A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1627 Attack the city, heavy casualties

Shoot the wolf?

The soldiers were shocked: "Master Witch Doctor, Xinlang is our partner, how can we shoot them?"

Bang bang bang!

Tu Zhang whipped the soldier who asked the question and shouted: "Are you a fool? Didn't you see that these wolves are here to deal with us? Shoot these beasts quickly, otherwise more warriors will die!"

Scout Qianhu rushed out and saw the trusting wolves running towards this direction. Many warriors fell in the place where they passed. He immediately said: "Listen to the great witch doctor, these trusting wolves have been tamed by the untouchables of Dachu." , are here to kill us, get on the crossbow and shoot these bitches!"

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately launched their crossbows, placed special long arrows, and shot at Xinlang.

Whoosh whoosh!

The long arrows fired by the strong crossbow are faster than lightning. It is believed that the wolves have been running rapidly, and even the strong crossbow has a hard time hitting them.

"Shoot again!" Tu Zhang was so anxious that he broke into cold sweat. Looking at the fallen warriors in the distance, he took out a packet of antidote powder and ate it. After moistening a cloth with water, he covered his mouth and nose.

There were too many fallen warriors, which showed how powerful the poison was, and he didn't want to die.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another batch of long arrows were shot out.


This time he shot a trusting wolf, which flew away and pinned him to the ground far away.


The dull horn sound sounded, and the soldiers on horseback held up flags and shouted: "The general has ordered, all warriors must gather and form a formation to stop the wolf. Anyone who dares to let the wolf cross his body and attack the general's camp will have his whole family sent to make medicine." !”

Rong people's witch doctors are very evil in making medicines and will add red meat, and these red meats usually come from Rong people who have made mistakes.

After hearing this, the soldiers immediately built a long human wall to surround Xinlang.


After the trust wolves were blocked, they bit the soldiers, and the poisons and poisonous insects tied to their bodies also fell off. After poisoning a group of soldiers to death, the poisonous insects also crawled around and crawled towards the body of the nearest soldier. .

"Ah - it's a rotten insect, help!"

The screams of the soldiers echoed through the entire camp.

"Archers, shoot them with rockets!" Lemuqin looked at the messy camp and listened to the screams of the warriors. Knowing that Xinlang had brought the rotworms, he could only reluctantly give the order to shoot them with rockets. Burn the warrior and the wolf to death.

"General!" A vanguard general from all directions changed his face when he heard that. Those were Dajong warriors, warriors blessed by the witch god. How could they be shot and killed by rockets fired by their own people?

Lemuqin's eyes were red with anger as he stared at him and said, "Instead of burning them to death, do you want all our warriors to be buried with them?"

"But this is our warrior! If he is killed without mistake, the Witch God will punish us!" The vanguard generals from all directions still couldn't bear it.

Lemuqin was furious when he heard this and shouted: "You can't feel sorry for them until the camp is settled. Now they must die! Set off rockets and shoot pine oil!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of rockets were shot out, followed by a burst of sharp arrows filled with pine oil.

Boom boom boom!

When the pine oil met the fire, it exploded completely and burned all the soldiers in that area.

Lemuqin rode forward a few meters and shouted at them: "Warriors, your opportunity to perform meritorious deeds has come. Hold the trust wolf and burn these beasts to death. After you die, the Witch God will personally welcome you to the sacred mountain. Your The family will also be rewarded by the Khan of Heaven, you are the bravest warriors in the entire Dharong!"

The soldiers had been burned by fire and had rotten insects burrowed into their bodies. They knew they would not survive. For the sake of their families and honor, they hugged Xinlang and burned to death together with Xinlang.

But the process of being burned to death was too long and painful, and the soldiers let out bursts of shrill screams.

The vanguard general from all directions said: "General, shoot them to death with arrows."

It was too painful to be burned alive like this.

But Lemuqin did not agree: "No, the trust wolf in their hands will escape after they die, and will continue to kill the warriors in the entire camp... Don't feel bad for them, this is their glory."

"But..." The vanguard generals from all directions still couldn't bear to witness it. Seeing that Lemuqin disagreed, he could only cover his ears and not listen to the screams of the warriors.

But in the other tents, the Dachu women who were tied up in the tents laughed loudly: "Dead, the soldiers and beasts finally got their comeuppance!"

"Hahaha, Sister Xian, what are you talking about? What kind of animal died? Our family is a rich family and we don't have to raise animals like farmers." A young woman with a good face said, looking at herself empty In his arms, he shouted anxiously: "Sister Xian, my sister Xian is missing. Please help me find Sister Xian. If I find it, I will give you one hundred taels of silver each. My family is very rich!"

The women in the tent shed tears when they looked at this woman... They were originally women from good families, but they were captured by the army and made slaves. As the soldiers went out to fight, they were raped day and night.

This young woman was originally a young lady from a wealthy family. Because her daughter was killed by the soldiers and she was abused by the soldiers, she couldn't bear the shock and went crazy. She searched for her daughter day by day.

"Isn't your sister Xian behind you? That's the one standing up." The women in the tent looked at the big wooden stake nailed behind the young woman and said.

The female slaves would have wooden stakes driven into their tents to tie the ropes that bound them.

"Ah, it is indeed my sister Xian." After hearing this, the young woman turned around and rubbed the big wooden stake behind her, singing a nursery rhyme and coaxing: "Sister Xian, go to sleep obediently. Your father will be back soon. Then give me Our sister Xian brings a beautiful satin skirt to wear."

The Rong people's camp was in chaos for more than an hour. It was only after daybreak that the camp settled down.

But there were corpses of soldiers everywhere outside the camp, all of them poisoned to death.

There were also many soldiers who had rotten insects burrowed into their bodies and were calling the witch doctor in horror, asking the witch doctor to kill them.

However, the great wizard only raised rot worms and improved their ability to reproduce and pierce the human body, but did not make an antidote. Tu Zhang looked at these soldiers and was helpless.

Lemuqin drew his sword and pointed it at him, his eyes red and said: "Go kill the insects for the warriors!"

Tu Zhang looked at him and said: "You know very well that these magical objects are used to deal with the untouchables of Dachu. If they are used to deal with the untouchables, why would the great wizard spend time making life-saving medicine for the untouchables."

This means that there is no cure for the poison of rot insects.

Lemuqin naturally knew, but: "Go and save them. At this time, you must do this!"

If the surviving warriors saw that Tu Zhang did not save the soldiers who were infected with rotten rot, they would not only feel chilled, but would also be afraid of the spread of rotten rot among the soldiers.

Tu Zhang frowned because he didn't want to touch the rot insects, but Lemuqin was right, he had to save the warriors at this time.

But he had a condition: "Set up a group of tents around the area, let all the warriors who have been burrowed into the body by the rotworms enter the tents, and drive away the other warriors who have not been harmed by the rotworms."

We can't let them see it, let alone discover that rotworm disease is actually incurable.

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