A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1414 The Lin family regrets

The Dong family's business is very big, and Mr. Dong is traveling between the north and the south. He spends most of his time on the road, so he got married late and had children late. He only had a daughter when he was twenty-eight this year. It hurt so much that he was afraid of himself. If the wife you remarry is unvirtuous, your daughter will be harmed.

After hearing about Shang Xiuyu, he felt fond of her and told Dong Dong's family: "This Shang family girl was still able to intercede for her after being abused by Lin Su in every possible way. It can be seen that she is a kind-hearted person. Marrying her will not harm her." There are benefits to Xiaofu.”

"And she is a strong-minded person with a clear mind. Even if she is afraid of being beaten by the Lin family, she can boldly stand up at critical moments and say that she wants to make peace with her."

"Such a woman is rare. It's not a loss to marry her."

Dong Dongjia told Shang Lichang exactly what his third brother said, and said: "My third brother said that he is almost thirty years old, has passed the impulsive age of lust, and only wants a wife who is virtuous and kind-hearted. There is no need to worry about getting criticized if you marry too soon, he is willing to wait two years before getting married, and hopes that the Shang family will not reject the marriage."

After hearing this, Shangli Chang hesitated.

It can be seen that this Third Master Dong is very sincere and does not dislike Sister Yu, but: "Second Master Dong is already twenty-eight and has only one daughter. If he wants to get married after two years, wouldn't it be a mistake to miss Third Master Dong?" Heir?"

Dong Dongjia smiled and said: "Shang Li, don't worry about this. My third brother said that it is difficult for him to have an heir in his life, so he will not force it. Besides, there are many people who only have children at the age of thirty, so there is no need to worry."

These were Mr. Dong's exact words. He really didn't mind this. Anyway, there were many nephews in the family, so the Dong family would not be extinct.

However, as the eldest brother of Dong Dong's family, he did not want to see his younger brother have no children, so he asked Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu said that although Shang Xiuyu had given birth to two children, she was easy to conceive. As long as she nursed her back to health for two years, it would not be difficult to have another child.

Only then did Dong Dong’s family agree to propose marriage.

Shang Xiucai advised: "Uncle, the Dong family is so sincere and has thought of everything. If uncle is not sure about his decision, he can think about it first and then reply to the Dong family."

Don’t say no too quickly.

Gu Jinan also said: "Yes, Grandpa Li, my family has been doing business with Dong Dong's family for several years. The Dong family has a good family tradition and can be trusted as a lifelong family."

Shang Lichang was moved and nodded: "Okay, I will discuss it with my family and get back to the Dong family after a while."

"Thank you, Mr. Shangli. The Dong family is waiting for good news." Dong Dong's family did not stay long, left the gift and left.

After they left, Shang Lichang told his family about the matter.

Shang Laoer and Zhang were extremely excited and shouted, "Dad, our family must agree to such a good marriage!"

Seeing that Shang Laoer and his wife wanted to send Sister Yu to the Dong family immediately, Shang Lichang cursed angrily: "What should I do? You two haven't learned enough lessons, have you? Calm down, otherwise you will Go back to the countryside and don’t even think about returning to Linhe Mansion!”

Shang Laoer and Mrs. Zhang were afraid and hurriedly sat down.

Mrs. Zhang wiped away her tears and said, "Dad, my daughter-in-law knows that she is wrong. She is not trying to use Sister Yu to gain a higher position this time. She thinks the Dong family is really good and doesn't want Sister Yu to miss it."

"Humph!" Shang Lizhang snorted, ignored her, and asked Mr. Shang and his wife for their opinions.

Mr. and Mrs. Shang thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Dad, the Dong family is sincere and this marriage is indeed a good one, but we need to ask Sister Yu first what she means... She is scared of being beaten by the Lin family, so she probably won't be happy to marry again, so first Ask her, if she is willing, let's talk about it, if not, let's not force her, we can raise her for the rest of her life."

After the news about Sister Yu spread, everyone felt sorry for Sister Yu and praised her for being kind-hearted and not holding grudges. The Shang family had a good reputation. Boss Shang felt that they should treat Sister Yu well no matter what.

"Hey, Boss is right." Chief Shang Li nodded and said, very satisfied with this eldest son, and said to Boss Shang's wife: "Boss, wife, go talk to Sister Yu about the Dong family. Ask Ask her what she means."

"Yes, father-in-law." Shang's eldest daughter-in-law went to see Shang Xiuyu and told her about the marriage proposal of Mr. Dong of the Dong family.

I originally thought that Shang Xiuyu would not dare to marry again. Unexpectedly, Shang Xiuyu agreed after thinking about it for two days.

Shang Xiuyu said: "I want to have a child. Since the Dong family is good, don't miss it...and if I get married, it will be a good thing for the family."

Otherwise, as time goes by, people from all over the country will laugh at the Shang family's divorced daughter.

Since she was born as a daughter of the Shang family and eats the food of the Shang family, she should think about her family.

After hearing this, Shang Lao's wife was surprised and happy. She cried while hugging Shang Xiuyu: "You are a good child, and you will definitely enjoy happiness in the future."

The marriage between the Dong family and the Shang family was settled in this way. The two families exchanged tokens and planned to get engaged after the year and wait two years before getting married.

After the incident spread, everyone was happy for Shang Xiuyu, but Lin Guangtong was almost angry to death.

"Bitch, bitch, I've seen that you are a prodigal a long time ago. How long have you dared to find a new man? Wait for me. When I get out, I won't let you go!" Lin Guangtong cursed in his heart. I feel sour and hateful, but I didn't expect Shang Xiuyu, a bitch, to actually climb a high branch.

That was the Dong family of Jinling, the family of a great merchant, with mountains of money.

He had also heard of Mr. Dong. He was a good person. In short, he was a person that his father would never meet.

Bang bang bang!

The cell leader of the Linhe government office banged on the cell door with a stick and shouted: "Lin, what are you shouting for? Shut up now. If you dare to yell again, I will drag you away and beat you again!"

Lin Guang, mother and son were sent back to Linhe Mansion, but his family had not given him the money to clear up the crime, so he was imprisoned. When he was given the money, he could go back.

But Master Lin didn't seem to know about this, and he just wouldn't give money to redeem him.

Lin Guangtong was a bully and was afraid of the strong. After being scolded by the cell leader, he immediately became honest.

The prison boss was disgusted by what he saw and spat at him: "Bah, you're a coward who only knows how to bully women."

Then he laughed and said: "How dare you despise Shang Xiuyu based on your virtue? Now that she has become lucky after leaving your Lin family, she has climbed into a rich family and will be the third wife. Look at you again, you are still like this bear, a useless person !”

Lin Guangtong's face turned red after being laughed at, and he hated Lin Su in his heart. If Lin Su had not gone too far, Shang Xiuyu would not have reconciled with him.

Speaking of which, Shang Xiuyu was actually very good-looking. He married her back then because she was beautiful, but now she was advantaged over other men.

When he thought about Shang Xiuyu being touched by another man and calling him husband, but that man was more capable than him, Lin Guangtong regretted it, and began to think of Shang Xiuyu, and wanted to go out as soon as possible and snatch Shang Xiuyu back.

What a pity he was dreaming!

But Mr. Lin regretted it even more than him.

Unexpectedly, the Shang family has such a good relationship, so the Gu family must know too many noble people.

If the Lin family had been kinder to Shang Xiuyu and kept her, the Lin family would now be able to rely on the Shang family to climb up to Dou Shaodong's family, Boss An, Dong Dong's family, and even the Ouyang family!

Thinking that his family had lost so many supporters all at once, Mr. Lin was so regretful that his intestines turned green. He cursed Lin Su and her son: "These two plagued bitches have really killed the Lin family. I'm not done with them!"

Sanlang and Xiaoyu will appear in the next chapter, followed by the plot of Dingo worshiping the sky, and then mostly the plot of the northwest. I'm sorry that this explosion didn't let everyone see a better plot. It will speed up the process and speed up the plot. Thank you for your support. Thank you┭┮﹏┭┮

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