"Hey." Gu Jinan responded, greeted Mr. Qi, glanced at Dou Shaodong's house, signaled him to speak quickly, and followed Mr. Ouyang away.

Dou Shaodong's family did not follow immediately. Instead, they talked to Boss An in the room for a quarter of an hour before coming out.

"It's such a grind, do you still want to leave?" Mr. Ouyang sat in the carriage and stared at Dou Shaodong's house with dissatisfaction.

Dou Shaodong's family smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious? I'm not here right now."

As he said this, he looked at Gu Zhifu, who came to see him off, and said with cupped hands: "Master Zhifu, I will have to work harder for you to look after Doou Qianzhuang in the future."

Then he pulled Boss An over and said, "Brother An is too elegant. He just grits his teeth to deal with any difficulties. As a brother, I can't see him like this. I hope the prefect will take care of you in the future."

Mr. Ouyang's face twitched when he saw it, and he said to Gu Jin'an: "Are they two having sex in the house?"

Earlier, little Douzi wanted to beat up Boss An, but in the blink of an eye he was already calling himself brother and sister. This brat named Dou was really shameless.

Gu Jinan smiled: "Brother Dou is smart and naturally knows the benefits of having a good relationship with Boss An."

If they want to carve up the Fan family's property, they need the help of the ancient prefect, so Dou Shaodong's family said this to the ancient prefect to let the ancient prefect know about Boss An's relationship with them.

The ancient magistrate smiled and said: "Dou Shaodong's family is joking. Boss An is a big businessman in the city. If you have any difficulties, feel free to come to me."

"Thank you, Lord Magistrate, for your support." Boss An smiled knowingly.

Several people talked happily, and Mr. Qi and his two sons also talked a few words, making the two sons look familiar in front of the ancient prefect.

It was half past time, when the people of Fucheng were in a state of excitement over the death of Boss Fan, Gu Jinan and his carriage finally set off and left Fucheng.

As for Magistrate Zheng and Luo Wu, they did not stay in Fucheng for that long and had gone back long ago, so they did not go with Gu Jinan and others.

Mr. Ouyang was old and a little fat. It was very uncomfortable to travel on a hot day. It took longer to go back than when he came. He did not return to Doou Bank in Tianfu County until the eighth day of August.

Qi Kangming and the others learned the news and hurriedly came out: "Brother An, you are finally back."

He looked at Gu Dexing and said with a smile, "You can rest assured."

In the past few days, both the Xu family and the Chen family have come to ask Gu Dexing, when will Brother An and the others come back, and will they be able to catch up with Gu Dexing and Xu Zhong's engagement ceremony?

The Xu family wants to take advantage of this opportunity to invite Mr. Ouyang and Dou Shaodong's family to have a dinner, so that the Xu family's children can truly climb up to these two big shots.

Mrs. Chen, on the other hand, wanted to stand out and let others know that her family was no worse than Gu Jinli's family, that she also knew the noble people and had a good relationship with them.

Dou Shaodong's family was a little surprised to see Gu Dexing: "You haven't gone back yet?"

Tomorrow I will go to the Xu family to deliver the engagement gift. I am still busy working at the bank today. I am so diligent that I may have to give him more gifts.

Gu Dexing said: "Don't worry, I've already finished the engagement ceremony. I'll just go home in the evening."

While he was busy working in the bank, his second aunt came to ask three times whether Mr. Ouyang and the others were coming to make a wedding ceremony. If you go back to live in the village, you can't ask him three times a day.

"Then come back with us later." Mr. Ouyang liked Gu Dewang very much and was very kind to Gu Dexing. Seeing that he was doing well in the bank, he said, "Let Brother Wang pick me up tomorrow. Let’s go to Xu’s house with you.”

Gu Dexing was shocked. He didn't expect to be so lucky. His hands and feet were stiff when he was trying to salute. He was pushed by Qi Kangming. Then he put down his salute and saluted Mr. Ouyang and said, "Thank you sir."

Mr. Ouyang smiled, said nothing, and entered the bank. After Dou Shaodong's family asked about the affairs of the bank during this period and looked at some accounts, Mr. Ouyang took Gu Jinan and Gu Dexing back to the town.

When Mrs. Chen heard that Mr. Ouyang was back, she agreed to follow him to the Xu family to support the scene. She was so happy that she immediately went to the village to find someone to brag about: "Mr. Ouyang, you know, he is a great scholar known to everyone in the world, and his brother is also the emperor." Sir, he is very powerful. A man who was born into a pile of gold actually fell in love with Brother Xing, Brother Wang and Brother Fa from our family. He loved them as if they were his own grandchildren and even promised to go to Xuzhou tomorrow. I sent you a wedding gift to my family. Ouch, I don’t even know what to say, my own grandson has never felt so painful."

After Ms. Chen boasted about her family's relationship with Mr. Ouyang, and then her family's relationship with Dou Shaodong's family, she made a group of women in the village blush.

He Daliang's wife said sourly: "Daughter-in-law, you are exaggerating. The capital is so far away. How do we know if the fat old man is from the capital? He might be a poor old man from some remote mountain area."

Then he said: "Besides, how old is your Jiaxing brother? There are two or three sons as old as him in the village. He just got engaged now. What do you have to brag about?"

Speaking of this, he said arrogantly: "Speaking of which, your Gu family doesn't know what's going on. This boy and girl are both very old and still haven't talked about their marriage. This is the case with your brother Xing, who is from the Cui family." The same is true for Sister Xiu and Brother An, especially Brother An, oh my God, I still have the head of the case, and I haven't even decided on the marriage, I'm afraid I won't be a bachelor, hahaha!"

The women in the village became excited when they mentioned this, and some people immediately responded: "Yes, yes, you girls and boys from the Gu family are too late to propose marriage. People in other villages say that you surnamed Gu are lucky. I look at that blessing." They are all used to make money, so they are not going to be lucky in marriage."

Mrs. Chen was so angry that she was about to point at them and yell at them when two big dogs rushed over from a short distance away, barking at the women and grinning as if they were going to bite them. The appearance of a woman.

"Ah, the Gu family's wolf is here again, run away!"

"Don't bite me, don't bite me, I didn't do anything bad!"

The women ran and begged the two wolves for mercy, but the big dog and the two dogs got Brother Cheng's order and ignored them and only ran after them.

He chased them to the door of his house, was so scared that he closed the door and hid, then ran back wagging his tail and asked for credit from Brother Cheng.

Cheng Ge'er looked unhappy. Humph, these gossipy women are talking about his eldest brother again. The eldest brother didn't say why the kiss would hinder them?

"Let's go back." Brother Cheng returned home with an unhappy look on his face. He didn't smell good at dinner anymore and couldn't sleep well. He got up in the middle of the night to look for Gu Jinan.

The weather was hot, and Gu Jinan hadn't slept yet. He was drawing with the door open. Brother Cheng ran directly in: "Brother, can you ask your parents to invite a matchmaker to Ouyang's house to propose marriage?"

Gu Jinan quickly put away the painting and said, "I'm talking nonsense again. Didn't I tell you before? Don't rush this matter, it will ruin the reputation of the third girl."

There were several lamps lit in the room, which was relatively bright. Brother Cheng glanced at it and saw what his elder brother had painted.

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