After hearing this, Ding Changwu could only slap himself three times.

But Boss Bai was obviously dissatisfied. He looked at Uncle Dong and said, "Old Dong, the younger generation of you Ding family are getting worse and worse. Are you fooling me by slapping someone through a face towel?"

Uncle Dong immediately darkened his face and said to Ding Changwu: "Didn't you eat? Keep beating until Lord Ghost and Boss Bai are satisfied!"

"Uncle Dong!" Ding Changwu was shocked, but looking at Uncle Dong's darkened face and the silent master next to him, he could only raise his hand and slap himself in the face.

After being slapped for more than a dozen times and his face was swollen, the ghost master said: "You have gone far, come back."

After saying that, he turned the horse's head and ran away gracefully.

Boss Bai also left. Before leaving, he glanced at Ding Changwu and sneered mockingly, making Ding Changwu very angry.

But Ding Changwu couldn't kill Boss Bai with a knife, so he could only ask Uncle Dong: "Uncle Dong, I don't understand..."

"Go to hell if you don't understand!" Uncle Dong didn't have any respect for Ding Changwu. He even hit Ding Changwu several times with a riding crop and cursed: "Things who don't know how to look at eyes, now is the time to offend Boss Bai? He is a hundred The bandit leader of Jiuzhaigou in Langshan! The Ding family wants to annex more than three hundred households this time, but the more the better. If the number of annexed soldiers reaches a thousand, after arriving in the northwest, Ge Yeer can directly become Qian Hu, then he is not far away from becoming the general in charge of the main army!"

What time is it now?

Seeing that Da Chu was about to fall into chaos like the last years of the previous dynasty, the old man said that the Ding family needed soldiers to protect the family business, so Ding Ge had to be helped up, so he came to help.

The old man said, since you want to swallow troops, don't seize Sosou, swallow more, unite the people from Bailang Mountain and Jiuzhaigou, and swallow up half of the army heading west with Ding Ge.

Of course, you can't swallow them all. If you swallow them all, the fillings will be exposed.

After Uncle Dong scolded Ding Changwu, he said: "Be careful what you say and do. We have to rely on Boss Bai for help, so we can't offend him. And that ghost master, the Eagle Food Gang is standing behind him. After arriving in the northwest, our master Ge There are many places to rely on the Eagle Food Gang, and we can’t afford to offend them!”

After saying that, he cursed Ding Changwu and then rode away.

Ding Changwu was beaten, but he did not dare to get angry and followed Uncle Dong silently on horseback.

Bailang County is a large county, with a vast territory like a city. However, Bailang County is barren and has a small population, so it can only be established as a county.

The territory is mostly flat plains, but there are towering mountains and rivers on both sides. These mountains and rivers are collectively called Bailang Mountain. Not only wild beasts are rampant inside, but there are also many bandit villages hidden in it. It is a dangerous place well known to everyone in Bailang County. Generally no one dares to go into the mountains.

Therefore, caravans passing through Bailang County will leave as soon as possible and will not stay too long.

But Bailang County is too big, and the encounter with bandits was delayed for an hour today, so the army ran to the wilderness in the dark and still in the wilderness.

It was getting late when Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue met, so they had no choice but to choose a place to camp.

Many of the accompanying relatives were frightened by today's encounter with bandits. Not long after they stopped, they heard the cries of women and children.

"It's the relatives who were accompanying him who were frightened by the bandits and are crying." Daqing sent the news to Erqing, who said to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli said: "What happened today is indeed a bit scary. How are our relatives here? Are you not scared? How are Bu Ling, mother and son?"

They didn't have many relatives accompanying them, and the most timid ones were Bu Ling and her son, so she picked them up and asked.

Erqing said: "Madam, don't worry, their mother and son are fine. Although they heard about the Duijing Temple, they didn't look at it and were not scared... On the other hand, the child Bao Fukang looked at him sickly, but he was very timid. Big one, I heard from Niu Wujin that when he passed by Jingguan, he even raised the curtains of his car to take a look, which scared the people in the car and screamed."

Niu Wujin was smart and thick-skinned. After getting to know Bao Fukang, he not only came to sleep in the car at night, but also came to sit in the car with Niu Qijin and Niu Liujin in his arms during the day.

He was still a child, and Niu Qijin was even smaller and still needed someone to hold him. It was hard for the Gu family to kick them out, so they could only let him ride west together in the car.

But the Niu Hardware brothers are really thick-skinned. Today they even brought two children from the Niu family camp to sit together in the car.

Bao Fukang got angry and said he would break up with Niu Hardware!

Niu Wujin apologized and begged for mercy, saying that they had many relatives and children accompanying them, and just because their brother had a car to ride in, others would say unpleasant things.

His family was poor, so he could only come and ride in the car. He only took it once, and he only brought two more people with him, and he would not take any more.

Bao Fukang was almost furious after hearing this, and is still angry with Niu Wujin.

Seeing that Niu Wujin and the others were pitiful, Lao Bao's wife asked Aunt Xiong what she meant, and then she allowed the Niu Wujin brothers and the two children to stay in the car.

Gu Jinli heard this and said, "This Bao Fukang looks very simple. He doesn't look like a beggar."

Being smart, literate, good at doing things, and principled are not the qualities that an eight-year-old beggar can have.

Erqing asked: "Do you want someone to check?"

Gu Jinli said: "It's hard to check now that he's on the road, and he was picked up in He'an Mansion. I'll write a letter back and let my brother and the others check."

After hearing this, Erqing said no more and asked Sanqing to accompany Gu Jinli. She and Xiaoji went to prepare food for Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli explained: "No need to make anything too complicated, just take out the iron pot and heat up the food bought in Hu Mang County yesterday."

Bailang County is really a barren place. There are no woods or rivers in the place where we camp this time. We can only cook with the water and dry firewood we saved earlier.

Gu Jinli was afraid that there would not be enough water to drink and not enough dry firewood for heating, and he did not want to waste water and dry firewood on cooking.

"Hey, I know this." Er Qing responded, and the meal was ready in just over two quarters of time.

Qin Sanlang also came back. He took off his shoes and robe and went into the carriage to eat. He asked Gu Jinli, "Are you afraid?"

Today's beheadings in Beijing have frightened many people.

Gu Jinli smiled: "I have escaped famine, how can I still be afraid of this? Let's eat quickly."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang looked at her and saw that there was really no fear on her face. Then he felt relieved to eat and talked about the night watch: "There are many bandits in Bailang County. Deputy General Fang and Deputy General Xue I told you to increase the number of patrols. Every time two hundred households lead troops to patrol and keep watch together, Xie Cheng and I will keep watch for half the night, and Lu Chong and Liu Baihu will keep watch for the rest of the night."

Gu Jinli was shocked when he heard this: "Lu Chong and Liu Baihu are waiting for the rest of the night? One of them is useless and the other is indifferent. It's so dangerous in the middle of the night. If there are really bandits coming to attack, I'm afraid it will be over."

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this: "Liu Baihu still cherishes his life. He has no problem keeping watch for half the night."

Originally, it would be most suitable for him to stay with Xie Cheng or Niu Dabao for the rest of the night, but both he and Xie Cheng were worried about their wife and knew that it was dangerous in the middle of the night, so they wanted to come back to accompany her.

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