Zhang Yan knew that this was the end of the matter of asking for reinforcements. There would be no benefit in continuing the stalemate: "Let's go!"

Rush to Xing'an Mansion as soon as possible. Even if the city is destroyed, he can save his wife, children and relatives from being harmed by the army.

"That's right." Vice General Ma smiled and took the token to order troops. Because he was one of General Xu's confidants and felt sorry for Zhang Yan and the others, the five thousand soldiers and horses he ordered were regarded as elite soldiers. After gathering for a lecture, they immediately rushed to Xing'an Prefecture.

But as soon as he entered the territory of Xing'an Prefecture, Lieutenant General Ma regretted it. Every place he passed was destroyed by soldiers. Not a single village, village, town, or county seat was intact.

What Zhang Yan said is true, there is no exaggeration. The soldiers may not be feinting this time, but want to capture Long'an Prefecture and Xing'an Prefecture at the same time, or even... want to capture the entire northwest and open up the main route to invade the Central Plains!

"Scout!" Vice General Ma immediately called the scout flag and ordered: "Immediately send the scouts back to report to General Xu. The Rong people are going to attack the towns and counties along the way very hard this time. I am afraid that if they are serious, they may swallow two at the same time." Zuofu City, even the entire northwest!"

He added: "If possible, please ask the general to send reinforcements to Xing'an Prefecture to join us."

Everything seen on the road shows how ferocious the soldiers heading to Xing'an Prefecture are. These five thousand soldiers and horses may not be enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

"Yes!" The scout general did not dare to delay and immediately sent two groups of six scouts back to report to General Xu.

This place is very close to Long'an Mansion. The scouts were galloping fast. They arrived at Long'an Mansion overnight and delivered the news to General Xu.

After Xu You looked at it, he frowned, and his injured waist and abdomen began to hurt a little... Sure enough, what was supposed to come had come. This time, the Rong people were afraid that they were really going to step into the Central Plains and seize the power of their ancestors!

"Just tell Lieutenant General Ma and let him come back alive." Xu You finally said these ruthless words.

Since he already knew that the Rong people would attack Dachu in a large scale and occupy the entire northwest, he would not send more reinforcements to Xing'an Prefecture and would have to keep troops to guard Long'an Prefecture.

As long as Long'an Prefecture is defended, he will ask the capital to send troops to engage in a two-sided attack with the capital's soldiers and horses to take back Xing'an Prefecture, which was occupied by the Rong.

But Xu You didn't know that what was waiting for him next was not only the main army of the Rong people, but also the terrifying rot insects!

"...Yes." The scout was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded, got up and left, going back to report to Vice General Ma.

In the previous attack on Rong, countless people died in the three prefectures in front of them. All the people in the cities were massacred. Now that Xing'an Prefecture is added to the list, what is there to be shocked about?

The scouts were used to life and death, and were used to being besieged and asking for help but not waiting for reinforcements until their death, so they didn't speak much for the people of Xing'an Prefecture.

The scouts caught up with Lieutenant General Ma and his companions on the night of the third day, and quietly told Lieutenant General Ma what General Xu had said.

After hearing this, Vice General Ma felt sorry and could not blame General Xu. As for Zhang Yan, he said to him: "Our troops are limited and General Xu cannot send more troops to us."

Zhang Yan had known this would happen for a long time. Now he no longer counted on General Xu's reinforcements. He just begged: "Please ask Vice General Ma to speed up the march and get to Xing'an Prefecture as soon as possible."

No matter what, he had to rush to save Sese, mother and son.

Vice General Ma agreed: "Don't worry, brothers will definitely rush to Xing'an Mansion with all their strength."

Lieutenant General Ma kept his promise and only allowed the reinforcements to rest for three hours before sounding the gong and setting off, marching quickly towards Xing'an Prefecture.

But before Zhang Yan and the others arrived at Xing'an Prefecture, the Rong people began to attack Xing'an Prefecture.

After the Rong camp was plagued by rotten bugs and poison, Lemuqin wanted to kill all the Chu people, but he was afraid of the power of the poison that night, so he waited for five days for Tu Zhang to make an antidote. Let’s talk about it later.

However, five days later, Tu Zhang didn't even know what ingredients the poison was made from that night, let alone making an antidote.

And those soldiers who had been burrowed into their bodies by rotworms also began to get sick. Many soldiers' bellies swelled and they were constantly vomiting blood, with newly born rotworms in their blood.

What's even more frightening is that the stomachs of many soldiers were directly burst...

Lemuqin witnessed the tragic situation of the soldiers with his own eyes. He was extremely sad and finally couldn't bear it anymore. When there was still a vanguard army that had not arrived, he ordered: "All warriors must gather and attack the city in the early hours of tonight. We will break it within an hour." Xing'an Mansion, before dawn, I will slaughter all the men in Xing'an Mansion!"

As for the women, of course they were kept as slave girls.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The soldiers finally waited for the official order to attack the city, and they were so excited that they howled like wolves. Thinking of the Dachu woman's body, they couldn't wait any longer and immediately wanted to attack Xing'an Mansion.

Da Rong women have strong bodies and rough skin, which cannot be compared with Da Chu women. Although they don't like the mixed-race children born by Da Chu women, they love the bodies of Da Chu women so much that they would like to be tied to the back of a horse and carry them with them. They go to the battlefield.

However, Jindu felt that if they attacked Xing'an Prefecture without an antidote, they would probably lose many warriors, and since the vanguard army led by Hu Helu had not arrived yet, they must have encountered some powerful person.

If they attack the city and the powerful soldiers and horses blocking Huhru suddenly come and attack them from both sides, their situation will be very bad.

But Lemuqin was so furious now that he couldn't listen to what Jindu said. Jindu didn't dare to say anything and could only suggest: "General, there must be experts who can make poisons in Xing'an Prefecture. In order to prevent the untouchables of Dachu from coming again." Give us poison. Before we attack the city, we should use crossbows to project a batch of powerful poison into the city, and first poison the Da Chu soldiers on the tower."

"Okay! Jindu, I am indeed right about you. You are the most helpful at the critical moment." Le Muqin was overjoyed and hurriedly called Tu Zhang and ordered: "Before midnight tonight, we must make something I am going to use the most poisonous poison to kill the bastards on the city tower!"

To this request, Tu Zhang naturally agreed happily: "Don't worry, General, I will definitely make a poison that satisfies you before dawn."

Tu Zhang immediately rushed to make poison.

But time was limited and medicinal materials were limited, so he was not able to make a poison that was too powerful.

After dark, the soldiers had assembled.

Before setting off to attack the city, Lemuqin ordered people to pour pine oil and set fire to the soldiers who were still alive after being harmed by rotten insects, as well as their tents.

In the blazing fire, the screams of the soldiers echoed throughout the countryside. Lemuqin pointed to the burning tent and said to the soldiers: "Warriors of the Witch God, do you hear this? Our brothers will be in such pain. They were killed by the untouchables of Dachu! The untouchables of Dachu deserve to die! Attack Xing'an Prefecture and avenge our brothers!"

"Break Xing'an Prefecture and avenge our brothers!" the soldiers howled, hating the untouchables of Dachu even more.

But they never thought about it. It was obviously them who attacked Xing'an Prefecture first and put poisonous insects into Xing'an Prefecture, and then Xing'an Prefecture counterattacked.

But no matter what, it is the fault of the untouchables in Dachu. They are the people of the Witch God and can never be wrong!


The dull sound of horns sounded again, and tens of thousands of soldiers immediately rushed toward Xing'an Mansion.

Tu Zhang led the witch doctors on horseback and followed the crossbow chariot. When they arrived at Xing'an Prefecture, they immediately used the crossbow to throw poison into Xing'an Prefecture and poison the untouchables of Dachu.

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