A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1619 Siege the City, Prescription [Thank you for your monthly votes]

General Liang and Magistrate Hao were moved when they heard this. They knew very well that if they could get the prescription for the insect attractant and donate it to the emperor in their name, not only would the two of them have a prosperous official career, but the two families would also be rewarded. and endless honor, leaving a mark in history from now on!

"Okay, I/I will go with you to see Mrs. Gao." Magistrate Hao and General Liang said almost at the same time, both of them a little impatient.

Lei Mao nodded: "Sure, let's go to the other courtyard now."

However, Lei Mao was smart and called Niu Dabao: "Niu Baihu's son has contracted vermin. He has led troops to guard the city here for a few days. Let him follow us back to the other courtyard to see his family."

Niu Dabao had a loud voice. As long as he and his soldiers shouted in a circle on the tower, everyone would know whose prescription the medicine came from. Magistrate Hao and General Liang couldn't hide it even if they wanted to.

General Liang frowned, not wanting Niu DaBao to go down to the tower. After all, Niu DaBao was good at leading troops, and it would be their loss to go down to the tower. But when Lei Mao spoke, he could only agree: "Go and call Niu Baihu and come with us to the other courtyard."

"Yes." The soldier immediately went to find Niu DaBao.

Niu DaBao was slightly injured while defending the city. After learning the news, he hurried over and asked, "What's going on? Is my hardware sick? Is he not dead?!"

Magistrate Hao was speechless. What kind of talk are you talking about? He's your own son, why can't you say something auspicious?

"The poisonous insects in the hardware have been taken out, Niu Baihu can rest assured." Lei Mao said, calling everyone down to the tower and rushed to the other courtyard.

However, he asked a brother from the caravan to ride a fast horse to the other courtyard and inform Gao Lei that the two adults had arrived, so that she could be prepared.

When the two adults arrive, I will have something to negotiate with them.

Peng Wen knew that someone in another hospital was suffering from poisonous insect disease, so he hurried back. He happened to meet the person who sent the news and took him to see Gao Lei.

After hearing this, Mrs. Gao Lei frowned and said to the maid: "Go and call Sanlang's wife."

"Hey." The maid immediately went to the medicine warehouse yard to find Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli was taking everyone to make insect attractant. Hearing this, he told Er Qing a few words and then took Aunt Tao and San Qing to see Gao Lei.

In the front yard, Peng Wen and the others were standing on the porch. The only guests in the hall were Gao Lei, Grandma Guizhi and another maid.

"Aunt Lei." After Gu Jinli entered, the maid closed the door of the living room.

Gao Lei didn't waste any time and directly told her what the two adults were coming to do: "The prescription of the insect attractant can bring great achievements. If the poisonous insect disease is really rampant in Dachu, can you Because there is no guarantee that the name of this prescription will go down in history. Now those two people are coming, what are your plans for the prescription? What benefits do you want in exchange for it? "

Seeing that Gu Jinli was stunned, he frowned and said, "Why, you haven't thought about this? What kind of brain do you have? How could you not think about it in advance?!"

You don't look stupid. You have such a big treasure in your hands. Why don't you think about it in advance?

Gu Jinli said: "This junior has thought about it a long time ago. He just wanted to discuss it with my brother Qin. Now I'm afraid I won't have the chance to ask his opinion."

Gao Lei was stunned when he heard it, and sighed: "I don't know where the Qin family boy is now, and you can't find anyone if you want to ask... Tell me, what do you want to do with this prescription?"

Another reminder: "You can't hide it anymore, you have to offer it up, otherwise your family, the Qin family, and even Dr. Wu's grandson will not end well."

"Junior knows." Gu Jinli thought for a while and finally said: "Junior wants to present this prescription to the emperor in the name of a soldier fighting against the enemy."

"What?!" Gao Lei was shocked. She did not expect that Gu Jinli would present the prescription to the emperor in the name of a soldier fighting against the enemy: "Have you thought about it? If the name is determined, your family will not get the reward."

Gu Jinli smiled: "The unity of the soldiers from the north and the south is the best reward."

If Brother Qin wants to defeat the Rong people, he must unite all the resistance soldiers, and if he presents the prescription in the name of the resistance soldiers, this honor will belong to all the resistance soldiers.

All soldiers who fight against the enemy, whether they are from the northwest army or those from the south, will be proud of this and will admire Brother Qin for this.

Another point……

"We are all not dead. Many people in Xing'an Mansion know that the prescription came from me. The Emperor is not a fool. He will definitely know it and will not treat my family and Brother Qin badly."

With such a great contribution to the treatment of all the people of Chu, even if the emperor found out that Brother Qin was the youngest son of the Marquis of Qin, he would not dare to kill him easily.

"Okay, okay." Gao Lei was very pleased: "Brother is right, you are indeed smart."

It looks like it is a free gift, asking for nothing, but in fact it is taking great benefits such as people's hearts and righteousness.

With people's hearts and righteousness, who would dare to look down on her in the future? Who in the army dares to suppress the Qin family boy? !

Gu Jinli smiled: "As long as Aunt Lei doesn't think I'm scheming."

Gao Lei said: "In this world, only those who are scheming can survive. Those who are not scheming will only be eaten to the bone. As long as you don't harm others with scheming, it's just self-protection. It's human nature."

"Old madam, the concierge announced that the two adults are at the door." Peng Wen stood at the foot of the steps and reminded through the door.

"I know, let them in." Gao Lei asked the maid to open the door.

Not long after, Lei Mao and Peng Wen brought the two adults in.

Niu Dabao also followed in. When he saw Gu Jinli, he quickly asked: "Sanlang's wife, are you ready for the hardware? Is your Aunt Niu sick?"

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Uncle Niu, don't worry, Aunt Niu is fine. The hardware is also recovered, and the few golds are not sick."

Although Niu Dabao may be considered rude, he is really kind to Kuang. Every time he will ask about Kuang's situation first before asking other questions, which puts Kuang's first priority.

Niu DaBao said: "It's okay, but I'm worried to death. I was afraid of hearing some bad news on the way here."

When General Liang saw Gu Jinli, he frowned with disgust in his heart and asked Gao Lei, "Mrs. Gao, there is a strange disease in this city. Why do you still bring people with abscesses on their faces? Get rid of them quickly, lest they Infected by her!"

Not only was it ugly, it also stunk so damn much that he almost vomited.

Listen to what Niu Dabao said, this ugly woman is just the daughter-in-law of a poor soldier in the south. She has no background, so she can be kicked out.

However, Gao Lei sneered: "General Liang, drive her out. Don't you want the insect attractant anymore?"

General Liang paused: "What does Mrs. Gao mean by this? What does this ugly woman have to do with insect attractants?"

Gao Lei didn't need to say anything, Niu Dabao said in a loud voice: "Do you still need to ask? The insect attractant must have been made by Sanlang's wife. Her family has a doctor. She also has medical skills and money, but Very powerful.”

After hearing this, General Liang looked at the abscesses on Gu Jinli's face. He closed his eyes, opened them again and said, "She knows medical skills, and there is a doctor at home, but she has abscesses on her face that cannot be cured."

Do you think I'm a fucking fool? !

Since you are so powerful, you should cure the abscess on your face.

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