A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1418 Passing through Yongtai Mansion again

"What, are there officials' ladies among those children?" Aunt Feng rolled her eyes, muttered, and then fainted completely.

The head guard saw Aunt Feng fainting and ignored her.

The case has been closed. Aunt Feng is a death row prisoner, and she will die when she dies.

The Lin Su family's mother and daughter and other concubines of the Lin family were also imprisoned in this prison. Many of them had been plotted by Aunt Feng. Seeing Aunt Feng fainted, everyone rushed over and slapped or kicked Aunt Feng several times.

Lin Yueyun didn't kick her. She hid in the corner of the cell and cried, calling to Gu Jinan: "Brother An, brother An, why don't you come to save me? I was put in prison because of you."

? ? ?

What she said was so inexplicable that if Gu Jinan heard it, he would definitely strangle her to death.

However, from the affairs of the Lin family and the Su family, apart from the Shang family, the Gu family has benefited the most.

Nowadays, many people are saying that the Gu family has great blessings and is blessed by God. Anyone who dares to take advantage of the Gu family will have their family destroyed by God.

The two brothers Gu Jinan and Cheng Geer took shopkeeper Feng to Tong'an Mansion to sue the officials and had a fifth-grade passer dismissed. The big guys brought it up again.

"It doesn't matter that Mr. Gu is a scholar, but he is brave and resourceful. No matter what your Jia Tongpian plans, he can still get rid of Jia Tongpian."

"The eldest son of the Gu family is very powerful, but the most powerful one is the second son of the Gu family. The younger man can speak since he was born. He can read at the age of one, write articles at the age of three, and now he can fly single-handedly at the age of five. After crossing the Huai River, I arrested Hu Dawen and dragged him directly to the court, asking Mr. Hu to testify against Jia Tongpan and Shopkeeper Feng to reverse his own defeat!"

Everyone who heard this was stunned and looked at the speaker like a madman: "Ah, what nonsense are you talking about? Which child can talk when he is born? And the Gu family Erlang is not five years old, he is nine years old Well, he's half an adult. He can't fly either. It was the servants of the Gu family who went to capture Hu Dawen. He was sitting in the carriage waiting for people to be brought to him. He was very comfortable. "

"However, Erlang Gu of the Gu family can speak to Hu Dawen at his age. He is also very powerful if he goes to testify against Jia Tongpan and Shopkeeper Feng in court."

In short, after this series of events, coupled with the intentional actions of the storytellers, the reputation of the Gu brothers has spread.

From now on, when Brother An goes to Beijing to take the exam and Brother Cheng is guarding the house, no one will dare to think about making a living for the Gu family.

After hearing Qiu Lang's report, Gu Jinan breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally done.

He sat down, spread out paper and picked up a pen to write a letter to Gu Jinli, telling her what happened at home.

After writing the main story, I also wrote about Brother Cheng playing around with treasures at home, as well as some interesting stories about Xiao Qining, Xiao Jiahui, Uncle Kan Liu and Aunt Hong's son.

After finishing writing, he packed the letter and handed it to Sawako: "Those who took it to Saburo, ask them to send it to Xiaoyu."

Then he asked: "Do you have any letters from Sanlang and Xiaoyu?"

Sawako smiled and said: "Young master, the letter from my boss and my second uncle arrived on the day of the eldest daughter's wedding. How can another letter come so soon? Just wait a little longer. You will definitely receive it around the Chinese New Year."

The second uncle still has people secretly, and he will send people to deliver letters along the way to avoid worrying about the family.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan nodded regretfully and said, "Go and deliver the letter."

After Sawazi left, he did not rest, but began to write a policy theory about the criminal law of Dachu... A few months ago, Ming'er gave him a copy of Mr. Feng's theory of criminal law. At that time, he said to Mr. Ouyang, After reading it, I will write a policy statement and submit it to Mr. Ouyang for review.

But things happened one after another at home, and he had no time to write. Now he wanted to write it out quickly and send it to Mr. Ouyang.

Ming'er is still here, staying in the town to spend the New Year with Mr. Ouyang. If she gives Mr. Ouyang some advice, she will definitely be able to see it.

I wonder what she will think after seeing it?

Is it the same as your own idea?

Gu Jinan was looking forward to it, and he started writing like a god, and he quickly wrote half a page of paper.

The official road to the northwest was bustling with activity. Soldiers from various southern prefectures gathered together and galloped along the official road.

But the soldiers were used to staying in the south and could not bear the severe cold in the north. Their armors were covered with ice, their legs and feet were frozen, their running speed slowed down, and their exposed hands were cracked by the cold, and blood flowed from them. It was really painful and itchy to come out of the gap on the cracked back of my hand.

However, the soldiers led by Qin Sanlang did not suffer from this. They used the Gu family's hand ointment, and their hands were only red but not cracked.

The officers from other military stations were very envious: "You, the officers from the Tianfu County Military Station, are blessed. Although your wife from a hundred households is ugly and smells like rotten eggs, she is a prosperous woman and can help her men. It’s not like the one in Yujiang County who only cries every day and doesn’t stop along the way. It feels like he’s mourning for us, which is very unlucky!”

With a bang, Mrs. Ji slapped her hand on the low table, glared at Gu Jinli, and said angrily: "It's all your fault! If you hadn't supported Qin Rufan and given him many benefits, I wouldn't have appeared so incompetent."

Gu Jinli chuckled: "Mother Ji Zhen, are you sick? Can you blame me?"

As he spoke, he took out a long silver needle, waved it in front of Ji Zhenniang, and said, "You want to be pricked again, don't you?"

"Ah, don't come over, I was wrong!" Ji Zhenniang was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Qing Hui.

Qing Hui was disgusted and pulled her out: "Why are you hiding? If our wife hadn't given you the injection, would your poison have been cleared so quickly? Our wife has been so kind to you, but you don't know how to be grateful, you... White-eyed wolf.”

Ji Zhenniang was very sharp when she scolded Xie Baihu, but she couldn't scold Gu Jinli and Qing Hui, so she could only cry silently.

After seeing that no one came to comfort her, she explained: "I'm angry that those soldiers praised you but scolded me."

Gu Jinli smiled and said shamelessly: "You also want to be praised? But take a look at yourself. Apart from being unruly and willful, do you have any other advantages? Just thank Baihu for doting on you. If you marry someone else The man has been beaten to death long ago.”

If you don't do anything serious day by day, you will only make trouble.

"You!" Ji Zhenniang was scolded again, and she started crying again in anger.

Gu Jinli annoyed her to death and warned: "Stop crying and get to work quickly. If you don't sew this quilt quickly, you will freeze to death at night."

The farther north it gets, the colder it gets. The quilts they brought earlier were not warm enough, so they went shopping on the way. However, soldiers from various prefectures gathered together, and it was difficult to buy ready-made quilts. They had to buy fabrics and cotton to make them themselves.

Ji Zhenniang has become more sensible recently. She stopped crying when she heard this and worked honestly.

When it got dark, we arrived at the inn outside Ming'an County and stopped to rest.

However, they were unable to stay at the inn this time, because the inn was occupied by Fan Tian, ​​the guard of Yongtai Prefecture, and the hundreds of households he led. They, the soldiers and their family members from other prefectures, could only pitch tents outside the inn for the night.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Mrs. Kuang came over to them and said, "General Fan's wife from Yongtai Prefecture is here with her, and she is at the inn. General Fan has a high official position, so we have to go see his wife and say a few words." Please say nice things so that the old lady won’t be angry, and General Fan will give our men some shoes to wear.”

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