This Lin Guangtong was none other than his irritating brother-in-law.

His eldest sister, Shang Xiuyu, had never lived a good life since she married Lin Guangtong. She had given birth to two children in five years, and her whole body was haggard.

But Lin Guangtong was as blind as if he couldn't see. He was out looking for flowers and willows, and occasionally he would rest in his concubine's house when he returned home, but he didn't look at Xiuyu at all.

He also disliked that the Shang family's family status was not as good as his own, and made all sorts of sarcastic remarks about Xiuyu.

I don't know why I'm crazy this time. After learning that my third sister Shang Xiudan was getting engaged to Gu Qingliang, she came from Linhe Mansion, and even Lin Guangtong's mother and sister came.

The excuse given was that Xiuyu had not had a good life in the Lin family in the past few years, and while the third sister was getting engaged, she took her back to her parents' house to visit and relax. Wait until you feel better and see if you can get pregnant?

Shang Zixiang didn't believe this. He always felt that the Lin family was having some crooked idea?

But the family was busy with Xiudan's marriage and had no time to pay attention to the Lin family, mother and son.

The engagement ceremony of Gu Shang's family took more than half an hour. Shang Xiudan followed the rules and gave Gu Qingliang a set of clothes, and it was only completed after the two met.

"It's done, congratulations to you two!" The golden matchmaker smiled from ear to ear. Both the Gu family and the Shang family were very generous. She helped with the engagement ceremony for thirty taels of silver. Hong Feng, plus the 30 taels of remuneration given by Gu Qingliang's family and the matchmaking money given by the Luo family, she earned nearly 200 taels of silver from this trip, enough to last for two years.

Chief Shang Li was also very happy: "Golden Matchmaker has worked hard and prepared a table of good noodles for you. You can go and eat with what you have."

"Hey, thank you very much." The golden matchmaker was hungry after working for so long, so he took the maid, mother-in-law, and the masters who were playing joy to the banquet.

Other guests who came to congratulate also sat down to eat.

As for the Qin Gu Luotian family, they were honored guests and were entertained by Chief Shangli personally: "Damu, Dalin, Dashan, and Dafu, let's go and have a banquet. Although the taste of the food at home is not as good as that of Yanfu Tower, the portion is sufficient. You can eat it with an open belly.”

Gu Damu was bored, but Gu Dalin smiled and said, "That's good. We are country people. We don't like to eat things that are too delicate, but we like things that are generous."

This statement made several families laugh.

Lin Guangtong sneered silently: He didn't even have enough money to book a table at a restaurant. They are such a bunch of poor people. The Shang family has really suffered a loss from this marriage!

If he had known that the Shang family was so poor, he would never have married Shang Xiuyu.

However, my mother told me that Yueyun failed to get married to the son of Zhifu Shi and was in bad health. She could not find any good family in Fucheng, Linhe Prefecture. This Gu Jinan was pretty good. He was the young Sanyuan Lang from Jianghuai and he knew many of them. My dear, my family still has a business that makes a lot of money. If Yue Yun marries him, my family will get a lot of benefits.

Gu Jinan was disgusted by Lin Guangtong's sight, but he couldn't help it, so he had to endure it and went to dinner with Shang Lichang and Shang Xiucai.

Who knew that Lin Guangtong was an uneducated person? He asked him while he was eating: "Brother Gu, you are already twenty, why haven't you got engaged yet?"

Brother Cheng sitting at the next table: "..."

Okay, here we go again, why is everyone keeping an eye on his eldest brother’s marriage?

Gu Jinan was very calm. He glanced at Lin Guangtong and said, "I swore that I would not marry until I passed the imperial examination. Now I am just a young scholar and I dare not talk about getting married."

When Gu Jinan said this, his tone was very cold, but anyone could tell that he was unhappy.

But Lin Guangtong said: "The imperial examination is difficult, but it is not so easy to pass it. You are already twenty, you should have said marriage earlier."

He scolded Gu Jinan in his heart again, damn, are you mocking me on purpose? You've been admitted as a scholar and you're still not satisfied, but I'm not even a boy!

After hearing this, Shang Laoer felt very embarrassed. He suppressed his anger and said to Tong Lin: "Brother Tong, this is Brother An's own business. There is nothing to ask. This Huihe delicacy tastes good. Our Tian Fu People in the county love it, try it."

As he said this, he gave Lin Guangtong a piece of Huihe Xian with chopsticks.

But Lin Guangtong looked at the Huihe delicacy with disgust, and said in a disgraceful manner: "Can you eat the small fish caught in this river? The fish bones can kill people. We in Linhe Prefecture don't eat such undesirable things. "

With a snap, Shang Lichang's face turned dark, he slapped the table, stared at Lin Guangtong and said: "Sister Yu, Mr. Master, are you going to eat? If not, go back to the house and rest."

The second child is his father-in-law. The father-in-law picks up the food for himself and forgets it if he doesn't eat it. He also says such ugly things. Do the Lin family have any tutors?

Lin Guangtong looked down on the Shang family from the bottom of his heart, and was not afraid when Shang Li became angry. He only said perfunctorily: "You don't have to be angry, old man. This is what I call my true temperament. The literati and crazy people in the south of the Yangtze River love my temper very much."

Shang Li was so angry that he was shaking.

Shang Xiucai was speechless. Is he really in a good mood? If you are uneducated, you are uneducated. What nonsense!

Gu Jinan also felt that Lin Guangtong was not good, but he was a guest today and he didn't want to get into trouble, so he kept silent and just ate the food.

But Lin Guangtong was really arrogant. After being punished by Shangli Chang, he showed no repentance. He actually dragged Gu Qingliang up, sat next to Gu Jinan, put his arms around him, and said in a familiar manner: "Brother Gu, at this age It's time to get married when we arrive, so let's do this. I'm going to fall in love with you as a brother. I have a little sister at home who is just the right age. Your family will choose a day to come to propose marriage. Let's get married."

Damn you!

Everyone at the table was shocked. They had no idea that Lin Guangtong would say such rude words in public.

Brother Cheng was stunned. He immediately stood up and looked at Lin Guangtong with wide eyes: "..."

Are you sick?

My eldest brother has three sisters and he will not marry your sister!

Gu Qingliang hurriedly pulled Lin Guangtong up and held him, saying with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you have drunk too much. My second brother and I will take you back to the house to rest."

The second brother is Shang Zixiang, the biological brother of Shang Xiuyu and Shang Xiudan.

Gu Qingliang had good intentions and didn't want Lin Guangtong to cause trouble and make everyone unable to get off the stage. However, Lin Guangtong seemed to have been touched by something disgusting. He punched Gu Qingliang and shouted: "You are fleeing to death, don't touch me." Master!"

"Shut up, you bastard!" Shang Lichang was going crazy and shouted at his grandsons: "Zifu, Zixiang, Zimao, Zisheng, take the one named Lin away from me."

It was too much. With so many guests present, Lin Guangtong dared to go crazy. He simply didn't take his Shang family seriously.

But Lin Guangtong was fierce. He actually grabbed the wine bottle, pointed at the grandsons of the Shang family and said, "What are you doing? I am the young master of the Lin family in Linhe Prefecture. If you dare to touch me, you will no longer want the shop in Linhe Prefecture." ?!”

After scolding the grandchildren of the Shang family, he looked at the shocked Gu Dashan and asked, "You are Gu Jinan's father, right? Since he doesn't answer, you, the father, will decide for him whether he wants to follow our Lin family or not." Get married?"

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