A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1261 Gu Dexing’s Engagement

"Even the satin clothes were stripped off. The body was naked when it was found. Liu Yexiang couldn't stand it, so she took off her clothes and covered them with Boss Fan."

Someone asked: "Did Lao Liu, who poured night fragrance in the north of the city, discover it? If he said it, it should be true."

Liu Yexiang from the north of the city was the most honest, and everything he said was credible.

"It was Liu Yexiang who found out. I heard that he was almost scared to death. He is still answering in the Yamen. He hasn't come out yet. I don't know what he said. I'll go to the north of the city later and find the Liu family. Ask around.”

Someone sneered after hearing this: "Everyone is dead, why are you asking? Why not ask how the Fan family is doing now? Where are the six sons, one eldest son from the original wife, two step-sons, three bastards, and the step-siblings follow Doting concubines is not a fuel-saving lamp, so why don’t we start a fight over the division of family property?"

As soon as these words came out, the big guy immediately got excited: "Yes, yes, it doesn't matter how the person named Fan died. Anyway, everyone is dead, so let's not worry about it. It's important to go see how the living person makes trouble!" "

A large group of people immediately rushed to Fan's house.

At this time, many people had gathered outside the gate of the Fan family, including those who watched the excitement, those who came to express their condolences, and those who wanted to annex the Fan family's property.

"Are the people from the Ma family and the Miao family here?!" The onlookers didn't think it was a big deal and asked hurriedly as soon as they arrived.

The Ma family is the natal family of Boss Fan's first wife, and the Miao family is the natal family of the step-mother. After Boss Fan dies, the family business will be divided. The two daughters-in-law's natal families are not allowed to come out to support and fight?

Someone who had been waiting here for a long time replied: "You're not here. The news just came out not long ago. How can it come so quickly?"

Someone with knowledge said: "Who said he didn't come? I heard that both families have gone to the government office and are accompanying their nephew in the government office."

The people who came to see the excitement were confused: "Are you here or not? Why are you so uncertain about what you say?"

"Here we are, at the Yamen!"

"Not coming, on the way!"

The two groups of people were talking, rolling up their sleeves, and almost started fighting over this matter.

In the government office, Boss Fan's step-wife Miao almost died from tears. Miao's eldest brother said: "Master magistrate, my sister-in-law died unjustly. You must catch the murderer and avenge him!"

The Ma family did not dare to show weakness, and while supporting their nephew who was about to faint from crying, he said: "Master Magistrate, my nephew has a hard life. He lost his mother at a young age, and now his own father is dead. You have to do it for him." Make the decision and help my sister-in-law get justice."

Not to be outdone, the two families shouted louder than the other, giving the ancient magistrate a headache. He didn't bother to watch their acting, and said directly: "Boss Fan's case is handled by Tang Tongxuan. He will handle it impartially and give you justice. If you have anything to say, please tell Tang Tongpan."

After saying that, he took his master and left.

"Master Prefect, Master Prefect!" The two families were anxious. They were crying not because they wanted to find out the death of Boss Fan, but because they wanted the ancient prefect to make the final decision on the division of property for them.

But the ancient prefect had already left, so they had no choice but to surround Tang Tongpan and cry: "Master Tang, you have to make the decision for us. My sister-in-law's death cannot be in vain..."

Tang Tongjian interrupted them: "We have done an autopsy. Boss Fan was stabbed to death thirteen times. The coachman and the two nurses were all hacked to death with machetes. Their belongings were all taken away. Eighty percent of them were injured." Those who fell into the path of calamity were killed for seeking wealth."

He added: "Recently, because of the tax issue, there has been a lot of chaos everywhere. Bandits and evil people are everywhere. Many people have been killed by robbers. Those evil people all killed people and stole money and then ran away. Boss Fan is well-known in the city. A big businessman, there are many people eyeing him, it is safer to stay at home this late at night."

These words were already telling everyone that Boss Fan was killed by Jie Dao. There was no conspiracy, it was all an accident.

As for the murderer, they didn't want to look for it. The "robber" had already run away after killing people and taking property, so they couldn't find him.

And Boss Fan's death can only be regarded as a robbery of wealth and death. It is impossible for the Yamen to investigate the Shen, Ying, and Zongzheng families... Which of the powerful families doesn't have a few lives in their hands? But the powerful people of the aristocratic families did it cleanly and left no evidence at all. Even if they guessed that it was one of the three families who did it, what would happen if there was no evidence?

And this is what Boss Fan asked for. He just keeps doing business honestly and insists on getting involved with the rich and powerful. Now he has failed to get to the next level, but has lost his life.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.What should we do now?” Miao asked, covering her face and crying, almost making Dou Shaodong’s family, who came to watch the excitement, burst into tears.

"Everyone is dead, so naturally we should take the body back, bury it properly, and then hand over the family property to the eldest son to manage, and the family can continue to live happily." Dou Shaodong's family had a good sleep last night, and at this moment, they were in a state of wonder. He walked in refreshed and looked at Miao with a look on his face.

When Mrs. Miao heard this, she almost exploded. She handed over the family business to her eldest son to manage it. What about her two sons? Eat what's left of that bastard?

Absolutely not!

She had been married to Boss Fan for almost 20 years and had been planning for almost 20 years in order to let her own flesh and blood control the Fan family. She wanted her to hand over the property to her eldest son unless she died.

When Boss Fan's eldest son heard this, he almost knelt down in front of Dou Shaodong's family. He hurriedly came over to salute and said, "Fan Yu has met Dou Shaodong's family... My father was killed suddenly. I ask Dou Shaodong's family to take good care of the Fan family's business in the future." "

Dou Shaodong smiled: "I am an old acquaintance with Boss Fan. If you take over the Fan family business, I will naturally help you."

Ah, help you? What are you dreaming about? I own the Fan family's fortune!

Dou Shaodong's family gave Fan Yu a famous post: "Master Fan, I am leaving Fucheng with Mr. Ouyang today, and I can't go see Boss Fan off. You can take this post. If you have any difficulties, you can take it." Please go to Dou Ou Bank to find the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper will help you."

To be honest, Dou Shaodong's family was really reluctant to leave and wanted to stay and watch the Fan family's drama, but today was already the fifth day of August, and in a few days it would be Gu Dexing's engagement day. As a brother of the same clan, Gu Jinan had to rush back.

Boss Fan had just died, and the Fan family would not be able to collapse within a month or two. He had to let the Fan family's sons stir up trouble first. When the trouble was almost done, he would take action to swallow up the Fan family.

Fan Yu was flattered and hurriedly took the name card and said, "Thank you, Mr. Dou's family."

As he spoke, he glanced at Miao with a happy look in his eyes.

Oh, Mrs. Miao, do you think you can take away the Fan family's property just because you are fierce and have many brothers in your mother's family? Now that I have the support of Shaodong Dou's family, how will your two sons compete with me?

The Miao family and the Miao family were so angry that Fan Yu, a wolf cub with so much virtue and talent, could be favored by Dou Shaodong's family!

Mrs. Miao was a generous person, so she stepped forward crying and said: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”””” , they are about the same age as you, they are both very smart, but they lack some experience, if there is anything they don’t understand in the future, I hope Dou Shaodong’s family will teach them more."

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