A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1610 Attack the city and eliminate harm【2】

Mrs. Kuang was furious when she heard this. She almost couldn't help but hit Lin Erzuo's wife, pointed at her and cursed: "Erzuo's wife, what do you mean by this? Do you regret coming to the Northwest or blame us for not taking good care of you three?" ? You have to be conscientious when you speak? My hardware is also sick!"

Lin Erzuo's wife was pregnant and could not take care of her two sons, so Kuang asked Niu Wujin to take care of Daying and Erying, which was regarded as taking care of the children for Lin Erzuo's daughter-in-law.

But the hardware was all sick, and Lin Erzuo's wife still said this. For such a fierce person, Kuang's eyes were red with grievance.

Aunt Han pushed Lin Erzuo's daughter-in-law and scolded: "Erzuo's daughter-in-law, please don't know what's good and what's good. Madam Baihu treated you the best along the way. When she found out you were pregnant, she gave you all the benefits. You even licked your face and asked Mrs. Qin to borrow chicken soup for you to drink. Now that you are saying these nonsense, do you want to piss off Mrs. Baihu to death?!"

Lin Erzuo's wife also knew that she had been impulsive just now, so she said: "Madam, it was my fault... But you must save Daying and Erying. If they are gone, how can I explain to Erzuo?!"

Gu Jinli was leading people to treat Wu Jin in Kuang's house. They were so noisy that he rushed out of the house, banged a clay pot, pointed at Lin Erzuo's wife and said, "If you yell again, I will Throw you three out!"

Well, when everyone present heard this, they were all so scared that they lost their voices.

Mrs. Qin had just dealt with Xiao Ji, and they did not dare to offend her.

"Aunt Niu, quickly separate the people in the camp. Those who are sick or have been in contact with the sick stay in this yard. Everyone else should get out. Do you want to wait to get infected?" After Gu Jinli finished speaking, he entered again. house.

Aunt Tao had rarely cried since the disaster at Aunt Wu's house, but now she wiped away her tears and said regretfully: "If I had known that the three children might have contracted the disease, I would have stopped my wife from coming even if I died. .”

After Niu Wujin had an incident with Lin Daying and Lin Erying, Kuang was panicked and hurried over to ask for help.

The little boss heard from Mr. Kuang that the three of them were very ill and they were all children. He was afraid that a delay would cause them to die young, so he hurriedly brought Qingpu, Qingfenye Jingzi and Siqing over for treatment.

Who knew that the illness of the three children was too strange, and the symptoms could not be detected at all by checking the pulse... In the morning, the Lei family caravan sent people to inform them that many people in the city were suffering from strange diseases, and asked them to be careful.

"Mommy, don't talk about this. Hardware brings six and seven gold to Bao Fukang every day. If we really got the disease, we would have been infected a long time ago." Gu Jinli said, and then said: "Mom, take it. Hardware's clothes are torn off, Jingzi, check Hardware's hair, let's look carefully, I don't believe we can't find the cause."

You can't fall ill for no reason, there must be a reason.

"Hey." Grandma Tao started to take off Niu Wujin's shirt. Ye Jingzi untied Wujin's hair, pulled his head and looked at it to see if there were any wounds on his scalp.

However, they searched and found no wounds.

The only suspicious thing is a small red spot on the back of his neck.

The red spots were only about the size of sesame seeds. There was nothing strange about them except that the hair follicles were red and slightly swollen.

But Gu Jinli thought of Brother Yi from Zhang Baihu's family and said, "It looked like he was bitten by a poisonous insect. He was poisoned by the poisonous insect and fell ill... The night we met Zhang Baihu's family, Yi My brother was poisoned by poisonous insects, causing a high fever that won't go away."

Ye Jingzi said: "Madam, there are no signs of poisoning in Hardware's body, and there is no fever."

Gu Jinli frowned, thought for a while, and said, "First use the antidote, and then give the hardware a round of needles to see."

For now, we can only treat it as if it was bitten by a poisonous insect.

"Yes." Ye Jingzi opened the medicine box, took out the prepared antidote, and applied it to the red spot on the back of Hardware's neck.

Gu Jinli started to acupuncture the hardware... She knew how to acupuncture in her previous life, but the old doctor Wu couldn't trust her as a little girl and was afraid that she would stab someone to death. When he was in Dafeng Village, he would teach her every time he came to the workshop to make medicine. He also asked her to practice with Jingzi.

Ye Jingzi and Ye Dakou have been following Dr. Wu since they were young. It can be said that the siblings often try medicine and get acupuncture. Their physiques are somewhat different from ordinary people, and they often get acupuncture without any serious problems.

After Gu Jinli gave Wu Jin a round of injections, Wu Jin finally woke up.

But it was okay that he didn't wake up. As soon as he woke up, he grabbed his neck, opened his mouth and took a big breath.

However, even though he tried hard to breathe in, Wu Jin's face was still red from holding it in. He looked at Gu Jinli with tears in his eyes and said in a different tone: "I'm going to die~"

Aunt Tao quickly hugged him and comforted him: "Good boy, don't be afraid, you won't die, my wife will save you."

Gu Jinli also said: "Don't be afraid of hardware, and don't inhale in a hurry. Inhale slowly. As long as a person can inhale a little bit of air, even if he feels suffocated, he will not die."

She comforted Wu Jin, and then told him that Lin Daying and Lin Erying were sick, and she wanted his cooperation to find out the cause of the disease so that Daying and Erying could be cured.

Because the Niu family was poor, Kuang often told several Jin that they had to take good care of the children of the soldiers and not let anything happen to the children of the soldiers.

If a soldier's child, especially a son, has some shortcomings, those soldiers will rebel against his father. Not only will his family not be able to grow into a hundred households, but he will also be resented to death by the soldiers!

Therefore, several Jins are very sensible, and they often give the benefits to the children of soldiers even if they suffer losses.

The same goes for Hardware. When he heard that Lin Daying and Lin Erying were sick, he was scared to death and begged: "Sister-in-law Qin, save them...otherwise the Lin family will blame my family."

His mother asked him to take care of the two Yings, but he didn't take good care of them.

However, Lin Daying was one year younger than Wu Jin, and Wu Jin was also a child, so how could he take good care of them.

"Don't talk. Just listen to Sister-in-law Qin and just breathe in slowly." Seeing that Wu Jin couldn't breathe, Gu Jinli taught him how to breathe slowly.

After I finally learned the hardware, my breath calmed down.

But because his breathing speed was slow and he took in too little air, he was still very uncomfortable, as if someone had covered his mouth and nose, and he felt like he was about to suffocate to death.

"What did you go to play with the two Yings? But were you bitten by some mosquito? Or did you eat something messy?" Gu Jinli asked.

After hearing this, Niu Wujin thought about it carefully and said: "I haven't been bitten by insects...I roasted a few...sparrows two days ago~"

Niu Wujin can't breathe, and speaks very slowly. If he speaks quickly, he will feel even more uncomfortable if he can't supply his breath.

"Sparrow?" Gu Jinli frowned, looking at Niu Wujin's dying appearance, and thought of a case in his previous life... When his comrades were performing tasks outside, a leech accidentally crawled into the nasal cavity and adsorbed on the trachea, waiting for the leech to suck blood and turn into a leech. Later, she was suffocated and fainted.

Finally, he was sent to the hospital and underwent surgery to remove the leech from his trachea.

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