Gu Jinli smiled and saluted her: "Greetings to the old lady, long blessings to the old lady. In reply to the old lady, this junior is Mrs. Gu, the wife of the Qin family."

"Yes, he knows the rules." Mrs. Fan was a little surprised. She heard that Gu was a refugee who fled famine, but judging from the rules and etiquette, they were decent and not vulgar.

Mrs. Fan raised her hand, thinking of asking Gu Jinli to come sit next to her and talk, as she did to others, but the stench that filled the tent made her give up the idea and quickly put her hand down.

Gu Jinli knew that Mrs. Fan disliked him, but he was not angry. He smiled and said: "Old madam, today the servants at home found some snake ointment roots. Grind them into juice and apply them on frostbite to relieve the itching. I brought some for you. Come on, please don’t dislike me, old lady, and accept this junior’s gift.”

After saying this, he looked at Er Qing and Xiao Ji, who immediately handed two bags of snake ointment roots to the maid next to Mrs. Fan.

Mrs. Fan saw this and nodded with satisfaction.

This Mrs. Gu is a good person, she is good at getting things done, and she is not stingy. The snake ointment she sent was packed in sacks, two sacks long, and her servants and soldiers could all share it.


Mrs. Fan looked at Gu Jinli, then at Erqing and Xiaoji, and asked, "Are these two maids the common roommates of Qin Baihu?"

After hearing this, Gu Jinli and the other three were all shocked. Xiao Ji hurriedly said: "No, that's not true. I'm just the lady's maid!"

Oh my god, my uncle is so scary, even one more look at him will scare him into nightmares. How could Mrs. Fan think that they are my uncle's first-in-law?

Besides, my uncle is not happy either.

My uncle likes his little boss very much. He will never take a concubine or raise a maid in his life. The Gu family will not allow his uncle to keep a maid. If he dares to have second thoughts, they will poison him to death!

Not to mention Er Qing, these Qings were trained by their master for his wife.

When training them, the master said that if they dared to have second thoughts about his wife, or have other inappropriate thoughts, they would be tortured to death.

"No?" Mrs. Fan frowned and said to Gu Jinli in a reproachful tone: "Then you, as a wife, really don't do your best... You only have one person, and there are always a few days every month when you can't take care of you, and you don't look good. If you don't look good, you have to find two people to take care of Qin Baihu, lest he go out to look for you and come back with illness, which will be bad for you."

Gu Jinli, hehe, I thank you for your eight generations of ancestors.

I gave you medicinal materials with good intentions, but you still want to destroy our relationship as husband and wife. We should live in the sea or in the sky. Your control is too lenient.

However, there are wider ones.

When Mrs. Fan saw that she was silent, she knew that she was unhappy, so she still said in a kind tone: "I am also here, and I know that you young wives are not happy to share a husband with other women, but you are the real wife. Yes, you have to show your magnanimity and not be stingy."

Then he pointed to Chun Zhi and another younger maid and said: "Since your maid is not the maid of the same house, I see that you don't have any extra maids around you. It just so happens that I have two maids here who are good-looking and good-tempered. You Just take it back and give it to Qin Baihu, no need to be polite to me."

You are welcome?

After hearing this, Gu Jinli almost sneered, old lady, you are indeed too rude.

"Chunzhi, Dongzhi, go and pay homage to your sister. From now on, you must listen to your sister Gu and serve Qin Baihu attentively, and give birth to more boys to carry on the Qin family's lineage." Mrs. Fan ignored Gu Jinli's cold face and asked Chunzhi Dongzhi went to visit Gu Jinli and asked the two maids to call her sister.

"Yes." Chun Zhi Dongzhi obediently stepped forward to see Gu Jinli, but Erqing and Xiaoji grabbed his arms and stopped him.

"Sister Gu?"

"Sister Gu?"

Chunzhi Dongzhi looked at Gu Jinli with tears in her eyes, then looked back at Mrs. Fan, choking and saying: "Old Madam."

He looked like he was being bullied by Gu Jinli and asked Mrs. Fan to make the decision.

Mrs. Fan's face turned grim, she stared at Gu Jinli and asked, "Ms. Gu, what do you mean? Do you think they are not worthy of being your sisters?"

Gu Jinli said rudely: "Old madam, you are right, they are slaves, and they are really not worthy of being a sister of my good status."

You gave my man a concubine when we first met. Why, you looked at me like a quail. Why do you, an old hen, tell me what I have to do?

Mrs. Fan didn't expect that Gu Jinli would say such words. She was so angry that she almost lost her breath. She pointed at Gu Jinli and said: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but I am here for your own good. You look like this, you are a man." Even if they don't want to touch you, if you don't find someone to take care of Qin Baihu quickly, he will go out to look for you."

Gu Jinli's expression remained unchanged and he replied: "Then let him find me. If he finds me, I will divorce my husband."

"Hive off?!" Mrs. Fan was shocked: "Ms. Gu, are you crazy? How could you say such treasonous words!"

Gu Jinli: "The old lady can stretch her hand so far, why can't I say such a thing? And what's so treacherous about this? Divorce, divorce, or living a harmonious and beautiful life are just our husband and wife's business. We can do whatever we want."

No need for outsiders to interfere.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Fan was furious. She didn't expect that a refugee from the Gu family would dare to talk to her, a fourth-grade lady, like this.

As expected of someone who escaped from famine, he is really vulgar and has no tutor!

"I'll ask you one last time, do you think I have the right to call you sister if I have two spring branches and two winter branches?" Mrs. Fan pretended to be Shangguan's mother, and threatened: "You have to think about it, this is a matter of great importance. The official career of Qin Baihu."

Gu Jinli smiled: "If Qin Sanlang's career needs to be maintained by two maids, then he can resign and go home to farm."

He glanced at Chunzhi Dongzhi again and said to Madam Fan, "If Madam wants to give Qin Sanlang a concubine, she should go and tell him in person, and he can accept her if he is willing to do so. I won't accept her anyway."

After saying that, he took Erqing and Xiaoji away.

Erqing and Xiaoji were also impressed. They brought back two bags of snake ointment roots, but they didn't leave any of them to the Fan family.

When Mrs. Fan saw this, she was so angry that she almost died. She pointed at their backs and cursed: "Sure enough, there are maids for every master. They are all a bunch of uneducated people, cough, cough, cough!"

He was so angry that he coughed violently.

Chunzhi and Dongzhi hurried over to help Mrs. Fan: "Madam, calm down, don't get angry because of a pariah who came to flee from poverty."

Mrs. Fan finally regained her breath after coughing for a while, patted the hands of Chunzhi and Dongzhi, and said, "You two still know how to behave, unlike Mrs. Gu, who is a bitch!"

After hearing this, Haruzhi knelt down and apologized with tears: "It's all my fault. The old lady was insulted by a refugee fleeing the disaster. I deserve death."

These words aroused Mrs. Fan's anger and said: "Get up quickly, this is not your fault. Don't worry, I will not let you be wronged, and I will definitely let Qin Baihu take you in!" "

Let that bitch Gu regret everything she did today.

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