A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1286 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must be improved

"Bah, this is still your own son. You don't feel sorry for me. This old woman feels sorry for you." The third grandma became even more angry and continued to beat Chen with a broom, but she always felt sorry for the grandsons of Brother Wang, so she beat her. After a few hits, the light hit Brother Wang, and he stopped and said: "Ms. Chen, quickly calculate the accounts clearly, give the money that should be given to Xiaoyu and Xiaohua, and then go to the kitchen to help cook. Don't do it again." Thinking of eating it ready-made.”

"It's okay to come here all the time to eat and drink, but you're so picky about the big festival, so you brought three kilograms of rice, a piece of meat, and a group of several months to come to your door. You really have a face. Just you and Brother Wang. You can eat up three kilograms of rice and one piece of meat, and Dagui and Fa Geer, if you don’t work hard and just want to have a good meal, you’re going to beat me up!”

Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "Look what you always say, who do you think my family is? Isn't there an eldest brother? He bought a lot of good things and gave them to me."

"You two have separated for a long time, and you are still talking about Dafu? Those things were brought by Dafu and his son. Does it have anything to do with you?" The third grandmother was scolding Chen. She was scolding her happily when she heard Brother Cheng's voice.

"Third Grandma, eldest brother and I are back." Brother Cheng ran in and smiled when he saw this: "Third Grandma is teaching Aunt Dagui a lesson again? Today is a holiday, so Third Grandma should stop teaching Aunt Dagui a lesson and save her strength. Eat meat.”

Then he looked at Mrs. Chen and said, "The noble aunt is very powerful. It takes too much effort to beat her."

Mrs. Chen frowned and said: "Brother Cheng, why does your kid's words sound wrong? Are you saying that my aunt is a shrew?"

The third grandma slapped Mrs. Chen on the body and said, "Don't you think so? With your virtue, without the old lady to control you, you would be able to break the sky."

After saying that, he hurried towards Brother Cheng and said with a smile: "Hey, our Brother Cheng is back. Are you exhausted from helping to sort out the accounts?"

Then he glared at Gu Jinan and said: "You are serious, why do you recommend Brother Cheng to Mr. Ouyang to help with the accounts? I heard that the bank's accounts are very troublesome. How can Brother Cheng, a child, stay up late to deal with such matters?" Accounting work? Xiaoyu said that children who stay up late will not grow taller. What if Brother Cheng becomes shorter? "

Brother Cheng laughed when he heard this: "Haha, don't worry, Third Grandma, everyone in our family is tall, I will definitely not be short."

Several of his brothers and sisters look like his mother, but are built like his uncles and uncles from the Fei family. They are all quite tall.

Gu Jinan followed: "Third Grandma, Brother Cheng is getting older, so it's time for him to learn more useful things. Learning how to manage accounts will last a lifetime."

"Okay, okay, Third Grandma can't help you." Third Grandma took two snowskin mooncakes for Brother Cheng and said, "They are stuffed with sesame seeds. They are delicious. Eat them quickly."

"Hey." Brother Cheng took it and gave one to Gu Jin'an conscientiously: "Big brother will eat it too."

When Mrs. Cui heard that Gu Jinan and the others were back, she hurriedly came out of the kitchen. When she saw them, she smiled and said, "Brother An, Brother Cheng, you are back."

"Mom, I miss you so much." Brother Cheng ran over, looked up at Mrs. Cui and smiled.

But Ms. Cui frowned and asked worriedly: "Brother Cheng, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Why do you smell of medicine?"

Sure enough, my mother still found out.

But the eldest brother has already thought of a countermeasure.

"Mom, I'm not sick. It's the deworming medicine package my second sister gave me." Brother Cheng grabbed a purse around his waist and said, "Mom, smell it, this medicine smells like it. My eldest brother also has one."

When there are many mosquitoes in summer and autumn, Gu Jinli will prepare insect repellent kits for his family members to wear. After hearing this, Ms. Cui still had doubts. She looked at Gu Jinan and asked, "Brother An, is your brother sick? There's something wrong with his expression, you don't have to hide it from mother, just tell the truth."

She is a mother, how could she not tell whether her child is sick or not?

Gu Jinan said hurriedly: "Mom, don't be angry. It's all my fault. Because Brother Cheng didn't do well in accounting for the first time, I punished him by beating him with several canes and making him stand in the yard. I waited for an hour, but then I got caught in the rain and developed a fever. But the high fever quickly subsided, and I’m mostly healed now, so there’s no need to worry, mother.”

Seeing that he couldn't keep it secret, Gu Jinan simply told a half-truth and half-false lie.

Then he said: "It's my son's fault. Mother should punish my son."

How could Mrs. Cui punish Gu Jinan? She said, "As long as it's mostly healed, it's a holiday today, so I won't say whether I'll be punished or not."

The one who loves Brother Cheng the most in the family is Brother An. When Brother Cheng got sick, Brother An felt more sorry for her than her mother.

"Hey, Brother Cheng is sick? Xiaoyu, let's take a look at Brother Cheng." The third grandmother hurriedly pulled Gu Jinli over and asked her to take Brother Cheng's pulse.

Gu Jinli took Brother Cheng's pulse carefully and said to the anxious Third Grandma and Ms. Cui: "Third Grandma, mother, don't worry, Brother Cheng is already well and everything is fine."

The third grandma said: "It's okay. Brother Cheng is different from you. He suffered a lot when he was born. He almost died. When he was born, he was like a little mouse. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to feed him." Woolen cloth."

Cheng Ge'er's face dropped and he said, "Third Grandma, can't you talk about kittens and puppies? I'm so handsome. It's not nice to talk about mice."

The third grandma laughed loudly when she heard this: "How old are you now that you care about good looks? Are you in such a hurry to get a wife?"

Brother Cheng shook his head and smiled but didn't answer... He used to be in a hurry to get married, but now that his eldest brother has a wife and he is no longer required to take on the responsibility of carrying on the family line, he is no longer in a hurry.

Gu Jinan took the opportunity to take out the food given by the third girl, but he took away all the food from Brother Cheng and Gu Jinli, handed it to Cui and said: "Mom, sir, he gave it to the third girl, saying it was made by the third girl." The capital-style moon cakes are for my grandparents, grandma, and parents to try."

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must be maintained well. Help the third girl to fawn over the third grandma and mother, so that the family can live happily in the future.

Brother Cheng was shocked, his Beijing Moon Group was just gone!

Gu Jinli listened to Gu Jinan's words and looked at Brother Cheng again, knowing that a lot of things must have happened at Ouyang's house this time, but she had already guessed the result, which must be good, otherwise there would be no Jingcheng Yue made by the third girl. group.

Well, not bad, she can rest assured.

It's just a pain for Brother Cheng. The little guy must have been beaten badly. She prepared the gold wound medicine used on him. She knew the smell very well and knew it as soon as she smelled it.

"Third Miss is determined. This noble girl from the capital is different. Not only can she ride and shoot, she can save An Ge'er, she is also very good at cooking, and her embroidery is also in the style of everyone." Mrs. Cui loves embroidery, and when she talks about Third Girl He was full of praise for his embroidery skills, which made Gu Jinan very happy, and the smile on his face never fell.

"What? The third girl made the mooncakes by herself. I have to try it. This is made by a girl from a powerful family in the capital. If you don't eat it, it will be a loss." Ms. Chen hurried over and wanted to take it. Yuetuan was slapped back by the third grandma.

"Ms. Chen, you can't get enough of anything. Is this for you? The third girl gave it to the old lady and Dashan's wife. Go and settle the accounts and divide the money. If you dare to stretch your hand so long, the old lady will go to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. Chop it up for you!”

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