A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1608 Attack the city, die

"Steward Six, Shopkeeper Lu's illness is indeed very strange. I dare not not report it. Do you think you should send a doctor over to take a look?" Xu Da said to Steward Lei Liu.

Manager Lei Liu is a very powerless person in the main house of the Lei Family Caravan. He is responsible for managing servants and handymen, but he can also see Manager Lei and even Mrs. Gao.

After hearing this, I felt that this matter was a bit unusual: "Wait a minute, I'm going to see the chief manager and ask him for a doctor."

"Hey, thank you so much, Manager Six." Xu Da was very happy and took Xu San and Brother Lu to wait here in the courtyard.

Two quarters of an hour later, the sixth manager came directly with a doctor in his thirties: "This is Doctor Zhang. You can take him to Shopkeeper Lu for treatment."

Doctor Fang has superb medical skills and is very busy. He has no time to see Shopkeeper Lu. The reason why he can see Dr. Zhang is because Shopkeeper Lu has a strange disease.

"Thank you so much, Manager Six, and thank you Doctor Zhang!" After Brother Lu saluted and thanked them, he couldn't wait to pull Doctor Zhang away.

The sixth steward said: "Don't worry, we have prepared a mule cart for you at the back door."

Brother Lu was overjoyed and followed Xu Da out of the back door, got on the Lei family caravan's mule cart, and ran towards home. He soon arrived home: "Doctor Zhang, my second uncle is in the house, please go in and take a look. .”

"The doctor is here!" Mrs. Lu cried until her eyes were swollen. She took her two sons to meet Doctor Zhang and told him about shopkeeper Lu's condition.

Doctor Zhang frowned and asked, "You vomited blood? But you were beaten and suffered internal injuries?"

Madam Lu shook her head: "No, no one beat him. He was very afraid of death and never dared to offend powerful people outside. He just went to the government office the day before yesterday to find out the news, and was frightened by the murder of Tian Liuzi and the military affairs. .”

He cried again: "Doctor, please save him... He is the backbone of the family!"

Doctor Zhang nodded, carried the medicine box on his back, and went into the room to treat Shopkeeper Lu. But when he saw Shopkeeper Lu, he was startled... Shopkeeper Lu's upper abdomen was getting bigger and bigger. He obviously suffered internal injuries and was bleeding inside his body. Not only caused.

Doctor Zhang checked Shopkeeper Lu's pulse and found that his pulse was already very weak. He pressed his bulging upper abdomen with his hand. Shopkeeper Lu's mouth immediately burst into blood. He shook his head at Mrs. Lu: "I can't do it anymore. The injury is too serious. Prepare for the Hereafter.”

"What? God, I can't. Doctor, please save my boss, he can't die!" Madam Lu sat on the ground and cried loudly, but there was nothing Dr. Zhang could do. The bleeding inside his body was like this. How could he still survive? Can it be saved?

Brother Lu was very sad after hearing this, but he asked: "Doctor Zhang, how did my second uncle get this disease? My second uncle went out the day before yesterday. He was fine when he came back, but he fell ill the next night. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable, and I've been feeling like this since dawn today. You have to find out what the crux of the disease is, right? It can't be so unclear."

After hearing this, Doctor Zhang nodded happily: "You look young, but you are quite smart."

Madam Lu got angry and shouted at them: "What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and save my man!"

Doctor Zhang frowned but did not get angry. In order to find the cause of the disease, he examined Shopkeeper Lu carefully, but found nothing.

"...It looks like he was beaten, his internal organs were ruptured, and he was bleeding profusely, but he didn't have any bruises on his body. It's really strange."

If there were any external injuries, there were two red dots the size of sesame seeds on Shopkeeper Lu's wrist. Other than that, no injuries were found.

"Then why does my man behave like this?" Madam Lu asked, and urged: "Hurry up and give him an injection to save him!"

Doctor Zhang wanted to say that it was like this, and acupuncture was useless. Unless the stomach was opened, the blood inside was drained out, and the injured internal organs were sewn up, otherwise the acupuncture would be in vain.

But if a person's stomach is cut open, he won't survive.

Doctor Zhang finally spent more than a quarter of an hour giving Shopkeeper Lu a round of injections, and then gave Shopkeeper Lu a prescription to stop the bleeding, and said to Brother Lu: "Come with me back to the main house of the Lei Family Caravan to get some medicine. "

"Hey." Brother Lu followed, but shopkeeper Lu died before he could get the medicine back.

Mrs. Lu was distraught and cried loudly, blaming Shopkeeper Lu's death on Brother Lu: "It was all the quack doctors hired by that broom star who killed your father! That broom star must pay with his life!"

The two sons were so frightened that they dared not speak at all.

After hearing this, the Zhonghou family said, "My dear boss, Doctor Zhang is the doctor of the Lei family's caravan. How could he be a quack doctor?"

"Bah, you bastards, you think I don't know what your plans are? You want your Luohua to marry that broom star so that you can take over the Lu family's property, you are just dreaming!" Mrs. Lu pointed at Luohua and said: "Young lady, you are seducing your master just because you are pretty. Just wait, I will sell you to the building in a few days and make you a prostitute!"

Luohua was shocked. When had she ever hooked up with Brother Lu? He cried: "My master, my wife, please calm down, my servant is gone."

Madam Lu: "Bah, there would be ghosts if you didn't!"

When Brother Lu and Xu San came back, they saw Madam Lu going crazy.

After learning that Shopkeeper Lu had died, Brother Lu cried and said, "Auntie has misunderstood. I have no affair with Sister Luohua. My uncle has already made arrangements to propose marriage to me. He is talking about the girl from my aunt's family."

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu was furious. She pointed at Brother Lu and scolded: "Okay, I have known a long time ago that you are an immature white-eyed wolf, and you actually asked your aunt to marry you behind our back... you are a treacherous person. I'll report it to the police and accuse you of killing your second uncle!"

With a bang, Xu San kicked the door of the Lu family hall and cursed: "That's enough, you vicious woman. Shopkeeper Lu obviously died of illness. How could you wrongfully accuse Brother Lu? You want to kill Brother Lu." Son, can you take away Dafang’s property?!”

Madam Lu was stunned when her thoughts were exposed, and then started to cry loudly: "Hey, the head of the house, please get up and take a look. As soon as you left, your good nephew came with outsiders to bully our orphans and widows!"

Xu San smiled and pointed at Shopkeeper Lu's eldest son: "Your son is already sixteen, and he is two heads taller than Brother Lu. Who is bullying whom?!"

Then he warned: "Ms. Lu, I advise you to collect the body of Shopkeeper Lu quickly and organize the funeral. If you dare to wrongfully accuse Brother Lu like this again, I will ask the eldest brother to bring people from the Lei family caravan to beat you two to death." A son!"

Mrs. Lu's two most precious sons stopped crying immediately after hearing this and stared at Xu San fiercely: "How dare you!"

Xu San sneered: "Oh, what am I afraid of? Not only do I dare, but the Lei family caravan also dares to come and beat your son to death. You wrongfully accused Dr. Zhang of the Lei family caravan and killed shopkeeper Lu. You are slandering Lei." Do you really think the Lei family caravan can tolerate the matter with the Lei family caravan?”

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu didn't dare to make a fuss anymore. After sitting on the ground and crying for more than a quarter of an hour, she pointed at Brother Lu and said, "Go into the house and collect the body of your second uncle for burial!"

Although Shopkeeper Lu was not good to Brother Lu, Brother Lu suddenly lost a relative, but he still obediently went into the house to collect Shopkeeper Lu's body.

Xu San couldn't stand it and followed him to help.

I was just busy, and suddenly I felt a little tingling on my hands. I rolled up my sleeves and found two red spots on my hands.

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