After hearing this, Vice General Fang admired Qin Sanlang even more. This young man was really smart. He lived a sober life and did not make rash advances. He knew that when he made great achievements, he should keep his head down for a while.

Vice General Fang said: "Then which soldiers from He'an Prefecture do you want? Give me the list as soon as possible, and I will take it to the capital. As long as the adults in the capital's military department are accurate, the generals in the northwest cannot send your soldiers The soldiers are drawn away."

Even if you have the ability to swallow up troops, if you cannot defend it, you will most likely be deprived of your troops by a higher-ranking general, and you will end up with nothing.

"Thank you, sir. The general will give you the list of officers and soldiers no later than noon tomorrow." Qin Sanlang did not give Lieutenant General Fang the list immediately, because he wanted to discuss it with Xie Cheng and Niu Dabao.

However, after hearing this, the hundreds of households in other prefectures and the general bannermen of Yongtai Prefecture were relieved.

If Qin Sanlang had not extended his hand to He'an Mansion, they would have taken advantage of dividing their troops. He was very grateful to Qin Sanlang and treated him even better.

Therefore, when Vice General Fang said that he would give all the food, horses, weapons, livestock, and cars in the bandit village to Qin Sanlang, although the other hundred households and the general banner were envious, they were not jealous. They laughed and said: "Qin Bai Hu saved our lives and led us to make great achievements, so he deserves to get more things, this is what Qin Baihu deserves!"

Vice General Fang laughed after hearing this: "It's good if you think so."

After the banditry and massacre, the resistance armies in each government were more united than before.

Lieutenant General Fang looked at them and said sincerely: "We can survive this time not only thanks to Qin Baihu, but also because we finally gathered our troops and united. The Rong people are as cruel as evil spirits. You can only work together as one." Only through strength can you turn defeat into victory! Remember not to only care about your own personal interests. If everyone cares about his own interests, the end result will be the tragic death of the entire army!"

Vice General Fang's words made everyone present look serious.

Qin Sanlang took the lead in clasping his fists and saluting, and said: "General, remember, when we arrive in the northwest, we will definitely work together with you to defeat the Rong people!"

The other hundred households also clasped their fists and said something about working together as one.

Vice General Fang looked at them and nodded, somewhat pleased.

"Sir, is Ding Dong still alive?" Qin Sanlang asked. Although he severely injured Ding Dong and nailed him to the ground on the night of the bandit attack, he avoided the vital point. Ding Dong should have survived.

Lieutenant General Fang nodded: "Your doctor Dai is great and saved Ding Dong's life. What, do you want to see him?"

Qin Sanlang: "Well, I want to see him."

Seeing his bloodshot eyes, Vice General Fang originally wanted him to go back and rest as soon as possible, but since Qin Sanlang wanted to see Ding Dong, he naturally would not stop him: "Liu Baihu, go and bring Ding Dong."

"Hey." Liu Baihu responded, and it took more than two-quarters of an hour before he came back.

Vice General Fang was angry. When he saw Liu Baihu, he said, "Liu Baihu, why have you been gone for so long?!"

His tone was very unkind. Didn't you see that Qin Sanlang and the others were almost too sleepy to hold on? You've been there for so long, you don't have to go to the mountains to chase the bandit leader, and you just pick up something ready-made, don't you know how to feel sorry for people?

Liu Baihu was wronged and said: "Sir, it was Lu Chong who threatened to die and asked the general to bring him to see...Qin Baihu."

Then he looked at Qin Sanlang and said: "Qin Baihu, don't be angry. I don't want that villain Lu Chong to come to see you. But he hit the wall and his head was broken. Deputy General Fang still wants to escort him to the capital. He can't die." .”

Qin Sanlang said to the deputy general: "Sir, let Lu Chong come in."

Since Lu Chong wanted to see him, then he would see him. Could he still be afraid of Lu Chong?

"In that case, let's bring Lu Chong and Ding Dong in." Deputy General Fang spoke.

"Yes." Liu Baihu immediately escorted Ding Dong and Lu Chong in.

When Lu Chong saw Qin Sanlang, his eyes were about to burst, and he shouted angrily: "Qin Sanlang, you villain, why are you hiding your strength? You are harming me!"

If he had known that Qin Sanlang and the Gu family had so many powerful men hidden, he would not have been stupid enough to surround and kill the Gu family and end up with a complete defeat.

With a bang, Liu Baihu kicked Lu Chong, knocking him to his knees, and cursed: "Lu Chong, do you still want to show off? Most of the camp knows about Ding Ge and your wife. You know it yourself, but instead of following us to deal with Ding Ge, you instead took the Ding family's gold and helped the Ding family and the bandits deal with us. You still have the nerve to blame Qin Baihu. You are still a man!"

Although Liu Baihu's scolding was right, Lu Chong had reached such a point that he didn't care about face at all. Now he just wanted to find a reason for being framed to prove that he was not so incompetent.

"Shut up, you surnamed Liu, you are a traitor who betrayed me in battle, what qualifications do you have to speak against me?!" Lu Chong spat at Liu Baihu, turned around and cursed Qin Sanlang: "Surnamed Qin, you I won’t make it easy for you, you bastard who eats soft food and keeps secrets, and there is Gu family, then..."


Lu Chongzheng was scolding him happily, but was kicked over by Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang stared at Lu Chong with fierce murderous intent: "You have no future!"

He was defeated, but he still thought that he would not give him a chance to stand up in the future.

"Hong Dao, cut off his tongue and cripple his hands." Qin Sanlang ordered.

"Yes." Hong Dao immediately pulled out the knife, walked to Lu Chong in a few steps, removed his jaw with a click, and cut off his tongue. With a twist of his wrist, the knife cut open Lu Chong's hands and cut off Lu Chong's tendons. .

Qin Sanlang's order was too scary, and Hong Dao's movements were too fast. Only after Lu Chong was deposed did Vice General Fang and the others react, and their faces turned pale with fright: "Sanlang, this..."

Isn’t this bad for Lu Chong? After all, Lu Chong had been captured and considered a prisoner of war.

Qin Sanlang said: "Vice General Fang, Lu Chong is cunning and vengeful. After he arrives at the Ministry of War in the capital, he will most likely bite us back. We cannot let him die unjustly. Cut out his tongue and abolish it." His hands are safe enough to prevent him from talking nonsense or writing confessions that slander us."

"Qin Baihu is right!" Liu Baihu has a deep understanding of Lu Chong's insidiousness: "Just now in the county prison cell, Lu Chong threatened me with the fact that I was too close to Ding Ge. I will not tolerate him. After threatening him, he hit the wall and threatened him. Lu Chong is so good at retorting, we have to guard against him!"

After hearing this, Vice General Fang and others felt that Qin Sanlang had done the right thing.

Niu DaBao was so angry that he rushed over and hit Lu Chong with the handle of his knife, and cursed: "You heartless villain, why did Sanlang feel sorry for your sister Tang, and gave you Cen's ashes?" We brought it back, and you beast still wants to harm us! You are already a father. For the sake of your daughter and your parents and clan, can’t you just calm down? If you persist in persisting, you will only harm your entire clan!"

While they were waiting for Magistrate Qiu on the mountain, Sanlang listened to Xie Cheng's words and sent people to the wooden house at the foot of the mountain to burn Cen's body and bring the ashes back, intending to take them back to Lu Tang's hometown.

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