A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1396 Gu Jinxiu gets married

In fact, you can also follow Dou Shaodong's family.

The master said, Gu family and Qin family, if they can join the family, they have made meritorious service. Dou Shaodong's family is connected with Qin Sanlang. If they know that he has the ability to treat animals, they will definitely send him to the northwest for Qin Sanlang.

In this way, he would have completed what his master ordered.

It's a pity that Old Man Bai thought too well of Dou Shaodong's family. Dou Shaodong's family came from a family of imperial merchants, grew up in the capital, and did business in various places. They have seen all kinds of conspiracies, and it is impossible to use people like them who met halfway.

Qin Sanlang was a lifesaver and a brother to Dou Shaodong's family. If he gave him a gift, it would be a slave he had watched for many years, like Old Man Bai. Even if he had a rare skill, Dou The young master’s family would not give it to Qin Sanlang.

Dou Shaodong's family shouted behind them: "Dou Zi, Dou Zi, come here and take their family to Zhuangzi for resettlement."

"Here we come!" Dou Zi hurriedly brought a few shadow guards over and said to Old Man Bai and his family, "Let's go, I'll take you to Zhuangzi."

Then he pointed at Liu Tianbao and said, "Master Fang, this man is not a good person. How about I send him to Tong'an Mansion?"

Liu Tianbao might be in the same group as the Bai family, so they took him away together and tortured him first.

Liu Tianbao was really unjust. He was really ordered by the young mistress of the Bai family to take revenge on the Bai Chunge family and ruin the innocence of the Bai Chunge sisters.

It's just that the Bai family's request was a bit strange, asking him to do things in this small forest at a fixed point and time, and then Fang Xiancheng and the others caught him.

Liu Tianbao cried and shouted: "Sir, I know I'm wrong. Please let me go. I still have a ninety-year-old mother to support at home, so nothing can happen to me."

Dou Zi heard the curse and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are only thirty at most. Where did you get a ninety-year-old woman? If your mother was really ninety years old, she would not have given birth to you until she was sixty years old? What woman can do this at sixty? Can it be born? Do you think we are fools!"

When Liu Tianbao's lie was exposed, he shouted again: "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, he is seventy this year. He really has a mother to support."

Dou Zi was too lazy to listen to his shouting, so he knocked Liu Tianbao unconscious with a knife. The other county magistrate said, "Don't worry, sir, go back. I will take good care of the Bai family."

Fang County Cheng nodded: "Well, thank you for your hard work."

As he said that, he glanced at the crying Bai Chunge, feeling a little reluctant to leave.

He is not a person who loves sex, but he just feels that this is his first heroic rescue of a beauty, and he is a little regretful that he could not take the girl home.

Don't be sorry, you're lucky, you know? If you take the Bai family back, your whole family will be destroyed.

Fang Xian Cheng lingered for a while and left first. Gu Jinan followed with Brother Cheng.

Dou Shaodong's family stayed and told Dou Zi: "Old man Bai's family, sisters Bai Chunge, Liu Tianbao, and the Bai family in Tong'an Prefecture, all come to me to find out. If there are any problems, kill them and leave no one alive; if there are no problems, just kill them all." Sell ​​it, sell it to a distant place, and the whole family will not be able to live in peace, and they deserve to be killed just by looking at it."

Especially that Bai Chunge, when she was begging Fang Xian Cheng, her eyes were still looking at Gu Jinan, why, you still want to hook up with two people at once?

It's a pity that you bumped into my young master. This young master will not let you, a monster, harm others again.

Dou Zi: "Don't worry, young master. I will definitely find out everything and give you a message before you return to He'an Mansion."

Dou Shaodong's family nodded, whispered a few more words, and finally looked at Old Man Bai's family, his eyes fell on Bai Chunge, and he smiled handsomely at her, but the words he said were terrifying: "I thought everyone was Fang County Cheng? Your tricks have been used to death a long time ago. Think of your last words well, lest you die too quickly without even leaving any last words."

After hearing this, Old Man Bai's family was horrified and wanted to call Fang County Prime Minister to come and save their lives, but the Dou family's shadow guard blocked their mouths and could only make a sound of "Ouch".

Liu Tianbao was dumbfounded. What is going on? Why doesn't it sound like Old Man Bai and his family are good people? But it's obvious that he is the bad guy who does evil.

"Idiot." After Dou Shaodong's family said this to Liu Tianbao, they took Dou Meng away and returned to the carriage on the official road. Not long after, the motorcade set off to leave.

Dou Zi took the shadow guards and transported the Bai family in a carriage to Zhuangzi, more than thirty miles away, for interrogation in person.

He also asked the Shadow Guard to go to Tong'an Prefecture to check on Old Man Bai's master's house.

Dou Zi was very efficient in his work, and it took him three days to get it done, and he sent someone to quickly pass the news to Dou Shaodong's family.

At that time, Dou Shaodong's family had left He'an Mansion and were rushing to Tianfu County.

Gu Jinxiu is getting married soon, and the Gu family brothers have to rush back to get married.

Dou Shaodong's family looked at Dou Zi's letter and were very dissatisfied: "You underestimated them. They are a bunch of ruthless people."

He handed the letter to Gu Jinan, who was in the same car.

Gu Jinan took it and looked at it, frowning: "There is indeed something wrong with Old Man Bai's family, and he would rather die than talk about it. Such a person must have been specially trained by someone, and his determination is as determined as a dead soldier."

After Old Man Bai and his family were transported to the Dou family's Zhuangzi, they were tortured by the Dou family's shadow guards. However, Old Man Bai was a powerful man and insisted that he was not ordered by anyone and that he was really a slave of the Bai family.

But how could Dou Zi believe it?

"How can there be such a coincidence in the world that your granddaughter met us just when she was about to be bullied by Liu Tianbao? Be honest and don't treat our Dou family as fools!"

Old Man Bai heard what Dou Zi said, but still didn't say anything.

Bai Lao's second daughter-in-law, who was being tortured together, couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

But as soon as she said these words, Old Man Bai bit his tongue.

The bite was so severe that the entire tongue was bitten off and blood flowed out.

However, suicide by biting one's tongue will lead to a slow death, and the blood will bleed out before death occurs. However, Old Man Bai is a ruthless person. He does not care about his mouth full of blood and is not afraid of death. He just stares at Bai Laoer's wife.

Bai Laoer's wife was so frightened that she screamed, which was even more terrifying than seeing a ghost.

After calling out, Bai Lao's second daughter-in-law fell silent and refused to torture her no matter how hard she tried.

Bai Lao Er, Bai Lao Tou's three so-called grandsons, and Bai Chunge sisters are also like her, even if they die, they won't say anything.

Dou Zi had no choice but to stop the torture and let the doctor treat Old Man Bai's injuries, but Old Man Bai was killed in the end.

Dou Zi could only follow the instructions of Dou Shaodong's family and sell the rest of the Bai family.

In the car, Dou Shaodong's family said: "The Dou family's shadow guards are following them. If there is someone behind them, they should send a letter to the master asking for help."

Gu Jinan shook his head: "Probably not. Their behavior is very similar to dead soldiers. When the master trains them, he will definitely teach them. If the mission fails and the enemy lets them go, they will most likely be followed by the enemy and exploited. They came to track down the mastermind behind it.”

He added: "Since it was explained before, now that their mission has failed, even if they are sold or killed, they will not go to the master behind them, otherwise they will only die more miserably."

Dou Shaodong's family was shocked when they heard this. He sat up straight and asked, "Gu Jin'an, are you really a farmer? You know too much. You even know this method of using dead soldiers to find the mastermind behind it."

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