A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1629 Attack the city and pull people away

But now he has no helpers at all to rush into the enemy camp and capture the witch doctor to get the antidote.

"Doctor Lu, stop looking and go back quickly." Peng Wen greeted Dr. Lu and helped Gao Lei down the steps of the tower.

"Here we come." Doctor Lu sighed regretfully, followed quickly with the medicine box on his back, and said, "We should really send a group of people to the enemy camp to see if those witch doctors have the antidote for vermin."

Gao Lei said: "It is best if there is no cure, so that the Rong people can be taught a lesson."

Then he said loudly: "Even if the witch doctor has an antidote, we can't get it now. It's better to have no antidote and let everyone die together!"

Gao Lei's words were very violent, but at this moment, she wanted to let everyone know that only by being determined to die with the Rong people, could Xing'an Mansion have a chance of survival!

General Liang heard this, and originally wanted to blame Gao Lei for not being benevolent and using poison in the battle between the two armies, but now he has removed his scruples... Rather than being killed in humiliation by the Rong, it is better to be more ruthless and fight with the Rong. If everyone dies together, at least they can have some support so they don't die too cowardly.

"Mrs. Gao, the Rong camp was attacked?!" Magistrate Hao was so shocked when he got the news that he didn't even sit in the carriage and rode to the tower to see the situation. After meeting Gao Lei, he hurriedly asked.

Gao Lei nodded: "Yes, Xinlang poisoned him, we did it."

After that, he told the whole city how to defend the city with young men, and then passed Magistrate Hao and went down to the city tower.

"It's true, it's true!" Magistrate Hao said to himself, rushing up to the tower and looking at the Rong camp.

There was thick smoke billowing from the Rong camp in the distance, the soldiers were running fast, and the whole camp was in chaos.

"Okay, okay!" Magistrate Hao was very happy, but after he was happy, he couldn't help but frown, and said to General Liang: "I heard that poison was used. The two armies were fighting but poisoned people. We are afraid that the capital will A book of adult ginseng..."

General Liang waved his hand and interrupted Magistrate Hao: "Does Magistrate Hao want to sit back and wait for death, or does he want to be more ruthless and die with the Rong people?"

Magistrate Hao: "..."

I want to wait for reinforcements to come to rescue and live well, okay?

However, after so many days, the ghost of the reinforcements is nowhere to be seen. Magistrate Hao thought for a while and decided that it would be better to die with the Rong people. At least it wouldn't be too much of a loss.

If Xing'an Prefecture is lucky enough to be able to defend it, let's wait until the adults in the capital question them about the poison. They can't control it too much now.

Seeing that Magistrate Hao acquiesced, General Liang shouted to the deputy general: "Immediately send an order. All men over twelve years old in the city will come out to defend the city. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"Yes!" The deputy general personally took the order and took a group of soldiers to the city to handle this matter.

General Liang said to Magistrate Hao again: "We still need Magistrate Hao's help with this matter. Please Magistrate Hao quickly return to the city to make arrangements."

He added: "Many wealthy households in the city have guardians. Ask them to send guardians and adult male servants to guard the city. Otherwise, they will directly bring the masters and young masters from their mansions over."

Rich families have many nursing homes and servants, and these nursing servants can form a considerable team. The rich households must spit out these people.

Magistrate Hao nodded: "I understand... I would like to ask General Liang to pay more attention to the city tower. After being besieged for so many days, the Rong people are afraid that they will attack by force soon."

Having said this, I cursed the reinforcements in my heart again. How long has it been? How come the reinforcements from other prefectures and cities haven't arrived yet? !

Fortunately, the two vanguard armies of the Rong people did not gather together. It seemed that they and the soldiers of the Rong people were both in trouble, so it was considered even.

General Liang said: "The Rong camp is in chaos and Hoi An will be peaceful for a few days. Magistrate Hao can rest assured and go to the city to make arrangements for the war."

After hearing this, Magistrate Hao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in agreement, turned around and left.

After Magistrate Hao returned to the city, he immediately ordered the young men in the city to go up to the tower to resist the enemy. The government and military orders were issued, and the city immediately became noisy. The government officials and military officers were pulling people in from morning to night.

"Master, Master, here are ten taels of silver. If you take it, my family will have only one seedling. If we drag him to the tower to fight against the enemy, my family will be wiped out!"

"Old man Zhou, you only have one son, but you have two grandsons. The eldest is nine years old. How dare you say that you will never be the queen? Lin Wang, who lives next door, is a single son of two generations. He is not even happy to marry his wife. Go defend the city, and your family should have some respect!"

"And you, Old Man Zhou, are in your early fifties and are very agile. You also want to defend the city. Let's go!" The military master who came to pull people away took Old Man Zhou and all the Zhou family's sons away.

Then he said to the women of the Zhou family: "There will be patrols in the city by the Yamen, the Lei family, and the Feng family. If you encounter anything, go and ask for help. There are heavy laws in use in the city now. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be beheaded. You can rest assured."

The women of the Zhou family nodded in fright. Before Old Zhou and Boss Zhou could get far, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law slammed the door of their house.

No one came to pull people out of the two villas where the relatives lived, but the streets where they were located were also noisy, with people in the same street and neighboring streets all pulling people in.

The younger children, Sister Yu and Brother Yi, were so noisy that they couldn't sleep. They were so scared that their eyes were red, but they didn't dare to cry.

Mrs. Han looked distressed and brought her two children over to ask for medicine: "Brother and sister Qin, do you have any soothing medicine for the children? My sister-in-law wants to ask you for some to give to Sister Yu and the others."

"I've met Aunt Qin~" Sister Yu and Brother Yi saluted Gu Jinli and said hello. The two little guys had lost a lot of weight. It can be seen that the two children were frightened during the siege of the city.

"Be good." Gu Jinli said with a smile, taking out a box and giving it to Han: "This is specially made for children. It won't hurt them, but it's just a weak medicine. I'm afraid that if they sleep too hard, something bad will happen. run."

Han breathed a sigh of relief and took the box, but did not take out all the pills inside. He only took a dozen pills: "We have quite a few children accompanying us. Let Six Gold and Seven Gold take the rest."

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this: "Sister-in-law, take them all. We still have this kind of tranquilizer, so we won't be short of children from other camps."

Six Gold and Seven Gold were bold and broad-minded. They were quite happy to hear the commotion in the streets in the middle of the night. They didn't mean to be frightened at all. They even wanted to sneak out to watch the fun, but were caught by Bao Fukang.

Bao Fukang is close to Wu Jin. Recently, he has been helping Wu Jin with his younger brothers, but he has been tortured a lot by Six Gold and Seven Gold. Old Bao's wife secretly told her several times about Bao Fukang's helplessness, and she could hear it. Still find it interesting.

After hearing this, Mr. Han thought that there were several children among the accompanying relatives, so she took a box of tranquilizers.

Gu Jinli saw the sadness on her eyebrows, the circles under her eyes, and her face was quite haggard. He advised: "Sister-in-law Zhang, don't think too much. I still have some poison. Our yards are next to each other. If the city is destroyed, I can lead you out!"

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