A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1460: Stealing Things

"Okay, sister-in-law, please take us there." After Qingpu accepted the money, he followed the woman with the medicinal materials and people.

The other women were stunned when they saw this, and glared fiercely at the woman who paid the Gu family's female doctor, complaining that she ruined their good deeds.

But this incident also let them know that the Gu family's advantages were not so easy to take advantage of, so they didn't dare to act recklessly again, so they quickly paid for the Gu family's female doctor to see the injury.

But there are only a few female doctors in the Gu family, and they can't even get money from anyone.

Some families have no choice but to go to the county town to ask for help from a doctor, or go to the hundreds of households in their military station for help.

Kuang looked at them from a distance and snorted: "That's it, these shrews can't be cured!"

As he was talking, he forgot that he was injured and bent down to hug Niu Qijin. As a result, he let out a cry of pain and jumped up. He froze and dared not move: "Hiss, it hurts me to death."

Gu Jinli supported her, slowly straightened her up, and explained: "Aunt Niu, the wound on your back is a bit long, it was stitched. It's best not to bend down too fast before the wound heals. Take your time, otherwise the wound will collapse and open."

"Sanlang's wife, please don't talk to me about stitches again. I was so frightened. Where did you learn this skill? It's too scary." Kuang thought of Gu Jinli holding a hook like a hook. The needle was used, and then the thread was used to sew up her back like a dress, and she was trembling with fear.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "What's so scary about this? It's just like sewing clothes. Moreover, the wound heals quickly after being sewn."

"Hey, stop talking, stop talking, I can't listen to this." Kuang held Niu Qijin's hand and scared him away: "I'll let those girls make a fire to cook. I ate it from yesterday's lunch I’m so hungry after just one meal, I’m almost starving to death.”

Gu Jinli nodded and found a suitable place for You Xi and the others to set up tents. He estimated that they would have to stay here for two days and it would be impossible without a tent.

After You Xi received the order, he immediately took his men and the Gu family's servants to set up tents.

Aunt Xiong and the soldiers' relatives buried pots to boil water for cooking.

Lin Tongshan's daughter-in-law Yang ran over and begged Gu Jinli: "Madam, Xiaocao suddenly has a fever, and her whole body is very hot. Please go over and check on Xiaocao."

Yang had always been timid and knew that Gu Jinli was very busy, so she didn't want to trouble Gu Jinli, but Xiaocao was burning so badly that she was afraid.

Lin Tongshan's family once stayed at Qin's house for one night, and they were all familiar with each other. After hearing this, Gu Jinli said, "You must be shocked. Let's go and have a look."

Then he told Erqing: "Go and tell Aunt Xiong to make a few pots of soup to calm the shock and give it to the younger children. Make a few more pots of medicine to remove the cold and share it with the big ones."

It was freezing cold, and everyone ran for their lives in panic all night. They breathed in a lot of cold air and had to drive away the cold, otherwise they would get sick.

"Hey." Erqing went to do it immediately.

Gu Jinli took Sanqing and Aunt Tao to see Lin Xiaocao.

"It's so hot." Gu Jinli touched Lin Xiaocao's forehead. It was hot. It was indeed very hot.

She immediately opened the medicine box and gave Lin Xiaocao some convenient antipyretic medicine to swallow. She also took out alcohol and rubbed the acupuncture points on her wrists and elbows to reduce the fever.

Three quarters of an hour later, Lin Xiaocao was no longer so hot and started to sweat.

Gu Jinli said: "It's almost done. After Aunt Xiong's hot water is boiled, you can give it to her to drink. One bowl will take half an hour to make her sweat more."

Ms. Yang cried with joy: "Thank you, madam, for saving our family again."

If it weren't for the protection of Madam's family, the three of them, mother and son, would have died last night.

And she also heard that last night, all the family members accompanying them from other military units were injured and killed, and some of the more miserable ones were killed on the spot by the impatient bandits. It was really terrible to ruin their innocence. .

"We are our own people, so there is no need to thank you. But the northwest is even more chaotic than here. You are the mother of two children. You have to be strong and be able to protect yourself and your children." Gu Jinli did not want the relatives of the soldiers. For those who are too weak, it is best if they are all shrews. Although shrews are sometimes unpleasant, they have the ability to protect themselves.

Mrs. Yang nodded: "Hey, I remembered it. I will definitely become more powerful and don't let Madam worry too much."

Five-year-old Lin Xiaoshi came in with a pot of hot water. When he heard this, he said: "Madam, don't worry, I have grown up and can protect my mother and sister."

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this. Seeing that he knew how to work, he praised him, which made Lin Xiaoshi extremely happy.

She took Lin Xiaocao's pulse and listened to the sound of his heart and lungs against Lin Xiaocao's heart. She did not write a prescription: "It's nothing serious, just take some convenient medicine."

After Gu Jinli saw Lin Xiaocao, he stood up and left, taking Aunt Tao and the others back to his carriage. Seeing that Ji Zhenniang had woken up and was crying, he drove her away rudely: "Why are you crying? Go back to your house." Let’s go to the carriage, this is my carriage, I’m so sleepy, I need to take a nap.”

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang cried even harder, pointed at her and cursed: "Gu Xiaoyu, you... wuwuwu, it hurts~"

When Ji Zhenniang was surrounded by bandits last night, she wanted to die to keep her innocence, so she bit her tongue. Now her tongue hurts so much that she can't even curse anyone.

Gu Jinli also threatened her: "Don't shout. If you shout too hard, your tongue will fall out."


After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang rolled her eyes in fright and almost fainted. After she came over, she grabbed Gu Jinli's arm and asked in a low voice: "Really?"

Gu Jinli wanted to laugh, but held it back, nodded again and again, and said seriously: "Of course it's true, so you'd better shut up and go back to your carriage honestly. Don't cry, don't yell, don't talk nonsense."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang felt desperate, but after thinking about it, she still risked her life and asked: "Thank you, Cheng, where are you~"

Why doesn't Xie Cheng come to see me?

Isn't he dead?

No, being a widow is miserable.

Gu Jinli: "Xie Cheng came to see you last night. He was so worried that he cried with worry. He even slapped himself twice and said that he didn't protect you well and wanted to kneel down and apologize to you. But he wanted to I went into the mountains to chase the bandit leader, so I couldn’t continue to guard you.”

real? !

Ji Zhenniang's eyes lit up, and her face was filled with an uncontrollable smile and a little pride. Hum, seeing that he cared about her so much, she would forgive him for not guarding her when she woke up.

"Why are you having so much fun? Get out of here, you've been occupying my carriage all night." Gu Jinli started to drive people away, while Ji Zhenniang got off the carriage and was sent back to Xie's carriage by Qing Hui.

Gu Jinli was finally able to get into her carriage and sleep for a while, but before she could fall asleep, she heard a loud noise: "What's going on? Erqing went and took a look."

"Yes." Erqing hurried to see it and came back more than a quarter of an hour later to report: "Madam, two groups of soldiers came here. They lived in the inn last night. They said they also helped kill the bandits last night. Come and share something."

Gu Jinli sneered when he heard this: "It turns out there were people at the inn last night. I thought it was not an inn but a graveyard, and there were corpses living in it."

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