourth Master, do you really think of yourself as a master?" When Dou Shaodong's family saw that Mr. Ouyang had suppressed the group of people, they were no longer afraid and pointed at Shen Si and cursed "Why can't the legitimate son of my young master's first wife inherit the Dou family? If the legitimate son doesn't inherit, will he give it to you bastards? I don't even want to see if Dachu Xinglu will agree!"

"Tell me, you are a bastard, and your mother is a slave, not even a good concubine. What are you crazy about? Oh, I forgot, your mother became a slave later, and she was a prostitute who slept with thousands of people at first. !”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, no wonder you are so favored. I guess you got the true inheritance from your mother and learned some amazing tricks in the building."

Fourth Master Shen almost died on the spot after being scolded. He pointed at Dou Shaodong's house: "You, you, you are talking nonsense!"

The fact that his biological mother was born in Louzi has always been a shame that he can't wash away. But fortunately, the Shen family is a relative of the emperor, and he is favored. No one has dared to mention this matter to his face for so many years.

Unexpectedly, someone named Dou would dare to slap him in the face like this!

Dou Shaodong's family: "What nonsense? Your mother's natal Feixian Tower is still standing in the capital, and you dare to deny it? Go and burn down the Feixian Tower if you dare."

Today's Feixian Tower is the property of the Emperor's sister, Princess Songyang.

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