After saying that, he looked at Ouyang Ming and asked, "Do you have any objections? If you don't want to, just say it. Grandpa won't embarrass you. After all, you will be nineteen in two years, so you are a bit old."

Ouyang Ming didn't expect that her grandfather would tell her this. She stood up again in shock and shouted at a loss: "Grandpa..."

Mr. Ouyang snorted coldly: "Why are you nervous? Don't think nonsense. I don't have any intention. I just want to marry you later. After all, your marriage is a bit difficult. I have to take my time and find you a solid and reliable person."

Obvious duplicity.

Ouyang Ming's heart was full of mixed emotions, including shock, sadness, emotion, and a trace of joy and expectation that should not exist. But she was used to being calm, and she knew her grandfather's temper was to suppress all emotions and be obedient and clever. He said: "Yes, my granddaughter won't have random thoughts. Please don't worry, grandpa."

He will not do anything that breaks the rules and brings shame to the Ouyang family.

Ouyang Ming was so well-behaved that Mr. Ouyang couldn't get angry even if he wanted to. He just snorted a few times and looked unhappy.

Ouyang Ming wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh when he saw this, so he had to pick up a spoon, take two peeled eggs, remove the whites, put the yolks into his grandfather's little butterfly, and then stood up obediently.

Mr. Ouyang has a problem and likes to eat egg yolks, but Mr. Ouyang Hong does not allow him to eat eggs like this, saying that the imperial doctor said that he has become fat and if he continues to eat like this, he will die early.

Therefore, I told the juniors in the family that if they see him eating only egg yolks, they should stop him and inform him so that he can punish Mr. Ouyang severely.

When Ouyang Ming did this, he obviously wanted to please Mr. Ouyang.

Mr. Ouyang had a straight face, snorted coldly, ate two egg yolks, and said: "Not enough."

Since you are trying to please me, you have to give me a little more, just two egg yolks, and it’s not impressive at all.

Ouyang Ming shook his head: "Grandpa, the imperial doctor said that you should not eat more egg yolks for your bones. No more than two a day. Now it is enough. It would be unfilial for my granddaughter to give it to you."

The irritating girl actually used filial piety to suppress him. Her temper was exactly the same as that of his second son who died young.

Thinking about his second son who is most like him, Mr. Ouyang's heart softened a lot. That's all. Ming Yatou and his second son have the same temperament as him. They like to be comfortable and don't like to deal with the powerful people of the family. Since he has been her in this life, Grandpa, just do your best to make her life more comfortable.


"This matter needs to be discussed with your grandpa. If he doesn't nod, grandpa can't agree." Mr. Ouyang looked at Ouyang Ming and said, "There are many in-laws in the Ouyang family, and we must give an explanation to the in-laws."

The Ouyang family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the in-laws they have made so far are all well-known families. These families include aristocratic families, nobles, high-ranking officials, and even the royal family. If his granddaughter marries An Geer, even if his family does not dislike it, they will be angry. In-laws.

All the in-laws are from aristocratic families, and the people they interact with are all nobles from aristocratic families. To allow such a group of nobles to eat at the same table and call themselves brothers and sisters with farmers who farm the land is to disrespect the in-laws!

Other people's clans have worked hard for hundreds of years and more than ten generations to marry the Ouyang family, not just to be related to a farmer from the Gu family.

"There are too many relationships involved here, not just because grandpa doesn't mind." Mr. Ouyang sighed: "I shouldn't have said this to a little girl like you, but your parents have passed away, and your grandmother has also passed away. He is no longer here, and now the only relative here is grandpa, and grandpa can only tell you in person... You have to understand how powerful this is."

Ouyang Ming naturally understood the twists and turns in the in-law relationship between aristocratic families, so he nodded and said: "My granddaughter understands that everything will be obeyed by grandpa. No matter what the outcome is, my granddaughter will not have a second thought."

Since she enjoys the support of the Ouyang family, she has to take care of the Ouyang family. She cannot abandon the Ouyang family just because of her inner feelings.

Moreover, grandpa already loves her and An Geer. If he didn't really love them, grandpa would not risk offending all the in-laws and risking the Ouyang family being laughed at by all the nobles of the family to make such a concession.

After hearing this, Mr. Ouyang didn't say anything more. Instead, he drank the rest of the corn porridge and said, "Write the Ouyang family motto three hundred times and submit it three days later."

Ming Yatou is also at fault in this matter, so I can't just punish her.

This punishment was lighter than that of the Gu brothers. Ouyang Ming did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately agreed: "Yes."

"Remember, don't think wildly. You have to stick to your heart before you succeed. Otherwise, if you fail, you will be the one who suffers." After Mr. Ouyang said this, he rinsed his mouth with water, stood up and left the flower hall.

But as soon as he walked out of the flower hall, he turned back and said: "Brother Cheng likes to eat. You can make him two new pastries. Make them light and easy to melt. Forget about fried and other meaty pastries. He is sick now." can not eat."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After Ouyang Ming heard this, he looked at Mr. Ouyang's slightly fat back and couldn't help it any longer. He shed tears... Grandpa would explain like this, all because of her.

Cheng Geer's disaster happened because of her. If she really marries into the Gu family in the future, the Gu family will inevitably feel uncomfortable. If they don't like her because of this, she will suffer. Grandpa wants to She quickly repaired her relationship with Brother Cheng.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Ming'er will definitely stick to his heart and not let himself sink too deep." Ouyang Ming made a vow not to let his mind get any closer to An Ge'er until the matter is resolved.

Ouyang Ming didn't stay in the flower hall for long and came out quickly.

Aunt Han was a sharp-minded person. She had already guessed something, but she didn't dare to say it clearly. She just looked at Ouyang Ming worriedly: "Third Miss..."

The girls raised by the Zhongming Dingshi House are all of great use. The third girl must not destroy herself.

Ouyang Ming looked at Grandma Han and said, "There is no need to worry, Grandma has the final say."

Although she has some thoughts, she is sober. She will do whatever her elders tell her and will never overstep even a step.

After saying that, he walked away and took his servants to the kitchen to make cakes for Brother Cheng.

Aunt Han had no choice but to follow and help.

Brother Cheng was injured and sick, so he couldn't eat anything too greasy. Ouyang Ming spent a lot of time and made two new pastries for him, both of which are beautiful and delicious Beijing famous snacks.

"Shanru, please let the servants look at the pastries and bring them to Brother Cheng when he wakes up." Ouyang Ming explained, and after cleaning his hands, he took Aunt Han and the others back to the courtyard where they lived.

Ouyang Yu was sitting on the stone bench in the yard waiting for her. When he saw her coming back, he turned cold and asked knowingly: "Third sister, are you going to make cakes for the country people again?"

She was upset when she learned that Ouyang Ming was called to have breakfast by her grandfather. They were both his granddaughters, so why didn't her grandfather ask her to go with him? It's true that the parents have died long ago and the whole family is doting on Ouyang Ming. It's as if they, the granddaughters, are not their biological children!

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