The Lin family looked down on the Shang family. Lin Guangtong doted on his concubines and destroyed his wife. He knew that he had beaten Shang Xiuyu, but the Lin family said they only beat her twice, so why were she still injured now?

What's the deal with the long scar on my belly?

Boss Shang's wife told Shang Yuanyuan that something was wrong with Shang Xiuyu, so she took the opportunity to bring Shang Xiuyu into the house with her maid, and asked the maid to hold her down and lift her clothes to see if she was injured.

"Eunuch, the Lin family are not human beings, they are all a bunch of beasts... Sister Yu doesn't have a piece of good meat on her body. Those two long scars were cut by Mrs. Lin with a knife. She said that Sister Yu is useless and left her in the Lin family. She has to teach her a lesson for having two grandsons, but those two grandsons were both killed by her concubine from the Lin family, how can she blame Sister Yu?!" Boss Shang's wife couldn't stop crying.

"What? Boss, wife, are you telling the truth?!" Shang Lichang never thought to his death that the Lin family could be so vicious.

Boss Shang's wife nodded: "It's absolutely true, the second brother and sister fainted from fright, and they are still lying in the house now."

Shang Laoer's daughter-in-law, Zhang, was Shang Xiuyu's biological mother. When she saw the injuries on her daughter's body, she couldn't even breathe and fainted directly.

After hearing this, Shang Laoer was also furious and fainted to the ground with a bang.


"Second uncle!"

Shang Zifu and Shang Zixiang rushed over to help Shang Laoer.

Shang Zixiang shouted to Dr. Wu: "Please come over quickly and save my father."

Doctor Wu hurried over and gave Shang Laoer a few injections to revive him.

After Shang Laoer woke up, he kept crying: "It's my fault. It's all my fault for wanting to climb a high tree. Now I've harmed Sister Yu... What should I do? There are still decades to go. How will Sister Yu live in the future?" "

Shang Xiucai said: "Of course I will sue the Lin family and ask the Yamen to make peace and take Sister Yu back to her parents' home."

"He, He Li?" Shang Laoer was shocked. He didn't want Shang Xiuyu to reconcile. When this married girl returned home with Li, where would the dignity of her family go?

Shang Xiucai was angry and knew that his cousin was indecisive, so he simply bypassed him and said to Shang Lichang: "Uncle, the Lin family mistreats Sister Yu like this. They don't regard our Shang family as in-laws at all. If our Shang family The married daughter of our family has been abused like this, and if we still endure it, others will only laugh at our Shang family for being weak and incompetent, and they will bully us even more in the future."

"Uncle, it involves the Shang family's reputation and integrity. We can't bear it. We must go to the Yamen to sue the Lin family and help Sister Yu and Li return home!"

Shang Lichang shed tears when he heard this. After a moment of silence, he said: "Sure, go to the Yamen and sue the Lin family!"

Really, really want to sue them?

Lin Su was frightened and quickly begged for mercy: "My in-laws, I can't go to the Yamen. We are in-laws. If anything happens, we can just settle it privately... Don't worry, the Lin family will treat Xiuyu well in the future and never let her be wronged again." .”

Then he shouted to Lin Guangtong: "Come here and apologize to your grandfather and father-in-law, and promise never to hit Xiuyu again!"

Lin Guangtong said: "You were the one who cut Shang Xiuyu's belly, why do you want me to apologize? Besides, I am from Linhe Prefecture, and the poor county government in Tianfu County does not dare to arrest me."

I don’t know how to repent, I don’t know how to repent!

Shang Li was in despair and had completely given up on Lin Guangtong. Wiping away his tears, he said, "Tie up the Lin family. Before it gets too late, let's go to the county government together and sue the Lin family to death!"

"Okay!" Shang Xiucai smiled, and immediately led people to tie up Lin Guangtong, gag his mouth so that he could stop talking nonsense, and then tied up Lin Sushi, even Lin Yueyun who fainted.

"Master, our family will also go together." Gu Jinan said: "The Lin family has slandered the innocence of our two sisters. They must admit their mistake."

The girl from his Gu family doesn’t bear the stigma!

Shang Xiucai: "Okay, let's go together."

Qin Gu Luotian was already familiar with the yamen, so he packed up everything in just two quarters of an hour, got into the car, and rushed to the county seat.

When Dou Shaodong's family heard that the Lin family dared to slander Gu Jinli's innocence, they almost wanted to kill someone... Damn it, the young marquis's real wife was also someone the Lin family could slander? If he doesn’t kill the Lin family, he won’t be called Dou Ke!

Dou Shaodong's family also got on the carriage and rushed to the county government office.

Luo Wu just went to work today when he encountered a case involving Gu Jinxiu's innocence. He was so angry that after Lin Su, mother and son got out of the car, he grabbed Lin Guangtong and beat him.

Dou Shaodong's family also went over to help.

Lin Guangtong screamed repeatedly, vomited blood, and was knocked unconscious.

But don't be afraid. Old Doctor Wu is here. He pricks a round of silver needles and drinks a bowl of medicine. Lin Guangtong wakes up: "It's okay. You can rest assured to take a beating. This little beast can survive at least three beatings." .”

Lin Guangtong almost fainted when he said this. He wanted to curse the Gu family, but his mouth was blocked and he could only scream.

"What the hell, you'll feel better later." Dou Shaodong's family stepped on Lin Guangtong's face, and after letting out their anger, they asked Luo Wu to drag Lin Guangtong into the Yamen.

County Magistrate Zheng heard that the Gu family and Shang family came to sue the officials together, and he came out to the court soon. He originally thought it was a small case, but after hearing the statement and asking the female jailer of the women's prison to see Shang Xiuyu's injuries, he was completely shocked. .

"What are you talking about? There are more than two wounds on the stomach, but multiple cuts on the same scar?" Magistrate Zheng was shocked. After living for half his life, he had only heard about Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the military. This kind of torture of using a knife on the wound again, this Lin Su family is too cruel.

The female jailer said: "Your Excellency, this is exactly the case. The two scars on Lin Shang's belly are both raised, and there are some new scars on the scars. They must be the same scars many times, repeatedly, and for many years. It was caused by cutting back.”

The female jailer is forty years old. She is a very strong woman and has seen many cases. But this matter about the Lin family is really disgusting. That Lin Shangshi even cried and begged her not to tell the truth, otherwise she would wait until she got back. If she leaves the Lin family, Lin Su will let her servants harm her!

She was stunned when she heard it. As a mother-in-law, she would say such shameless words to her daughter-in-law. What kind of vicious woman is she?

The female jailer did not hide it, but said what Lin Sushi threatened Shang Xiuyu.


Magistrate Zheng's face turned dark with anger, he pointed at Mrs. Lin Su and said, "Come on, I'll hold this vicious woman down and beat her hard!"

"Yes!" Luo Wu hated the Lin family so much that he took matters into his own hands and hit Lin Sushi hard and hard. Every blow made Lin Sushi hurt to the core.

Mrs. Lin Su cried and cried: "My lord, you are unjust. It's a lie. It was to scare Shang Xiuyu. The woman didn't let her servants harm her!"

Magistrate Zheng snorted coldly: "If you really let your servants ruin Lin Shangshi, it won't just be a beating."

Instead, he will be slaughtered by the Shang family!

Shang Lichang, Shang Laoer, and Mrs. Zhang couldn't stop crying. They really didn't expect the Lin family to be such beasts and treat Sister Yu like this.

Sister Yu, that girl is also stupid, why didn't she tell her family?

Shang Xiuyu wanted to say it at first, but Shang Laoer and Mrs. Zhang always said that the second bedroom was never as good as the big one. She was the best-married granddaughter in the family, so she had to control the Lin family so that they could have the second bedroom at home. Have face.

Shang Xiuyu has been enduring it for the sake of her second wife, and it has become a habit now. Even if Lin Su mistreats her, Lin Guangtong beats her, or the concubines bully her, she doesn't feel anything. She will be scared and tremble when she sees them. .

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