A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1252 Do you want to let the sheep fall into the tiger's mouth?

Xie, you are really greedy. We don’t even have one Doou Bank in other cities, and you want two!

The prefect of Tong'an Prefecture also said: "Brother Xie, you can't just think about yourself, you have to leave some for us. We still have two copper mines in Tong'an Prefecture. If something goes wrong, the copper mines will not be saved."

Bah, shameless thing, how dare you say this? !

All the adults present cursed in their hearts.

Apart from Linhe Prefecture and He'an Prefecture, Tong'an Prefecture is the safest prefecture in Jianghuai. Because there are copper mines, the emperor sent an extra army to guard the mines. General gangsters, refugees, and even the people under his jurisdiction are afraid of them. Tong'an Mansion's double military strength would not dare to cause trouble in Tong'an Mansion.

The magistrate of Tong'an Prefecture looked at the adults' looks that meant they were eating him, and said hurriedly: "Although Tong'an Prefecture has double the military strength to guard it, it is not rich, and the farmers are still short of money to pay taxes."

So don't glare at me, I'm suffering too.

The prefects of Baishan Prefecture and Yuyang Prefecture couldn't bear it anymore and begged Mr. Ouyang: "Sir, our two prefectures are close to Zhongzhou and there has been trouble. We can't let it go anymore. You always open a bank in our two prefectures and help us." Just do it."

After we are transferred, you can withdraw the bank. We don't want to be ransacked and beheaded because of chaos under our command.

The prefect of Tong'an Prefecture was a venomous man. After hearing this, he said: "Two colleagues, your two prefectures are full of bandits. At this time, asking Doou Bank to transport a large amount of silver to Baishan Prefecture and Yuyang Prefecture is not a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. ?"

The money had to be robbed as soon as it arrived within the borders of the two mansions.

After hearing this, the prefects of the two prefectures wished they could knock the prefect of Tong'an Prefecture down and beat him up.

Mr. Ouyang looked at the magistrates of the two prefectures and said, "You two adults, there is no need to worry. I have received news that because something happened in Zhili, the emperor was furious and has ordered additional troops to be sent to ensure the safety of each prefecture."

After hearing this, the prefects of Baishan Prefecture and Yuyang Prefecture were almost furious. What's the use of just sending more troops to suppress it? They want money!

But there is really no money.

Mr. Ouyang said: "I and Xiao Douzi have limited abilities. The bank can only open slowly. I'm sorry that I can't help."

After hearing this, the two prefects almost wanted to jump up and beat Ouyang Hu, but Ouyang Hu was a great scholar after all, and he had an elder brother who had doted on him all his life. They did not dare to do anything to the old man, so they could only hold their breath. Asked: "Sir, you don't care about us anymore?"

Mr. Ouyang sighed: "It's not that I don't care about you, but that I don't have the ability...Originally, I shouldn't care about taxes, but my conscience is really uneasy, so I can only give up all my money and open Doou Bank. "

"My lords, I'm sorry." Mr. Ouyang stood up and saluted the two magistrates. The two adults were so frightened that they quickly stepped aside and hurriedly returned the salute to him.

At this moment, the adults present also understood that it was impossible for Oudou Bank to save them.


Mr. Ouyang said: "My lords, don't worry too much. The emperor will not leave Jianghuai alone. As long as you survive this period, good news will come from the capital."

After hearing this, the prefects of Baishan Prefecture and Yuyang Prefecture didn't look any better. Other places in Jianghuai might be able to be saved, but it's hard to say if their two prefectures are close to Zhongzhou.

The ancient prefect comforted them: "Comrades, since Mr. Ouyang said so, there must be good news in the capital, so you two should wait for now."

After hearing this, the two prefects almost sneered, "He'an Mansion has taken all the advantages, of course you can say such sarcastic words!"

Magistrate Shi of Linhe Prefecture also came, and now he spoke out: "Two colleagues, I heard that many wealthy households in Zhongzhou have moved to the two prefectures to take refuge. These are wealthy people, and their jurisdictions are even unstable. They should be happy to shed some blood in order to live a stable life."

After saying that, regardless of whether the two prefects listened or not, they stood up and saluted Mr. Ouyang and said: "Sir, I would like to ask you to come forward and help suppress the prominent families in Linhe Prefecture and ask them to donate money to help the farmers in Linhe Prefecture. Passed this level.”

Magistrate Shi was also looking forward to being promoted, and he didn't want his career to be cut off because of the tax issue.

However, Magistrate Shi is not too worried about trouble happening in Linhe Prefecture. First of all, Linhe Prefecture is rich and has many rich people. If everyone donates some money, this can be overcome.

Secondly, there were many aristocratic and distinguished families, and it was impossible for them to cause chaos in the place where they settled down. It was because these people had too much power, and he, as a prefect, could not suppress them.

Mr. Ouyang said: "Mr. Yan San is a good friend of me. Magistrate Shi can just ask him to come forward. The aristocratic, distinguished and wealthy families in Linhe Prefecture will be willing to spend some money to stabilize Linhe Prefecture if they have money and brains."

Will Mr. Yan San come forward?

Magistrate Shi finally felt relieved and said with a smile, "Thank you sir."

With Mr. Ouyang's words, he could directly go to Mr. Yan San after he returned and urge him to bring together all the aristocratic, distinguished and wealthy families in Linhe Prefecture to discuss how much money each family should contribute.

Magistrate Shi's goal was achieved. He bowed his hands to the adults present and said: "My colleagues, our Jianghuai River is the barrier to the south of the Yangtze River. It is also a treasure land with mountains and rivers and produces a lot of grain. The emperor will definitely protect the Jianghuai River. You don't need to worry."

Then he said: "It's getting late. Ming Shaoqing is still in Linhe Mansion. I'm not going to be away for too long. I have to set off and rush back tomorrow morning. I'll say goodbye first."

After saying that, he didn't hesitate and left immediately with his people.

The adults present were extremely envious. It was good to work in a wealthy city. Even if they encountered big things like double taxes, they could easily deal with it.

After Magistrate Shi left, Mr. Ouyang also stood up and said, "My lords, I am tired of traveling and traveling, so I will take my leave now."

After saying that, he took Dou Shaodong's family, Gu Jinan, and Magistrate Zheng and left without mercy.

Only the ancient prefect was left to deal with those prefects who did not get the money.

Mr. Ouyang felt uncomfortable and did not let Magistrate Zheng and the others continue to follow him. He was supported by Asong and returned to the previous room.

Seeing that Mr. Ouyang's expression was really bad, Gu Jinan was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it, so he took a bottle of convenience medicine and gave it to him: "Sir, this is Yangrong Pill made by a pharmaceutical workshop. You can take one and then rest."

Mr. Ouyang nodded and asked Asong to dissolve the pill with hot water and drink it.

Seeing that Mr. Ouyang was silent, Gu Jinan felt very guilty. He bowed and said solemnly: "Sir, this is all the student's fault. Students should not let you open new banks all the time."

Mr. Ouyang smiled, looked at Gu Jinan, and asked, "Do you know what my brother scolds me for the most?"

Gu Jinan paused, wondering why Mr. Ouyang suddenly mentioned this. He shook his head: "Students don't know."

"It's so good to fight against injustice." Mr. Ouyang said: "When I was young, I caused a lot of trouble to my elder brother because of the injustice. My elder brother scolded me while cleaning up the mess for me, but I still didn't change. I felt that I had done a very good job. right."

After Mr. Ouyang finished speaking, he paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about the past: "So even if you and Ming Yatou don't ask me, I will eventually help... This is not your fault, it is me who wants to do this. "

If he hadn't wanted to do it himself, An Ge'er and Ming Yatou wouldn't have been able to persuade him.

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