A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1625 Attack the city and poison you all

"What do you mean? Have you cut off contact with the outside world?" Gu Jinli frowned and asked, "Then what was the news that Xinying brought last time?"

Doctor Lu said: "They say they are not willing to send troops to rescue. The people from the Eagle Food Gang are forcing them to send troops."

"Sure enough, they are a bunch of people who are afraid of death!" Gu Jinli cursed after hearing this: "Why are they so stupid? Don't you understand that if Xing'an Mansion cannot defend it, they will be the ones who die next?"

Doctor Lu sighed and was about to speak when a gong sounded again.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Every household, come and get the insect trapping medicine!" the government officials shouted, followed by the sound of people going out to collect the insect trapping medicine in the nearby streets.

Among them were sounds mixed with sad cries, curses, and calls for God's blessing.

Gu Jinli felt irritated when he heard this: "I beg you for nothing! It's better to ask God than to ask yourself."

Doctor Lu was stunned when he heard this: "Mrs. Qin, how could you..."

Gu Jinli looked at him with a strange expression, and said, "We country people all talk like this, and my little brother Qin has also scolded others."

"Little...Qin Baihu is a man and a soldier. It's okay to curse a few times when you're angry. But Mrs. Qin is a woman, so it's better not to use bad words." Doctor Lu thought of Aunt Yu, the Grandma's rules are very strict, and her skirt won't even move when she walks. If she sees Qin Gu, she will try her best to correct her rules: "Mrs. Qin, you are a young lady, this always requires Sven…”

"Doctor Lu, stop talking nonsense. I want to poison the Rong people and kill them before they attack the city. I need your help. Are you willing?" Gu Jinli saw that Er Qing had already After closing the back door, he told Dr. Lu what he thought.

Dr. Lu was shocked when he heard this and asked: "Poisoning the Rong people? But there are tens of thousands of Rong people outside the city. Do you have so much poison in your hands?"

He added: "Besides, this is a battle between two armies. If poison is used, I am afraid that the world will reviled it."


Gu Jinli sneered when he heard this, and asked: "Why do people scold us? If you want to scold us, you should scold the Rong people. It was the Rong people who harmed us with poison first, why can't we harm them back? Are we not born to accept anger?"

Dr. Lu was stunned, yes, why are they only detoxifying and removing the poison, but can't fight back the poison? !

Dr. Lu seemed to be enlightened and moved.

And in the past few days, he had seen the miserable situation of the people in the city. Every one of them was suffering from poisonous poisons. Although there were insect attractants, many people still died in the city.

"Okay, what do you want Mrs. Qin to do? Let me know, and I and I will help you desperately!" Dr. Lu raised his hand and swore.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "You don't have to be so serious. In fact, I have already thought of a plan. I just want to ask you for a group of believing wolves."

When the city was clearing out the Rong people, a group of Believing Wolves were cleared out. These Believing Wolves were all taken away by the people from the Eagle Food Gang. The Eagle Food Gang often went against the Rongshan Gang and the Rong people, so they knew the benefits of Believing Wolves. , so they will not kill the wolves, but will only capture and tame them alive.

As for the letter eagle, it is more precious than the letter wolf, and it should be kept to deliver messages. It would be a pity if it was shot by the soldiers.

Doctor Lu agreed: "Okay, if a group of believers can exchange the lives of a group of soldiers and mess up the soldiers outside the city, it will be worthwhile."

"Mrs. Qin? Where are you, Mrs. Qin?" Mother Guizhi's voice came from the archway in the distance.

Gao Lei suddenly didn't see Gu Jinli and was very worried. She quickly sent Sister Guizhi and others out to look for someone.

"It's me, I'm fine." Gu Jinli responded and said to Doctor Lu: "You should always follow me to see Aunt Lei. You have to tell her about poisoning to disrupt the army."

After saying that, he left with Erqing and Sanqing.

"Okay." Doctor Lu followed up.

"Mrs. Qin, it's not yet dawn, why did you come to this remote place? Go back to the courtyard quickly, the old lady is very worried about you." Seeing that Gu Jinli was fine, and there was a maid who knew how to fist and kick, Aunt Guizhi said, I feel relieved.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Aunt Lei is worried. Doctor Lu and I are about to go find her."

Looking for the old lady?


Aunt Guizhi murmured in her heart, but without asking any more questions, the group returned to the main courtyard.

Gu Jinli told him his plan.

After hearing this, Mrs. Gao Lei made a bang and slammed the table with excitement: "Okay! Sanlang's wife has a great idea. She should punish the soldiers like this and let these beasts also suffer from the poisonous insects!"

Dr. Lu was very happy when he saw that Gao Lei had agreed and was very excited. However, he thought of General Liang and Magistrate Hao and said, "They are officials of the imperial court. They care about official reputation. I'm afraid they won't agree to us easily." Use poison and poisonous insects to kill the Rong people."

"Do we still need their consent when we use our poison?" Gao Lei had a lot of objections to Magistrate Hao and General Liang, especially General Liang: "He can't defeat the soldiers and protect the people, so we are not allowed to deal with it ourselves. Rong people? If he doesn't agree, go and beat away the Rong people outside first."

Even when the soldiers under his command got poisonous diseases, they asked Sanlang's wife for life-saving medicine. Why should you blame them?

Gao Lei said: "Sanlang's wife, Doctor Lu, you go and prepare. Let me handle the matter of getting the wolf up to the tower and hanging down the city wall. General Liang will not dare to stop him even if he sees it."

"Hey!" Gu Jinli was happy. With Gao Lei's help, and Xinlang from the Eagle Food Gang sending poison and poisonous insects directly to the Rong army, she didn't believe that the poison could not kill them.

"I'll ask them to bring the Xinlang here." Doctor Lu left the courtyard and came back within half an hour, bringing three carriages with Xinlang inside.

Gu Jinli also prepared poisonous insects and poisons with Ye Jingzi, Qingpu Qingfennel and a few Qing.

When Gao Lei saw those poisonous insects, half of his body was numb: "... Sanlang's wife, when did you raise so many poisonous insects?"

It’s a shame you can keep it up!

Gu Jinli raised his head, grinned at her, and said, "It's not like I raised it. I just put the insect attractant in a bucket and left it outside. The poisonous insects crawled in by themselves, and then gave birth to so many insects."

Looking at the smile on her face, Gao Lei shivered and said, "Get out of the way quickly and let Siqing and the others pretend. Don't get involved."

Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare sleep in the same room with you!

"Okay, I won't touch you." Gu Jinli wanted it, and immediately stood up and got out of the way, but she was not idle. She took out the most powerful poison she had steamed, covered her mouth and nose with a towel, put on gloves, and poured the liquid poison into the powder. After filling, stir evenly with a wooden stick and put into small bamboo tubes.

Finally, it is plugged with a small cork.

The cork is specially made to be semi-loose. After Xinlang is hoisted down from the tower, if the wolf runs for a while, the cork will completely fall out, and the poison inside will be spread out, and the soldiers will smell it and be contaminated. die.

Poisonous insects also pretend to be like this.

Half an hour later, all the poisonous insects were packed and tied to Xinlang.

Gu Jinli: "Okay, you can always take me to the tower."

After hearing this, Gao Lei stood up immediately: "Little Peng Wen, let's go!"

"Hey." Peng Wen supported Gao Lei and led three carriages straight to the city tower. These three carriages were all filled with poison and poisonous insects.

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