The eldest brother has always been wise and has experienced dynasty changes. He had given up his illusions about Dachu as early as two years ago and asked him to go south to find a place for the Ouyang family to survive.

The eldest brother said: "I can't leave. I will live and die with Da Chu, but I can't watch you and the descendants of the Ouyang family being buried in the capital... If you leave the capital and settle in the northeast or south, you will be the only elder. In other places, when something goes wrong, the juniors will have an excuse to leave the capital."

The eldest brother's method is excellent, and he likes to travel. He spends a lot of time outside. Everyone in Chu knows that, even if he is as suspicious as Emperor Jingyuan, they will not suspect that he is out looking for a way out for the Ouyang family. They only think that he Traveling again.

So no matter how much he wanted to see his elder brother, he couldn't go back.

If the situation in Dachu is not optimistic, the younger members of the Ouyang family will have to be taken out slowly.

Gu Jinan looked at Mr. Ouyang's painful look and already guessed 50% of the reason. He was talking about something about Brother Cheng: "On the student's eighteenth birthday last year, Brother Cheng gave the student two gifts. He spent all his private money to buy one, which is an inkstone. But Xiaoyu said that the students already have many inkstones, and as the most favored younger brother, Cheng Geer, giving him another inkstone is simply perfunctory."

"Brother Cheng was anxious. When he saw the student learning to carve jade medals, he decided to make a birthday gift for the student. But he had spent all his private money and could not afford to buy any good jade. In the end, he imitated his father. I found a tree root and carved a wooden medal for the student with my own hands."

As Gu Jinan spoke, he untied a bag from his waist, took out a wooden stamp from it, and handed it to Mr. Ouyang: "This is it."

Mr. Ouyang took it and looked at it, and said with disgust: "That's it? It's really ugly. What kind of hands does he have? How can he carve the wooden seal into such a ghostly shape?"

I can't even see the words clearly, let alone the auspicious cloud patterns, which are just like weeds and have no rules at all.

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "It is indeed too ugly to be seen, but it is the student's favorite birthday gift. When the student received this gift, he was very proud, feeling that the brother he raised had finally grown up. You are sensible, and as long as you continue to grow like this, you won’t have to worry about him in the future.”

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said: "Although Sir cannot go back to Beijing to accompany Mr. Ouyang, you can make gifts with your own hands from time to time and take them back to the capital. Mr. Ouyang will be very happy to receive the gifts made by Mr. Ouyang himself. .”

This is the joy and pride of every brother.

Mr. Ouyang was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "You kid made such a big mistake just because you want to tell me this? OK, I'll remember it and try to give my elder brother something made by myself."

An Ge'er was trying to comfort him, and he accepted it.

"You have been tired for a long time. Go back and rest. I'm fine." Mr. Ouyang talked to Gu Jinan for a while, and he felt much more comfortable, and his guilt for his elder brother was relieved a lot.

Gu Jinan was very sensible. Seeing that Mr. Ouyang was in a good mood, he stood up and said, "Yes, the students will go back first. You should have a good rest."

Ah Song sent Gu Jin'an out of the door, and before leaving, he bowed to Gu Jin'an and said, "Brother An, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, the second old man would probably feel guilty for a long time."

In fact, long before the drought in Dachu, the second old man had returned to Beijing and decided not to go out anymore, but to stay with the eldest old man until his death.

But later, after encountering things such as the annihilation of Wei Guogong's line, the drought in the northwest, the Chu emperor's inability to provide disaster relief, and the military disaster caused by the disaster, the second old man left the capital again and traveled around the great Chu.

Since then, the second old man has been in a bad mood and often suffers from insomnia.

Asong knew that the second old man was afraid that the eldest man would do something bad, and he couldn't go back in time to see the eldest man one last time.

The second old man also knows very well that as soon as the new bank is opened, he will have to bring the old man to the palace to face the saint... The second old man does not want to see the old man at this age having to kowtow to the Emperor of Chu for himself, but he has to do this. When I did, I cried secretly twice.

Tonight is all thanks to Brother An. If it weren't for Brother An, the second old man would probably have to suffer for a long time.

Gu Jinan shook his head and said, "Brother Asong is serious, Mr. Ouyang is doing it for us too."

His family couldn't afford the matter of the new bank, nor could Dou Shaodong's family. Only Mr. Ouyang's intervention could dispel Emperor Chu's doubts and turn this matter that was feared by Emperor Chu into something that was praised by Emperor Chu. Son.

After Gu Jinan said a few words to Ah Song, he asked Ah Song to go back and take care of Mr. Ouyang, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he waited until Mr. Ouyang fell asleep before returning to the residence arranged for them by the ancient prefect.

Dou Shaodong's family lived in the same courtyard as him. Hearing the noise, he opened the door and asked, "Is the old man okay?"

But don't fall down. If the old man falls down, Dou Keke will be dragged away and killed.

Gu Jinan said: "It's okay, I've gone to bed."

"It's good to go to bed. You should go to bed quickly. I'm exhausted." Dou Shaodong yawned and went back to the house to sleep.

Gu Jinan was also exhausted to the extreme and fell asleep soon.

They slept peacefully, but Shen Si, the third young master of the Ying family, and the fifth young master of the Zong Zheng family were so angry that they couldn't sleep.

"Ha, Ouyang Hu thinks this can cut off our financial resources?" Zong Zhengqin sneered and asked the third young master Ying: "Brother Ying, the Ouyang family has come forward, do your family still dare to continue doing this? "

Young Master Ying smiled calmly, looked at the dark night outside the window and said, "Whether the Ouyang family comes forward or not has nothing to do with whether the Ying family wants to do this business or not."

The Ying family is not afraid of the Ouyang family.

After saying that, he turned to look at Zong Zhengqin and said, "Brother Qin, do you still dare to continue doing this business?"

Zong Zhengqin said: "Huh, why don't you dare?"

The emperor is short of money. As long as the farmers can pay their taxes, the emperor will make a profit. When the time comes, my grandfather will present a sum of money to the emperor, and everyone will be happy. Why should we be afraid of Ouyang Hu's lies about robbing the emperor of silver and fields? !

The biggest official in the Ouyang family now is the Minister of Rites. Do you want to suppress them with such an insignificant official position?

Not to mention Ouyang Hong, that old man is over eighty and will die at any time. Moreover, he has no real power now. What can he do with his reputation as a scholar?

Give him face and call him an old man. If you don't give him face, he will be an old immortal.

After hearing this, Young Master Ying smiled slightly and said, "With Brother Qin's words, I feel relieved."

Unfortunately, Zong Zhengqin and Third Young Master Ying were too young and underestimated Ouyang Hong's status in Emperor Chu's heart. Their plan was doomed to fail and they would pay a price for it.

After hearing this, Shen Si smiled and said, "Since both the Ying family and the Zongzheng family have decided to continue this business, we have to hurry up."

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